College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
机械设计制造及其自动化(含智能制造实验班) Mechanical Design, Manufacturing & Automation (Including Experimental Class of Intelligent Manufacturing) 车辆工程(含智能网联汽车实验班) Vehicle Engineering(Including Experimental Class of Intelligent Connected Vehicle) 工业工程 Industrial Engineering 工程力学(含力学实验班) Engineering Mechanics(Including Experimental Class of Engineering Mechanics) 能源与动力工程 Energy and Power Engineering 智能制造工程 Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering
1. 工程知识:具备扎实的机械工程学科基础理论与专业知识。
2. 综合素养:具备良好人文科学素养,视野开阔、德才兼备。
3. 工程能力:具备在机械工程及其相关领域从事教学科研、工程设计、生产制造、科技开发、生产组织与经营管理等工作的能力。
4. 发展潜能:具备良好创新思维能力和适应发展潜能。
1. 工程知识:掌握数学、自然科学、工程基础知识和机械工程专业知识,并能用于解决复杂机械工程问题。
2. 问题表达:能够应用数学、自然科学和机械工程学科的基本原理并通过文献研究对复杂机械工程问题进行识别、表达和分析,以获得有效结论。
3. 设计/开发:能够在考虑安全与健康、法律法规与相关标准以及经济、环境、文化、社会等制约因素的前提下,针对复杂机械工程问题,设计/开发满足特定需求的机械系统、部件(单元)或工艺流程,并在设计中体现创新。
4. 研究分析:能够基于相关科学原理并采用合适科学方法针对复杂机械工程问题进行研究分析,包括设计与开展实验、分析与解释实验数据、通过信息综合得到合理有效的结论。
5. 工具使用:能够针对复杂机械工程问题,开发、选择与使用恰当的技术、资源、现代工程工具和信息技术工具,包括对复杂机械工程问题的预测与模拟,并能够理解其局限性。
6. 工程与社会:能够基于机械工程相关背景知识的分析,正确评价机械工程实践活动对社会、健康、安全、法律和文化的影响,并理解应承担的责任。
7. 环境与可持续发展:了解环境保护、可持续发展方面的政策、法律法规以及行业安全规范,能够理解和正确评价针对复杂机械工程问题的工程实践对环境、可持续发展的影响。
8. 职业规范:树立社会主义核心价值观,具有人文素养、科学精神、社会责任感,能够在工程实践中理解并遵守工程职业道德与规范,并履行责任。
9. 个人与团队:能够在多学科背景下的团队中承担个体、团队成员以及负责人的角色,具有团队合作精神。
10. 沟通与交流:能够就复杂机械工程问题与业界同行和社会公众进行有效沟通和交流,包括撰写报告和设计文稿、陈述发言、清晰表达或回应指令,具有良好的国际视野,能够在跨文化背景下进行沟通和交流。
11. 项目管理:能够理解并掌握工程管理原理与经济决策方法,并能够在多学科环境中应用。
12. 终身学习:了解机械工程学科的前沿发展现状和趋势,具有自主学习和终身学习的意识,具备不断学习和适应发展的能力。
12.1 能够认识自主学习的重要性,具备自主学习和终身学习的意识;
“培养目标-毕业要求” 矩阵表
毕业要求 培养目标 |
1 工程知识 |
2 问题表达 |
3 设计/ 开发 |
4 研究分析 |
5 工具使用 |
6 工程与 社会 |
7 环境和可持续发展 |
8 职业规范 |
9 个人与 团队 |
10 沟通与 交流 |
11 项目管理 |
12 终身学习 |
1. 工程知识:具备扎实的机械工程学科基础理论与专业知识。 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
2. 综合素养:具备良好人文科学素养,视野开阔、德才兼备。 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
3. 工程能力:具备在机械工程及其相关领域从事教学科研、工程设计、生产制造、科技开发、生产组织与经营管理等工作的能力。 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
4. 发展潜能:具备良好创新思维能力和适应发展潜能。 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
1. 本科基本学制4年,弹性学习年限3-6年,按照学分制度管理。
2. 机械设计制造及其自动化专业学生毕业最低学分数为172学分,其中各类别课程及环节要求学分数如下表:
课程类别 |
通识必修 |
学门核心 |
学类核心 |
专业核心 |
个性培养 |
通识选修 |
实践环节 |
合计 |
学分数 |
34 |
26 |
33 |
17 |
18 |
8 |
36 |
172 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
GE01150 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
3 |
GE01174 |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
2 |
GE01152 |
思想道德修养与法律基础 |
3 |
GE01155(-162) |
形势与政策 |
2 |
GE01153 |
中国近现代史纲要 |
3 |
GE01154 |
马克思主义基本原理 |
3 |
GE01151 |
思政实践 |
2 |
GE01012(-015) |
大学英语 |
8 |
实行弹性学分、动态分层、模块课程教学,总学分为8学分,设置4、6、8三级学分基本要求,不足学分可以通过相关外语水平等级测试或外语学科竞赛成绩获取。 |
GE01163 |
计算与人工智能概论 |
4 |
GE01089(-092) |
体育 |
4 |
合 计 |
34 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
GE03025(-026) |
高等数学A |
10 |
GE03003 |
线性代数A |
3 |
GE03004 |
概率论与数理统计A |
3 |
GE03005(-006) |
普通物理A |
6 |
GE03007(-008) |
普通物理实验A |
2 |
ME03001 |
工程化学 |
2 |
合 计 |
26 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
ME06078 |
机械工程导论 |
1 |
ME04017 ME04002 |
机械工程图学 |
5 |
ME04019 |
工程材料 |
2 |
ME04033 |
理论力学B |
3.5 |
ME04034 |
材料力学B |
3.5 |
ME04022 |
流体力学 |
2 |
ME04035 |
热工学基础 |
2 |
ME04036 |
机械原理 |
3.5 |
ME04037 |
机械设计 |
3.5 |
GE02059 |
电工电子学 |
3 |
ME04027 |
控制工程基础 |
2 |
ME06024 |
工程中的数值方法 |
2 |
合 计 |
33 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
ME05033 |
机械制造技术 |
4 |
ME05034 |
机械制造装备 |
3 |
ME05035 |
互换性与测量技术基础 |
2 |
ME05054 |
液压与气压传动 |
2 |
ME05055 |
微控制器原理及应用 |
2 |
ME05056 |
智能传感与测试技术 |
2 |
ME05042 |
生产管理学 |
2 |
合 计 |
17 |
类别 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
公共 选修 课程 |
ME06079 |
机械振动学 |
2 |
ME07007 |
成本控制 |
2 |
ME05043 |
基础工业工程 |
2 |
ME05044 |
系统工程 |
2 |
ME06055 |
机械专业英语 |
2 |
制造 技术 方向 |
ME06161 |
智能制造概论 |
2 |
ME06084 |
精密与超精密加工 |
2 |
ME06043 |
金属塑性成形原理 |
2 |
ME06085 |
模具设计与制造工艺 |
2 |
ME06086 |
先进刀具设计与制造 |
2 |
ME06050 |
特种加工技术 |
2 |
ME07018 |
机械CAM技术 |
2 |
ME06163 |
高效磨削传热理论与工艺装备(双语) |
2 |
ME06088 |
增材制造技术(双语) |
2 |
机械 设计 方向 |
ME06164 |
智能产品设计 |
2 |
ME06089 |
机械可靠性设计 |
2 |
ME06134 |
工程优化设计 |
2 |
ME06091 |
机械CAD技术 |
2 |
ME06165 |
创新设计理论与方法 |
2 |
ME06094 |
机械系统运动学与动力学仿真分析 |
2 |
ME06095 |
弹性力学及有限元基础 |
2 |
ME06096 |
工业设计基础 |
2 |
ME06097 |
前沿设计技术概论 |
2 |
ME06145 |
摩擦学基础 |
2 |
机电 控制 方向 |
ME06166 |
智能控制技术 |
2 |
ME06100 |
数控技术 |
2 |
ME06101 |
计算机控制技术 |
2 |
ME06102 |
机器人控制技术 |
2 |
ME06103 |
机电一体化系统设计 |
2 |
ME06104 |
机电系统建模与仿真 |
2 |
ME06168 |
机电系统可靠性与故障诊断 |
2 |
ME06154 |
工业网络原理及应用 |
2 |
ME06106 |
机电传动与控制 |
2 |
ME06195 |
C/C++及MATLAB工程软件编程基础 |
2 |
工程 机械 方向 |
ME06038 |
工程机械设计基础 |
2 |
ME06107 |
现代工程机械发动机与底盘构造 |
2 |
ME06108 |
工程机械液压与液力传动 |
2 |
ME06109 |
液压挖掘机 |
2 |
ME06110 |
混凝土机械与桩工机械 |
2 |
ME06111 |
工程起重机械 |
2 |
智能 制造 方向 |
ME06041 |
机器人技术 |
2 |
ME06167 |
数字化设计与制造 |
2 |
ME05061 |
智能制造信息系统 |
2 |
ME06154 |
工业网络原理及应用 |
2 |
ME06170 |
机器学习 |
2 |
ME06171 |
大数据分析技术 |
2 |
ME06172 |
智能故障诊断与维护 |
2 |
ME06173 |
图像识别与处理 |
2 |
ME06174 |
智能工厂管理 |
2 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
GE09048(-049) |
军事理论与军事技能 |
3 |
ME10049 |
科技写作(中、英文)训练 |
1 |
ME10031(-032) |
机械综合实验 |
1 |
GE09057 |
金工实习 |
3 |
GE09055 |
电工电子实训 |
2 |
ME10050 |
专业认知实习 |
1 |
ME10009 |
机械原理课程设计 |
1 |
ME10033 |
机械设计课程设计 |
3 |
ME10034 |
测绘与工程软件应用实践 |
1 |
ME10051 |
机械制造综合课程设计 |
5 |
ME10024 |
专业实习 |
2 |
ME10052 |
创新创业 |
2 |
课外科技实践活动(如学科竞赛等)经认定可计学分。 |
ME10053 |
智能制造实训 |
1 |
ME10054 |
毕业设计(论文)(含毕业实习) |
10 |
合 计 |
36 |
课程名称 |
机械设计制造及其自动化专业毕业要求 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
L |
H |
M |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
H |
L |
M |
思想道德修养与 法律基础 |
H |
M |
H |
L |
L |
形势与政策 |
H |
H |
L |
中国近现代史纲要 |
L |
H |
M |
马克思主义基本原理 |
L |
H |
L |
M |
思政实践 |
M |
H |
M |
大学英语 |
H |
L |
M |
计算与人工智能概论 |
M |
H |
H |
M |
M |
体育 |
L |
M |
H |
文化素质选修(公选课) |
H |
M |
M |
L |
L |
L |
M |
L |
L |
高等数学A |
H |
M |
线性代数A |
H |
M |
概率论与数理统计A |
H |
M |
普通物理A |
H |
普通物理实验A |
H |
M |
L |
L |
工程化学 |
M |
L |
H |
机械工程导论 |
H |
M |
L |
机械工程图学 |
H |
M |
M |
工程材料 |
H |
M |
M |
理论力学B |
H |
M |
L |
材料力学B |
H |
M |
L |
流体力学 |
H |
M |
M |
热工学基础 |
H |
M |
L |
L |
机械原理 |
H |
M |
H |
L |
机械设计 |
H |
M |
M |
电工电子学 |
H |
L |
L |
控制工程基础 |
H |
M |
M |
工程中的数值方法 |
M |
M |
H |
机械制造技术 |
H |
L |
M |
M |
L |
L |
机械制造装备 |
H |
L |
M |
L |
L |
互换性与测量技术基础 |
H |
M |
M |
L |
液压与气压传动 |
H |
L |
L |
M |
微控制器原理及应用 |
H |
M |
M |
L |
智能传感与测试技术 |
M |
M |
H |
M |
生产管理学 |
L |
H |
H |
制造技术方向 |
M |
M |
L |
机械设计方向 |
M |
M |
L |
机电控制方向 |
M |
M |
L |
工程机械方向 |
M |
M |
智能制造方向 |
M |
M |
H |
L |
军事理论与军事技能 |
M |
M |
H |
科技写作(中、英文)实训 |
L |
M |
M |
L |
L |
机械综合实验 |
H |
M |
L |
M |
工程创新 训练 |
金工实习 |
H |
L |
L |
电工电子实训 |
H |
L |
专业认知实习 |
M |
H |
机械原理课程设计 |
M |
M |
H |
机械设计课程设计 |
H |
M |
M |
L |
L |
L |
L |
测绘与工程软件应用实践 |
H |
L |
机械制造综合课程设计 |
M |
H |
L |
L |
L |
L |
L |
L |
专业实习 |
M |
L |
L |
创新创业 |
H |
H |
智能制造实训 |
M |
L |
L |
毕业设计(论文) |
H |
M |
L |
M |
L |
M |
M |
M |
M |
H |
序号 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
总学时 |
拟授课学院/教师 |
授课学期 |
1 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
3 |
48 |
马克思主义学院 |
3 |
2 |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
2 |
36 |
马克思主义学院 |
6 |
3 |
思想道德修养与法律基础 |
3 |
54 |
马克思主义学院 |
1 |
4 |
形势与政策 |
2 |
32 |
马克思主义学院 |
1-8 |
5 |
中国近现代史纲要 |
3 |
54 |
马克思主义学院 |
2 |
6 |
马克思主义基本原理 |
3 |
54 |
马克思主义学院 |
4 |
7 |
思政实践 |
2 |
64 |
马克思主义学院 |
4 |
8 |
大学英语 |
8 |
128 |
外国语学院 |
1-4 |
9 |
计算与人工智能概论 |
4 |
80 |
信息科学与工程学院 |
1 |
10 |
体育 |
4 |
144 |
体育学院 |
1-4 |
11 |
高等数学A(1) |
5 |
96 |
数学学院 |
1 |
12 |
高等数学A(2) |
5 |
96 |
数学学院 |
2 |
13 |
线性代数A |
3 |
48 |
数学学院 |
2 |
14 |
概率论与数理统计A |
3 |
48 |
数学学院 |
3 |
15 |
普通物理A(1) |
3 |
64 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
2 |
16 |
普通物理A(2) |
3 |
64 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
3 |
17 |
普通物理实验A |
2 |
64 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
2-3 |
18 |
工程化学 |
2 |
36 |
化学化工学院 |
1 |
19 |
机械工程导论 |
1 |
16 |
杨旭静、金湘中、宋立军、薛殿伦 |
1 |
20 |
机械工程图学 |
5 |
84 |
李莉、张爱军、杨钦文、刘桂萍、熊德红、尚振涛、唐乐为、梁军、左剑、胡晖 |
1-2 |
21 |
工程材料 |
2 |
36 |
周惦武、李落星、刘继常、陈鼎、崔俊佳、李荣启、何洪 |
2 |
22 |
理论力学B |
3.5 |
58 |
方棋洪、符文彬、彭凡、张思进、杨刚 |
3 |
23 |
材料力学B |
3.5 |
62 |
戴宏亮、周加喜、侯淑娟、张见明、刘腾喜 |
4 |
24 |
流体力学 |
2 |
34 |
邹伟生、朱浩 |
4 |
25 |
热工学基础 |
2 |
34 |
任承钦、罗宝军、陈敬炜、付建勤、马寅杰 |
5 |
26 |
机械原理 |
3.5 |
60 |
杨华、毛建中、陈敏钧、莫富灏、伍素珍、陈涛、许艳 |
4 |
27 |
机械设计 |
3.5 |
60 |
姜潮、刘江南、周长江、张邦基、毛建中、吴长德、金秋谈、刘杰、谢桂芝、陈涛、许艳 |
5 |
28 |
电工电子学 |
3 |
54 |
电气与信息工程学院 |
3 |
29 |
控制工程基础 |
2 |
34 |
杨宇、杨易、黄晶、钟翔、陈静 |
5 |
30 |
工程中的数值方法 |
2 |
34 |
陈久久、姜潮、李博川 |
6 |
31 |
机械制造技术 |
4 |
68 |
金湘中、周惦武、李落星、刘继常、杨军、鄢锉、王伏林、李荣启、李伟、李茂君、何洪、李娟、朱克忆 |
6 |
32 |
机械制造装备 |
3 |
52 |
张屹、冯凯、陈聪、郭力、李娟、朱克忆 |
6 |
33 |
互换性与测量技术基础 |
2 |
36 |
胡仲勋、龚志辉、张凯 |
5 |
34 |
液压与气压传动 |
2 |
36 |
周云山、黄帅、彭杰宏 |
4 |
35 |
微控制器原理及应用 |
2 |
36 |
彭晓燕、陈静、王刚、谭勇 |
7 |
36 |
智能传感与测试技术 |
2 |
34 |
程军圣、陈静、黄晶 |
5 |
37 |
生产管理学 |
2 |
34 |
范叶 |
7 |
38 |
机械振动学 |
2 |
34 |
徐道临、周加喜 |
6 |
39 |
C/C++及MATLAB工程软件编程基础 |
2 |
36 |
李柏 |
4 |
40 |
基础工业工程 |
2 |
34 |
任莹晖 |
7 |
41 |
成本控制 |
2 |
32 |
范叶 |
7 |
42 |
系统工程 |
2 |
32 |
邓乾旺 |
7 |
43 |
机械专业英语 |
2 |
32 |
张冠华 |
7 |
44 |
智能制造概论 |
2 |
32 |
周长江、宋立军 |
6 |
45 |
精密与超精密加工 |
2 |
34 |
尹韶辉 |
7 |
46 |
金属塑性成形原理 |
2 |
32 |
李落星、李荣启 |
5 |
47 |
模具设计与制造工艺 |
2 |
32 |
周惦武、刘继常、崔俊佳 |
6 |
48 |
先进刀具设计与制造 |
2 |
34 |
杨军 |
7 |
49 |
特种加工技术 |
2 |
32 |
金湘中、段辉高 |
7 |
50 |
机械CAM |
2 |
36 |
杨旭静、金滩、李茂君 |
6 |
51 |
高效磨削传热理论与工艺装备(双语) |
2 |
36 |
尹韶辉、金滩、熊万里 |
7 |
52 |
增材制造技术(双语) |
2 |
34 |
宋立军 |
7 |
53 |
智能产品设计 |
2 |
32 |
刘江南 |
6 |
54 |
机械可靠性设计 |
2 |
36 |
叶海南 |
7 |
55 |
工程优化设计 |
2 |
36 |
姜潮、胡德安、李博川 |
7 |
56 |
机械CAD技术 |
2 |
36 |
谌霖霖、叶海南、伍素珍、左剑 |
5 |
57 |
创新设计理论与方法 |
2 |
32 |
刘江南 |
7 |
58 |
机械系统运动学与动力学仿真分析 |
2 |
32 |
杨华 |
6 |
59 |
弹性力学及有限元基础 |
2 |
36 |
张见明 |
5 |
60 |
工业设计基础 |
2 |
32 |
设计学院 |
7 |
61 |
前沿设计技术概论 |
2 |
32 |
设计系 |
7 |
62 |
摩擦学基础 |
2 |
34 |
周长江 |
6 |
63 |
智能控制技术 |
2 |
32 |
机电系 |
6 |
64 |
数控技术 |
2 |
34 |
王文格、陈逢军、王珂娜 |
6 |
65 |
计算机控制技术 |
2 |
36 |
钟翔 |
6 |
66 |
机器人控制技术 |
2 |
34 |
陈逢军 |
7 |
67 |
机电一体化系统设计 |
2 |
34 |
宋立军 |
7 |
68 |
机电系统建模与仿真 |
2 |
36 |
刘侃 |
6 |
69 |
机电系统可靠性与故障诊断 |
2 |
34 |
机电系 |
7 |
70 |
工业网络原理及应用 |
2 |
36 |
钟翔 |
7 |
71 |
工程机械设计基础 |
2 |
32 |
唐乐为 |
6 |
72 |
现代工程机械发动机与底盘构造 |
2 |
34 |
周兵、干年妃 |
6 |
73 |
工程机械液压与液力传动 |
2 |
34 |
黄帅 |
6 |
74 |
液压挖掘机 |
2 |
34 |
彭杰宏 |
7 |
75 |
混凝土机械与桩工机械 |
2 |
34 |
机制系 |
7 |
76 |
工程起重机械 |
2 |
34 |
李文俊 |
7 |
77 |
机器人导论 |
2 |
34 |
机电系 |
4 |
78 |
数字化设计与制造 |
2 |
36 |
设计系、制造系 |
6 |
79 |
智能制造信息系统 |
2 |
34 |
机制系 |
6 |
80 |
机器学习 |
2 |
36 |
机电系 |
7 |
81 |
大数据分析技术 |
2 |
36 |
机电系 |
6 |
82 |
智能故障诊断与维护 |
2 |
36 |
机电系 |
7 |
83 |
图像识别与处理 |
2 |
36 |
机电系 |
4 |
84 |
智能工厂管理 |
2 |
36 |
制造系 |
7 |
85 |
机电传动与控制 |
2 |
34 |
邵海东、张军 |
5 |
序号 |
姓名 |
职称 |
学历 学位 |
专业特长 |
承担授课课程 |
1 |
金湘中 |
教授 |
博士 |
先进激光加工技术、智能激光 制造装备、机械制造工艺 |
机械制造技术、特种加工技术、 机械工程导论 |
Mechanical Design, Manufacturing & Automation
(Including Experimental Class of Intelligent Manufacturing)
I. Introduction
The major of Mechanical Design, Manufacturing & Automation originated from the Mechanical Discipline of Hunan Higher Industrial School founded in 1908. It has a history of more than 110 years. In 1931, it was approved the first batch of national bachelor's degree awarding rights; in 1953, it was merged to Huazhong Institute of Technology, and enrollment was resumed in 1958; in 1981, it was authorized to award master's degrees; in 1993, it was authorized to award Ph.D. degrees. In the 1980s, it was successively rated as a key subject by the former Ministry of Machine-Building Industry, the Ministry of Machine-Building and Electronics Industry, and Hunan Province; in 1989, it was awarded the first national-level excellent teaching achievement special award for "Theory, Practice, and Evaluation of Mechanical Professional Reform"; in 2007, Mechanical Engineering was rated as a national key discipline. In the same year, it was listed as a key subject by the Ministry of Education as an innovative experimental area for talent training modes. This program passed the engineering education professional certification twice in 2011 and 2017, both of which were valid for 6 years. In 2017, Mechanical Engineering entered the ranks of "world-class disciplines" and selected as a national first-class undergraduate program construction site in 2019.
This major relies on the national scientific research and practice teaching platform such as National Engineering Research Center for High Efficiency Grinding, the National Demonstration Center for Mechanical Engineering Experimental Eduction /Virtual Simulation Experimental Center, and a high-level faculty team led by academicians. Combined with the undertaken projects from Creative Research Group of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and an Overseas Expertise Introduction Center for Discipline Innovation (111 Center), this program focuses on the five directions of Mechanical Design, Mechanical Manufacturing, Electromechanical Control, Engineering Machinery and Intelligent Manufacturing (experimental class), to cultivate innovative senior talents for national and local economic construction and social development.
II. Program Objectives
Facing the needs of the country's economic, social and technological development, and centering on the purpose of cultivating qualified builders and reliable successors for the socialist cause, this specialty cultivates talents with a solid foundation, broad vision, both political integrity and ability, and possessing good humanities and science literacy, innovative thinking ability and adaptable development potential. The objective is to cultivate innovative mechanical engineering senior talents who can engage in teaching and research, engineering design, manufacturing, scientific and technological development, production organization and management in mechanical engineering and the related fields.
The Program objectives are subdivided as follows:
1. Engineering Knowledge: Having solid basic theory and professional knowledge of mechanical engineering.
2. Comprehensive Literacy: Possessing good humanities and science literacy, broad vision, and both ability and political integrity.
3. Engineering Ability: Having the ability to engage in teaching and research, engineering design, manufacturing, scientific and technological development, production organization and management in mechanical engineering and related fields.
4. Development Potential: Having good innovative thinking ability and potentials to adapt to development
III. Graduation Requirements
According to the requirements for knowledge, ability, and quality in "General Standards for Undergraduate Professional Engineering Education Certification in Colleges and Universities" and "National Standards for Undergraduate Professional Teaching Quality in Colleges and Universities", the following 12 graduation requirements are formulated considering the education traditions and cultivation characteristics of Mechanical design, manufacturing & Automation in Hunan University.
1. Engineering Knowledge: mastering mathematics, natural science, engineering basic knowledge and mechanical engineering professional knowledge, and solving complex mechanical engineering problems.
1.1 Mastering relevant natural science knowledge such as mathematics and physics, chemistry, mechanics, etc. for the reasonable expression of mechanical engineering problems;
1.2 Mastering the basic knowledge of engineering for modeling and solving mechanical engineering problems;
1.3 Mastering mechanical engineering professional basic knowledge such as mechanical design, manufacturing and electro-hydraulic control for verifying the design scheme of mechanical engineering problems;
1.4 Mastering mechanical design and manufacturing and automation expertise for analysis and improvement of complex mechanical engineering problem solutions.
2. Problem Expression: Being able to apply the basic principles of mathematics, natural sciences and mechanical engineering disciplines and identify, express and analyze complex mechanical engineering problems through literature research to obtain effective conclusions.
2.1 Being able to apply the basic principles of mathematics and natural science to the identification and expression of complex mechanical engineering problems;
2.2 Being able to propose a variety of possible solutions to complex mechanical engineering problems, and compare and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the solutions through literature research;
2.3 Being able to analyze the influencing factors of complex mechanical engineering problems, demonstrate the feasibility and rationality of the solution, and obtain effective conclusions.
3. Design/Development: Being able to design/develop mechanical systems and components that meet specific needs for complex mechanical engineering issues, considering safety and health, laws and regulations and related standards, as well as economic, environmental, cultural, and social constraints (Unit) or technological process, and reflecting innovation in design.
3.1 Being able to comprehensively consider safety and health, laws and regulations and related standards, as well as economic, environmental, cultural, and social constraints in the design and development process for complex mechanical engineering issues;
3.2 Being able to design/develop mechanical systems, components or technological processes that meet specific needs;
3.3 Being able to reflect the sense of innovation in design/development.
4. Research and Analysis: being able to conduct research and analysis on complex mechanical engineering problems based on relevant scientific principles and adopt appropriate scientific methods, including designing and conducting experiments, analyzing and interpreting experimental data, and obtaining reasonable and effective conclusions through information synthesis.
4.1 Being able to propose research routes and experimental plans based on correct scientific principles and adopting appropriate scientific method;
4.2 Being able to apply relevant theories and methods, design and build experimental systems, and carry out relevant experiments;
4.3 Being able to accurately collect and process experimental data, analyze and interpret the experimental results, and obtain reasonable and effective conclusions through information synthesis.
5. Tool Use: being able to develop, select and use appropriate technology, resources, modern engineering tools and information technology tools for complex mechanical engineering problems, including the prediction and simulation of complex mechanical engineering problems, and understand its limitations.
5.1 For complex mechanical engineering problems, being able to correctly select and use relevant technologies and tools to obtain the required documentation;
5.2 Being able to develop modern engineering tools and information technology tools needed to solve complex mechanical engineering problems;
5.3 Being able to use modern engineering tools and information technology tools to predict and simulate complex mechanical engineering problems, and be able to understand their limitations.
6. Engineering and Society: Based on the analysis of mechanical engineering related background knowledge, correctly evaluate the impact of mechanical engineering practice on society, health, safety, law and culture, and understand the responsibilities that should be undertaken.
6.1 To understand the technical standards, intellectual property rights, industrial policies, laws and regulations related to the mechanical engineering industry, and comply with them in mechanical engineering practices;
6.2 Being able to conduct a reasonable analysis based on the relevant background knowledge of mechanical engineering, correctly evaluate the impact of mechanical engineering practices and mechanical engineering problem solutions on society, health, safety, law and culture, and understand the responsibilities that should be undertaken.
7. Environment and Sustainable Development: to understand environmental protection and sustainable development policies, laws and regulations, and industry safety standards, and be able to understand and correctly evaluate the impact of engineering practices for complex mechanical engineering issues on the environment and sustainable development.
7.1 To Understand the relevant national environmental protection and social sustainable development policies, laws, regulations and industry safety regulations, and comply with them in mechanical engineering practice activities;
7.2 Being able to correctly evaluate the impact of engineering practice for complex mechanical engineering problems on the environment and sustainable development of society.
8. Professional Norms: to establish socialist core values, have humanistic qualities, scientific spirit, and social responsibility, be able to understand and abide by engineering professional ethics and norms in engineering practice, and perform responsibilities.
8.1 To establish a correct outlook on the world and life, and possess good humanities, moral cultivation and scientific spirit;
8.2 To correctly understand the status of individuals in history, society and natural environment, and have a sense of social responsibility;
8.3 Being Able to understand and abide by engineering professional ethics and regulations in mechanical engineering practice, and perform responsibilities.
9. Individual and Team: an ability to assume the roles of individuals, team members and leaders in a multidisciplinary team, with team spirit.
9.1 Being able to correctly understand the role of multidisciplinary teams in solving complex mechanical engineering problems;
9.2 Being able to actively cooperate with team members, maximize the role of each individual in the team, and jointly complete the tasks undertaken.
10. Communication: An ability to communicate effectively with the engineering community and general public on complex engineering activities at home and abroad, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentations, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions;
10.1 Being able to effectively communicate and communicate with industry colleagues and the public on complex mechanical engineering issues, including writing reports and design specifications, making statements, and expressing clearly;
10.2 Having a good international perspective, a certain degree of foreign language application ability, being able to read foreign literature related to mechanical engineering, and being able to communicate and communicate in a cross-cultural context.
11.Project Management: An ability to understand and apply engineering management principles and economic decision-making to managing projects as a member or leader in a multi-disciplinary team;
11.1 Being able to understand and master the engineering management principles and technical and economic analysis methods related to the mechanical engineering industry;
11.2 Being able to apply the mastered engineering management principles and economic decision-making methods to solve the cost and benefit problems in mechanical engineering activities.
12. Lifelong Learning: to understand the current status and trends of the frontier development of mechanical engineering, have the awareness of independent learning and lifelong learning, and have the ability to continuously learn and adapt to development.
12.1 Being able to recognize the importance of autonomous learning, and have the awareness of autonomous learning and lifelong learning;
12.2 To understand the development status and cutting-edge development trends of mechanical engineering disciplines, master the methods of independent learning, and have the ability to continuously learn and adapt to development.
Matrix of Program Objectives-Graduation Requirements
Graduation Requirements Program Objectives |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Having solid basic theory and professional knowledge of mechanical engineering |
● |
● |
● |
● |
Possessing good humanities and science literacy, broad vision, and both ability and political integrity |
● |
● |
● |
● |
Having the ability to in teaching and research, engineering design, manufacturing, scientific and technological development, production organization and management |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
Having good innovative thinking ability and potentials to adapt to development |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
IV. Length of Schooling, Graduation Requirements and Degree Awarding
1. The length of schooling is usually 4, with a flexibility of 3-6 years based on the credit system.
2. The minimum credits for the program are 172, which are distributed as follows:
Course Category |
Compulsory General Education |
Introductory Major Courses |
Major Survey Courses |
Compulsory Major Core Courses |
Individualized Electives |
General Education Electives |
Intensive Practice |
Total |
Credits |
34 |
26 |
33 |
17 |
18 |
8 |
36 |
172 |
3. Successful completion of the minimum credits of required compulsory, selective and intensive practice courses, compliance with the requirements specified in National Standards for Students’ Physical Health, and a good and all-round moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetical grounding in addition to a hard-working spirit are required for graduation. Students qualified enough to meet all the requirements of Regulations of Hunan University on the Awarding of Bachelor’s Degree (No. 22 [2018]) will thus be awarded the Bachelor’s Degree of Engineering.
V. Curriculum and Credit Distribution
1. General Education (34 credits for compulsory courses + 8 credits for elective courses)
The general education courses consist of two parts: compulsory courses and elective courses. The general education courses are as follows:
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
GE01150 |
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theory System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
3 |
GE01174 |
Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
2 |
GE01152 |
Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis |
3 |
GE01155 (-162) |
Lectures on Current Affairs and Policies |
2 |
GE01153 |
Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History |
3 |
GE01154 |
Basic Principles of Marxism |
3 |
GE01151 |
Practice of Ideological and Political Theory Course |
2 |
GE01012 (-015) |
College English |
8 |
Modular courses for a flexible credit system is offered for the total 8 course credits. Students who get the specified foreign language proficiency test scores or foreign language contest awards may finish only 4 or 6 course credits. |
GE01163 |
Introduction to Computing and Artificial Intelligence |
4 |
GE01089 (-092) |
Physical Education |
4 |
Total |
34 |
2. Core Courses in General Displine (26 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
GE03025 (-026) |
Advanced Mathematics A (I) |
5 |
GE03026 |
Advanced Mathematics A (II) |
5 |
GE03003 |
Linear Algebra A |
3 |
GE03004 |
Probability and Mathematical Statistics A |
3 |
GE03005 (-006) |
University Physics A (I) |
3 |
GE03006 |
University Physics A (II) |
3 |
GE03007 (-008) |
University Physics Experiment A |
2 |
ME03001 |
Engineering Chemistry |
2 |
Total |
26 |
3. Core Courses in General Category (33 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
ME06078 |
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering |
1 |
ME04017 ME04002 |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics |
5 |
ME04019 |
Engineering Materials |
2 |
ME04033 |
Theoretical Mechanics |
3.5 |
ME04034 |
Material Mechanics |
3.5 |
ME04022 |
Fluid Mechanics |
2 |
ME04035 |
Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering |
2 |
ME04036 |
Mechanical Principles |
3.5 |
ME04037 |
Mechanical Design |
3.5 |
GE02059 |
Electrotechnics and Electronics |
3 |
ME04027 |
Fundamentals of Control Engineering |
2 |
ME06024 |
Numerical Methods in Engineering |
2 |
Total |
33 |
4. Core Courses in Specially (17 credits )
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
ME05033 |
Mechanical Manufacturing Technology |
4 |
ME05034 |
Mechanical Manufacturing Equipment |
3 |
ME05035 |
Fundamentals of Interchangeability and Measurement Technology |
2 |
ME05054 |
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmission |
2 |
ME05055 |
Principle and Application of Microcontroller |
2 |
ME05056 |
Intelligent Sensing and Testing Technology |
2 |
ME05042 |
Production Management |
2 |
Total |
17 |
5. Individualized Electives (18 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
General Elective Courses |
ME06079 |
Mechanical Vibration |
2 |
The students are required to select courses for 21 credits, in which 11 credits can be from transdisciplinary studies. The awards in academic competitions and academic paper publications which are recognized by the college, can be used to substitute for the credits of elective courses in specialty . The maximum number of substituted credits is four. The measures for the implementations refer to relevant documents of the college. |
ME07007 |
Cost Control |
2 |
ME05043 |
Basic Industrial Engineering |
2 |
ME05044 |
System Engineering |
2 |
ME06055 |
Mechanical English |
2 |
Manufacturing Technology |
ME06161 |
Introduction to Intelligent Manufacturing |
2 |
ME06084 |
Precision and Ultra-precision Machining |
2 |
ME06043 |
Principles of Metal Plastic Forming |
2 |
ME06085 |
Die & Mould Design Technology |
2 |
ME06086 |
Advanced Tool Design and Manufacturing |
2 |
ME06050 |
Non-traditional Processing Technology |
2 |
ME07018 |
Mechanical CAM Technology |
2 |
ME06163 |
High Efficiency Grinding Technology and Equipment (bilingual) |
2 |
ME06088 |
Additive Manufacturing Technology (bilingual) |
2 |
Mechanical Design |
ME06164 |
Intelligent Product Design |
2 |
ME06089 |
Reliability in Engineering Design |
2 |
ME06134 |
Engineering Optimization Design |
2 |
ME06091 |
Mechanical CAD Technology |
2 |
ME06165 |
Theory and Method of Creative Design |
2 |
ME06094 |
Simulated Analysis of Mechanical System Kinematics and Dynamics |
2 |
ME06095 |
Fundamentals of Elastic Mechanics and Finite Element |
2 |
ME06096 |
Basis of Industrial Design |
2 |
ME06097 |
Introduction of Front Design Technology |
2 |
ME06145 |
Principle and Application of Tribology |
2 |
Electromechanical Control |
ME06166 |
Intelligent Control Technology |
2 |
ME06100 |
Numerical Control Technology |
2 |
ME06101 |
Computer Control Technology |
2 |
ME06102 |
Robot Control Technology |
2 |
ME06103 |
Electromechanical Integrated System Design |
2 |
ME06104 |
Modeling and Simulation of Electromechanical System |
2 |
ME06168 |
Fault Analysis of Mechanical System |
2 |
ME06154 |
Principle and Application of Industrial Network |
2 |
ME06106 |
Electromechanical Transmission and Control |
2 |
ME06195 |
Fundamentals of Engineering Software Programming for C/C++ and MATLAB |
2 |
Engineering Machinery |
ME06038 |
Fundamental Design of Engineering Machinery |
2 |
ME06107 |
Construction of Engine and Chassis for Modern Engineering Machinery |
2 |
ME06108 |
Hydraulic Pressure and Hydraulic Force Drive for Engineering Machinery |
2 |
ME06109 |
Hydraulic Excavator |
2 |
ME06110 |
Concrete and Piling Machinery |
2 |
ME06111 |
Engineering Lifting Machinery |
2 |
Intelligent manufacturing Direction |
ME06041 |
Robot Technology |
2 |
ME06167 |
Digital Design and Manufacturing |
2 |
ME05061 |
Intelligent Manufacturing Information System |
2 |
ME06154 |
Principle and Application of Industrial Network |
2 |
ME06170 |
Machine Learning |
2 |
ME06171 |
Big Data Analysis Technology |
2 |
ME06172 |
Intelligent Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance |
2 |
ME06173 |
Image Recognition and Processing |
2 |
ME06174 |
Smart Factory Management |
2 |
Notice: Courses for 8 credits can be selected in any other schools in HNU.
6. Intensive Practice (36 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Note |
GE09048 (-049) |
Military Theory and Military Training |
3 |
ME10049 |
Technical Writing (Chinese and English) Training |
1 |
ME10031 (-032) |
Mechanical Comprehensive Experiment |
1 |
GE09057 |
Metalworking Practice |
3 |
GE09055 |
Electric and Electronic Practice Training |
2 |
ME10050 |
Engineering Cognition Practice |
1 |
ME10009 |
Curriculum Design of Mechanical Principles |
1 |
ME10033 |
Curriculum Design of Mechanical Design |
3 |
ME10034 |
Application Practice of Software of Surveying & Mapping Engineering |
1 |
ME10051 |
Comprehensive Training of Mechanical Manufacturing |
5 |
ME10024 |
Specialized Internship |
2 |
ME10052 |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
2 |
Extracurricular scientific and technological practice activities (such as subject competitions, etc.) are recognized as credits. |
ME10053 |
Intelligent Manufacturing Training |
1 |
ME10054 |
Graduation Design/Thesis (including Graduate Internships) |
10 |
Total |
36 |
VI. Correspondence Matrix of Curriculum System and Graduation Requirements
Matrix of Curriculum System-Graduation Requirements
Course Title |
Mechanical design and manufacturing and automation major graduation requirements |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theory System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
L |
H |
M |
Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
H |
L |
M |
Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis |
H |
M |
H |
L |
L |
Lectures on Current Affairs and Policies |
H |
H |
L |
Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History |
L |
H |
M |
Basic Principles of Marxism |
L |
H |
L |
M |
Practice of Ideological and Political Theory Course |
M |
H |
M |
College English |
H |
L |
M |
Introduction to Computing and Artificial Intelligence |
M |
H |
H |
M |
M |
Physical Education |
L |
M |
H |
Electives in Cultural and Quality Education (general elective courses) |
H |
M |
M |
L |
L |
L |
M |
L |
L |
Advanced Mathematics A |
H |
M |
Linear Algebra A |
H |
M |
Probability and Mathematical Statistics A |
H |
M |
University Physics A |
H |
University Physics Experiment A |
H |
M |
L |
L |
Engineering Chemistry |
M |
L |
H |
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering |
H |
M |
L |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics |
H |
M |
M |
Engineering Materials |
H |
M |
M |
Theoretical Mechanics B |
H |
M |
L |
Material Mechanics B |
H |
M |
L |
Fluid Mechanics |
H |
M |
M |
Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering |
H |
M |
L |
L |
Mechanical Principles |
H |
M |
H |
L |
Mechanical Design |
H |
M |
M |
Electrotechnics and Electronics |
H |
L |
L |
Fundamentals of Control Engineering |
H |
M |
M |
Numerical Methods in Engineering |
M |
M |
H |
Mechanical Manufacturing Technology |
H |
L |
M |
M |
L |
L |
Mechanical Manufacturing Equipment |
H |
L |
M |
L |
L |
Fundamentals of Interchangeability and Measurement Technology |
H |
M |
M |
L |
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmission |
H |
L |
L |
M |
Principle and Application of Microcontroller |
H |
M |
M |
L |
Intelligent Sensing and Testing Technology |
M |
M |
H |
M |
Production Management |
L |
H |
H |
Manufacturing Technology |
M |
M |
L |
Mechanical Design |
M |
M |
L |
Electromechanical Control |
M |
M |
L |
Engineering Machinery |
M |
M |
Intelligent Manufacturing Direction |
M |
M |
H |
L |
Military Theory and Military Training |
M |
M |
H |
Technical Writing (Chinese and English) Training |
L |
M |
M |
L |
L |
Mechanical Comprehensive Experiment |
H |
M |
L |
M |
Engineering Innovation Training |
Metalworking Practicum |
H |
L |
L |
Electric and Electronic Practice Training |
H |
L |
Engineering Cognition Practice |
M |
H |
Curriculum Design of Mechanical Principles |
M |
M |
H |
Curriculum Design of Mechanical Design |
H |
M |
M |
L |
L |
L |
L |
Application Practice of Software of Surveying & Mapping Engineering |
H |
L |
Comprehensive Training of Mechanical Manufacturing |
M |
H |
L |
L |
L |
L |
L |
L |
Specialized Internship |
M |
L |
L |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
H |
H |
Intelligent Manufacturing Training |
M |
L |
L |
Graduation Design (Thesis) |
H |
M |
L |
M |
L |
M |
M |
M |
M |
H |
Note: (1) The teaching activities in the table include: course, internship, training and so on. (2) H indicates high-relevance; M, median relevance; and L, low relevance.
VII. Course Instructors
No. |
Course Title |
Credit |
Total Hours |
College/Teacher |
Semester |
1 |
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theory System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
3 |
48 |
Marxism School |
3 |
2 |
Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
2 |
36 |
Marxism School |
6 |
3 |
Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis |
3 |
54 |
Marxism School |
1 |
4 |
Lectures on Current Affairs and Policies |
2 |
32 |
Marxism School |
1-8 |
5 |
Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History |
3 |
54 |
Marxism School |
2 |
6 |
Basic Principles of Marxism |
3 |
54 |
Marxism School |
4 |
7 |
Practice of Ideological and Political Theory Course |
2 |
64 |
Marxism School |
4 |
8 |
College English |
8 |
128 |
School of Foreign Languages |
1-4 |
9 |
Introduction to Computing and Artificial Intelligence |
4 |
80 |
College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering |
1 |
10 |
Physical Education |
4 |
144 |
Physical Education Institute |
1-4 |
11 |
Advanced Mathematics A (Ⅰ) |
5 |
96 |
School of Mathematics |
1 |
12 |
Advanced Mathematics A (Ⅱ) |
5 |
96 |
School of Mathematics |
2 |
13 |
Linear Algebra A |
3 |
48 |
School of Mathematics |
2 |
14 |
Probability and Mathematics Statistic A |
3 |
48 |
School of Mathematics |
3 |
15 |
University Physics A (Ⅰ) |
3 |
64 |
School of Physics & Electronics |
2 |
16 |
University Physics A (Ⅱ) |
3 |
64 |
School of Physics & Electronics |
3 |
17 |
University Physics Experiment A |
2 |
64 |
School of Physics & Electronics |
2-3 |
18 |
Engineering Chemistry |
2 |
36 |
College of Chemical Engineerng |
1 |
19 |
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering |
1 |
16 |
Yang Xujing, Jin Xiangzhong, Song Lijun, Xue Dianlun |
1 |
20 |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics |
5 |
84 |
Li Li, Zhang Aijun, Yang Qinwen, Liu Guiping, Xiong Dehong, Shang Zhentao, Tang Lewei, Liang Jun, Zuo Jian, Hu Hui |
1-2 |
21 |
Engineering Materials |
2 |
36 |
Zhou Danwu, Li Luoxing, Liu Jichang, Chen Ding, Cui Junjia, Li Rongqi, He Hong |
2 |
22 |
Theoretical Mechanics B |
3.5 |
58 |
Fang Qihong, Fu Wenbin, Peng Fan, Zhang Sijin, Yang Gang |
3 |
23 |
Material Mechanics B |
3.5 |
62 |
Dai Hongliang, Zhou Jiaxi, Hou Shujuan, Zhang Jianming, Liu Tengxi |
4 |
24 |
Fluid Mechanics |
2 |
34 |
Zou Weisheng, Zhu Hao |
4 |
25 |
Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering |
2 |
34 |
Ren Chengqin, Luo Baojun, Chen Jingwei, Fu Jianqin, Ma Yinjie |
5 |
26 |
Mechanical Principles |
3.5 |
60 |
Yang Hua, Mao Jianzhong, Chen Minjun, Mo Fuhao, Wu Suzhen, Chen Tao, Xu Yan |
4 |
27 |
Mechanical Design |
3.5 |
60 |
Jiang Chao, Liu Jiangnan, Zhou Changjiang, Zhang Bangji, Mao Jianzhong, Wu Changde, Jin Qiutan, Liu Jie, Xie Guizhi, Chen Tao, Xu Yan |
5 |
28 |
Electrotechnics and Electronics |
3 |
54 |
College of Electrical and Information Engineering |
3 |
29 |
Fundamentals of Control Engineering |
2 |
34 |
Yang Yu, Yang Yi, Huang Jing, Zhong Xiang, Chen Jing |
5 |
30 |
Numerical Methods in Engineering |
2 |
34 |
Chen Jiujiu, Jiang Chao, Li Bochuan |
6 |
31 |
Mechanical Manufacturing Technology |
4 |
68 |
Jin Xiangzhong, Zhou Danwu, Li Luoxing, Liu Jichang, Yang Jun, Yan File, Wang Fulin, Li Rongqi, Li Wei, Li Maojun, He Hong, Li Juan, Zhu Keyi |
6 |
32 |
Mechanical Manufacturing Equipment |
3 |
52 |
Zhang Yi, Feng Kai, Chen Cong, Guo Li, Li Juan, Zhu Keyi |
6 |
33 |
Fundamentals of Interchangeability and Measurement Technology |
2 |
36 |
Hu Zhongxun, Gong Zhihui, Zhang Kai |
5 |
34 |
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmission |
2 |
36 |
Zhou Yunshan, Huang Shuai, Peng Jiehong |
4 |
35 |
Principle and Application of Microcontroller |
2 |
36 |
Peng Xiaoyan, Chen Jing, Wang Gang, Tan Yong |
7 |
36 |
Intelligent Sensing and Testing Technology |
2 |
34 |
Cheng Junsheng, Chen Jing,Huang Jing |
5 |
37 |
Production Management |
2 |
34 |
Fan Ye |
7 |
38 |
Mechanical Vibration |
2 |
34 |
Xu Daolin, Zhou Jiaxi |
6 |
39 |
Fundamentals of Engineering Software Programming for C/C++ and MATLAB |
2 |
36 |
Li Bo |
4 |
40 |
Basic Industrial Engineering |
2 |
34 |
Ren Yinghui |
7 |
41 |
Cost Control |
2 |
32 |
Fan Ye |
7 |
42 |
System Engineering |
2 |
32 |
Deng Qianwang |
7 |
43 |
Mechanical English |
2 |
32 |
Zhang Guanhua |
7 |
44 |
Introduction to Intelligent Manufacturing |
2 |
32 |
Zhou Changjiang, Song Lijun |
6 |
45 |
Precision and Ultra-precision Machining |
2 |
34 |
Yin Shaohui |
7 |
46 |
Principles of Metal Plastic Forming |
2 |
32 |
Li Luoxing, Li Rongqi |
5 |
47 |
Die & Mould Design Technology |
2 |
32 |
Zhou Danwu, Liu Jichang, Cui Junjia |
6 |
48 |
Advanced Tool Design and Manufacturing |
2 |
34 |
Yang Jun |
7 |
49 |
Non-traditional Processing Technology |
2 |
32 |
Jin Xiangzhong, Duan Huigao |
7 |
50 |
Mechanical CAM Technology |
2 |
36 |
Yang Xujing, Jin tan, Li Maojun |
6 |
51 |
High Efficiency Grinding Technology and Equipment (bilingual) |
2 |
36 |
Yin Shaohui, Jin tan, Xiong Wanli |
7 |
52 |
Additive Manufacturing Technology (bilingual) |
2 |
34 |
Song Lijun |
7 |
53 |
Intelligent Product Design |
2 |
32 |
Liu Jiangnan |
6 |
54 |
Reliability in Engineering Design |
2 |
36 |
Ye Hainan |
7 |
55 |
Engineering Optimization Design |
2 |
36 |
Jiang Chao, Hu Dean, Li Bochuan |
7 |
56 |
Mechanical CAD Technology |
2 |
36 |
Chen Linlin, Ye Hainan, Wu Suzhen, Zuo Jian |
5 |
57 |
Theory and Method of Creative Design |
2 |
32 |
Liu Jiangnan |
7 |
58 |
Simulated Analysis of Mechanical System Kinematics and Dynamics |
2 |
32 |
Yang Hua |
6 |
59 |
Fundamentals of Elastic Mechanics and Finite Element |
2 |
36 |
Zhang Jianming |
5 |
60 |
Basis of Industrial Design |
2 |
32 |
School of Design |
7 |
61 |
Introduction of Front Design Technology |
2 |
32 |
Department of Mechanical Design |
7 |
62 |
Principle and Application of Tribology |
2 |
34 |
Zhou Changjiang |
6 |
63 |
Intelligent Control Technology |
2 |
32 |
Department of Mechatronics |
6 |
64 |
Numerical Control Technology |
2 |
34 |
Wang Wenge, Chen Fengjun, Wang Kena |
6 |
65 |
Computer Control Technology |
2 |
36 |
Zhong Xiang |
6 |
66 |
Robot Control Technology |
2 |
34 |
Chen Fengjun |
7 |
67 |
Electromechanical Integrated System Design |
2 |
34 |
Song Lijun |
7 |
68 |
Modeling and Simulation of Electromechanical System |
2 |
36 |
Liu Kan |
6 |
69 |
Fault Analysis of Mechanical System |
2 |
34 |
Department of Mechatronics |
7 |
70 |
Principle and Application of Industrial Network |
2 |
36 |
Zhong Xiang |
7 |
71 |
Fundamental Design of Engineering Machinery |
2 |
32 |
Tang Lewei |
6 |
72 |
Construction of Engine and Chassis for Modern Engineering Machinery |
2 |
34 |
Zhou Bing, Qian Nianfei |
6 |
73 |
Hydraulic Pressure and Hydraulic Force Drive for Engineering Machinery |
2 |
34 |
Huang Shuai |
6 |
74 |
Hydraulic Excavator |
2 |
34 |
Peng Jiehong |
7 |
75 |
Concrete and Piling Machinery |
2 |
34 |
Department of Mechanism |
7 |
76 |
Engineering Lifting Machinery |
2 |
34 |
Li Wenjun |
7 |
77 |
Robot Technology |
2 |
34 |
Department of Mechatronics |
4 |
78 |
Digital Design and Manufacturing |
2 |
36 |
Design department, manufacturing department |
6 |
79 |
Intelligent Manufacturing Information System |
2 |
34 |
Department of Mechanism |
6 |
80 |
Machine Learning |
2 |
36 |
Department of Mechatronics |
7 |
81 |
Big Data Analysis Technology |
2 |
36 |
Department of Mechatronics |
6 |
82 |
Intelligent Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance |
2 |
36 |
Department of Mechatronics |
7 |
83 |
Image Recognition and Processing |
2 |
36 |
Department of Mechatronics |
4 |
84 |
Smart Factory Management |
2 |
36 |
Manufacturing Department |
7 |
85 |
Electromechanical Transmission and Control |
2 |
34 |
Shao Haidong,Zhang Jun |
5 |
VIII. Program Chief Professor
No. |
Name |
Title |
Education |
Research Areas |
Course |
1 |
Jin Xiangzhong |
Professor |
Ph.D. |
Laser Material Processing; Laser Devices; Mechanical Manufacturing |
Mechanical Manufacturing Technology Special Processing Technology Introduction to Mechanical Engineering |
1. 工程知识:掌握车辆工程学科基础理论与专业知识。
2. 工程素养:具有良好的科学、工程和人文素养,能够在工程实践中遵循工程伦理基本规范。
3. 工程能力:具备车辆工程实践能力、研究应用能力、组织协调能力。
4. 持续发展:具有良好的创新意识、团队合作精神、国际视野和较强的沟通交流、终身学习能力,具备可持续发展的工程观。
1. 工程知识:能够将数学、自然科学、工程基础和专业知识用于解决车辆工程领域的相关复杂工程问题。
2. 问题分析:能够应用数学、自然科学基本原理,并通过文献研究,识别、表达、分析车辆复杂工程问题,以获得有效结论。
3. 设计/开发解决方案:能够制定针对车辆工程领域的复杂工程问题的解决方案,设计满足汽车特定需求的机械(电)系统、部件或工艺流程,并能够在设计环节中体现创新意识,考虑法律、健康、安全、文化、社会以及环境等因素。
4. 研究:能够基于科学原理并采用科学方法对车辆复杂工程问题进行研究,包括设计实验、分析与解释数据、并通过信息综合得到合理有效的结论。
5. 使用现代工具:能够针对车辆复杂工程问题,开发、选择与使用恰当的技术、资源、现代工程工具和信息技术工具,并能够理解其局限性。
6. 工程与社会:能够基于工程相关背景知识进行合理分析,评价车辆工程实践和车辆复杂工程问题的解决方案对社会、健康、安全、法律以及文化的影响,并理解应承担的责任。
7. 环境和可持续发展:能够理解和评价针对车辆复杂工程问题的工程实践对环境、社会可持续发展的影响。
8. 职业规范:具有人文社会科学素养、社会责任感和工程职业道德。
9. 个人和团队:具有在多学科团队中发挥作用的能力。
10. 沟通:能够就复杂车辆工程问题与业界同行及社会公众进行有效沟通和交流,包括撰写报告和设计文稿、陈述发言、清晰表达和回应指令。并具备一定的国际视野,能够在跨文化背景下进行沟通和交流。
11. 项目管理:理解并掌握工程管理原理与经济决策方法,并能在多学科环境中应用。
12. 终身学习:具有自主学习和终身学习的意识,有不断学习和适应发展的能力。
“培养目标-毕业要求” 矩阵表
毕业要求 培养目标 |
1 工程 知识 |
2 问题 分析 |
3 设计 /开发 解决 方案 |
4 研究 |
5 使用 现代 工具 |
6 工程 与 社 会 |
7 环境 和可持续发展 |
8 职业 规范 |
9 个人 和 团队 |
10 沟通 |
11 项目 管理 |
12 终身 学习 |
工程知识:掌握车辆工程学科基础理论与专业知识 |
● |
● |
● |
工程素养:具有良好的科学、工程和人文素养,能够在工程实践中遵循工程伦理基本规范 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
工程能力:具备车辆工程实践能力、研究应用能力、组织协调能力。 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
持续发展:具有良好的创新意识、团队合作精神、国际视野和较强的沟通交流、终身学习能力,具备可持续发展的工程观。 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
1. 本科基本学制4年,弹性学习年限3-6年,按照学分制度管理。
2. 车辆工程专业学生毕业最低学分数为172学分,其中各类别课程及环节要求学分数如下表:
课程类别 |
通识必修 |
学门核心 |
学类核心 |
专业核心 |
个性培养 |
通识选修 |
实践环节 |
合计 |
学分数 |
34 |
26 |
32 |
18 |
18 |
8 |
36 |
172 |
3. 学生修满培养方案规定的必修课、选修课及有关环节,达到规定的最低毕业学分数,《国家学生体质健康标准》测试成绩达标,德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,即可毕业。根据《湖南大学学士学位授予工作细则》(湖大教字[2018]22号),满足学位授予条件的,授予工学学士学位。
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
GE01150 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
3 |
GE01174 |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
2 |
GE01152 |
思想道德修养与法律基础 |
3 |
GE01155(-162) |
形势与政策 |
2 |
GE01153 |
中国近现代史纲要 |
3 |
GE01154 |
马克思主义基本原理 |
3 |
GE01151 |
思政实践 |
2 |
GE01012(-015) |
大学英语 |
8 |
实行弹性学分、动态分层、模块课程教学,总学分为8学分,设置4、6、8三级学分基本要求,不足学分可以通过相关外语水平等级测试或外语学科竞赛成绩获取。 |
GE01163 |
计算与人工智能概论 |
4 |
GE01089(-092) |
体育 |
4 |
合 计 |
34 |
(二)学门核心课程(26 学分)
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
GE03025(-026) |
高等数学A |
10 |
GE03003 |
线性代数A |
3 |
GE03004 |
概率论与数理统计A |
3 |
GE03005(-006) |
普通物理A |
6 |
GE03007(-008) |
普通物理实验A |
2 |
ME03001 |
工程化学 |
2 |
合 计 |
26 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
ME04017 ME04002 |
机械工程图学 |
5 |
ME04019 |
工程材料 |
2 |
ME04033 |
理论力学B |
3.5 |
ME04034 |
材料力学B |
3.5 |
ME04035 |
热工学基础 |
2 |
ME04036 |
机械原理 |
3.5 |
ME04037 |
机械设计 |
3.5 |
GE02059 |
电工电子学 |
3 |
ME04027 |
控制工程基础 |
2 |
ME06092 |
工程中的数值方法B |
2 |
ME04022 |
流体力学 |
2 |
合 计 |
32 |
(四)专业核心课程(18 学分)
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
ME05039 |
汽车构造及发动机原理 |
4 |
ME05002 |
汽车理论 |
4 |
ME05057 |
智能汽车设计 |
5 |
ME05040 |
汽车电子技术 |
3 |
ME05041 |
汽车制造工艺 |
2 |
合 计 |
18 |
(五)个性培养(18 学分)
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
ME06078 |
机械工程导论 |
1 |
ME06079 |
机械振动学 |
2 |
ME06112 |
新能源汽车基础 |
2 |
ME06113 |
有限元分析 |
2 |
ME06134 |
工程优化设计 |
2 |
ME06064 |
汽车NVH技术 |
2 |
ME06068 |
汽车结构CAE技术 |
2 |
ME06115 |
汽车碰撞CAE技术 |
2 |
ME05035 |
互换性与测量技术基础 |
2 |
ME06175 |
汽车电驱动技术 |
2 |
ME06176 |
汽车CAD技术 |
2 |
ME06177 |
汽车产业政策与法规 |
2 |
ME06178 |
运载装备的仿生人体测试技术 |
2 |
ME06148 |
复变函数与积分变换 |
2 |
ME06194 |
新能源汽车轻量化技术 |
2 |
ME06196 |
中国汽车人物 |
2 |
不限年级 |
ME06195 |
C/C++及MATLAB工程软件编程基础 |
2 |
ME06116 |
汽车试验学 |
2 |
限选(二选一) |
ME07026 |
传感与测试技术 |
2 |
ME06179 |
管理工程(限选)(授课内容含有:质量管理、生产管理、工程管理) |
2 |
限选 |
ME06117 |
车身结构与设计 |
2 |
车身方向 10学分 |
ME06002 |
车身制造工艺学 |
2 |
ME06014 |
汽车空气动力学 |
2 |
ME06015 |
汽车人机工程学 |
2 |
ME06059 |
车身CAD技术 |
2 |
ME06118 |
汽车系统动力学与控制 |
3 |
底盘方向10学分 |
ME06066 |
汽车悬架 |
2 |
ME05036N |
液压气压与电传动 |
3 |
ME06061 |
汽车底盘性能仿真 |
2 |
ME06119 |
汽车安全技术 |
2 |
安全方向10学分 |
ME06120 |
人体损伤生物力学 |
2 |
ME06180 |
汽车安全实验设计与分析 |
2 |
ME06067 |
智能车辆 |
2 |
ME06062 |
汽车安全仿真理论与方法 |
2 |
ME07030 |
电动车辆原理与构造 |
2 |
新能源汽车方向10学分 |
ME07031 |
电动车辆设计 |
2 |
ME07032 |
电动汽车动力电池技术 |
2 |
ME07034 |
电动汽车性能仿真与实验 |
2 |
ME07035 |
汽车电力电子学 |
2 |
ME06156 |
智能网联汽车概论 |
2 |
智能网联汽车方向10学分 |
ME06157 |
智能车辆决策规划与控制 |
3 |
ME06158 |
智能汽车环境感知技术 |
3 |
ME06159 |
智能网联汽车实践基础 |
2 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
GE09048(-049) |
军事理论与军事技能 |
3 |
ME10050 |
专业认知实习 |
1 |
ME10031(-032) |
机械综合实验 |
1 |
GE09057 |
金工实习 |
3 |
GE09055 |
电工电子实训 |
2 |
ME10055 |
机械设计综合训练 |
3 |
ME10034 |
测绘与工程软件应用实践 |
1 |
ME10056 |
汽车电子技术综合实践 |
2 |
ME10057 |
汽车结构拆装实习 |
2 |
ME10014 |
汽车制造工艺课程设计 |
2 |
ME10002N |
车辆专业综合课程设计 |
2 |
ME10060 |
专业实习(车辆) |
2 |
ME10120 |
毕业设计(论文) |
10 |
ME10052 |
创新创业 |
2 |
课外科技实践活动(如学科竞赛等)经认定可计学分。 |
合 计 |
36 |
课程类别 |
课程名称 |
毕业要求 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
通识必修课程 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
M |
H |
M |
M |
思政实践 |
M |
H |
M |
M |
思想道德修养与法律基础 |
H |
M |
H |
L |
形势与政策 |
H |
H |
中国近现代史纲要 |
H |
马克思主义基本原理 |
M |
M |
H |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
H |
L |
M |
M |
大学英语 |
H |
M |
计算与人工智能概论 |
H |
M |
体育 |
H |
通识选修课程 |
文化素质选修 (公选课) |
H |
L |
M |
M |
学门核心课程 |
高等数学A |
H |
M |
线性代数A |
H |
M |
概率论与数理统计A |
H |
M |
普通物理A |
H |
M |
普通物理实验A |
H |
M |
工程化学 |
H |
M |
学类核心课程 |
机械工程图学 |
H |
M |
M |
工程材料 |
H |
M |
L |
理论力学B |
H |
材料力学B |
H |
流体力学 |
H |
热工学基础 |
H |
M |
L |
机械原理 |
M |
H |
L |
机械设计 |
H |
M |
H |
L |
电工电子学 |
H |
M |
控制工程基础 |
H |
M |
工程中的数值方法B |
H |
L |
M |
L |
专业核心课程 |
汽车构造及发动机原理 |
H |
L |
H |
L |
L |
L |
L |
L |
M |
汽车理论 |
H |
L |
H |
L |
M |
L |
智能汽车设计 |
L |
H |
M |
H |
L |
汽车电子技术 |
H |
M |
L |
H |
L |
L |
L |
L |
汽车制造工艺 |
L |
H |
M |
H |
L |
汽车试验学 |
M |
L |
H |
H |
选修课 程群 |
L |
M |
H |
H |
H |
H |
H |
H |
H |
M |
H |
集中实践环节 |
军事理论与军事技能 |
H |
L |
专业认知实习 |
M |
H |
机械综合实验 |
L |
H |
M |
M |
L |
金工实习 |
M |
H |
L |
电工电子实训 |
M |
H |
L |
机械设计综合训练 |
L |
H |
M |
L |
L |
测绘与工程软件应用实践 |
H |
L |
汽车电子技术综合实践 |
L |
H |
M |
L |
L |
汽车结构拆装实习 |
M |
H |
M |
M |
M |
H |
H |
汽车制造工艺课程设计 |
L |
M |
H |
L |
L |
L |
L |
L |
车辆专业综合课程设计 |
L |
M |
H |
L |
L |
L |
H |
H |
L |
L |
专业实习(车辆) |
H |
H |
M |
L |
毕业设计(论文) |
M |
H |
M |
H |
H |
M |
M |
H |
M |
M |
H |
M |
M |
M |
创新创业 |
H |
H |
H |
M |
L |
序号 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
总学时 |
拟授课学院/教师 |
授课学期 |
1 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
3 |
48 |
马克思主义学院 |
3 |
2 |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
2 |
36 |
马克思主义学院 |
6 |
3 |
思想道德修养与法律基础 |
3 |
54 |
马克思主义学院 |
1 |
4 |
形势与政策 |
2 |
32 |
马克思主义学院 |
1-8 |
5 |
中国近现代史纲要 |
3 |
54 |
马克思主义学院 |
2 |
6 |
马克思主义基本原理 |
3 |
54 |
马克思主义学院 |
4 |
7 |
思政实践 |
2 |
64 |
马克思主义学院 |
4 |
8 |
大学英语 |
8 |
128 |
外国语院 |
1-4 |
9 |
计算与人工智能概论A |
4 |
80 |
信息科学与工程学院 |
1 |
10 |
体育 |
4 |
144 |
体育学院 |
1-4 |
11 |
素质教育 |
8 |
128 |
各学院 |
分散进行 |
12 |
高等数学A(1) |
5 |
96 |
数学学院 |
1 |
13 |
高等数学A(2) |
5 |
96 |
数学学院 |
2 |
14 |
线性代数A |
3 |
48 |
数学学院 |
2 |
15 |
概率论与数理统计A |
3 |
48 |
数学学院 |
3 |
16 |
普通物理A(1) |
3 |
64 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
2 |
17 |
普通物理A(2) |
3 |
64 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
3 |
18 |
普通物理实验A |
2 |
64 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
2-3 |
19 |
工程化学 |
2 |
36 |
化学化工学院 |
1 |
20 |
机械工程图学 |
5 |
84 |
李莉、张爱军、杨钦文、刘桂萍等 |
1-2 |
21 |
工程材料 |
2 |
36 |
周惦武、李落星、刘继常、陈鼎等 |
4 |
22 |
理论力学B |
3.5 |
58 |
方棋洪、符文彬、彭凡、张思进等 |
3 |
23 |
材料力学B |
3.5 |
62 |
戴宏亮、周加喜、侯淑娟等 |
4 |
24 |
流体力学 |
2 |
34 |
王田天 |
4 |
25 |
热工学基础 |
2 |
34 |
肖志 |
5 |
26 |
机械原理 |
3.5 |
60 |
杨华、陈敏钧等 |
4 |
27 |
机械设计 |
3.5 |
60 |
刘江南、周长江、张邦基 |
5 |
28 |
电工电子学 |
3 |
54 |
电气与信息工程学院 |
3 |
29 |
控制工程基础 |
2 |
34 |
杨易、黄沛丰、黄晶 |
5 |
30 |
工程中的数值方法B |
2 |
34 |
崔向阳、王琥 |
6 |
31 |
汽车构造及发动机原理 |
4 |
64 |
周兵、干年妃 |
4 |
32 |
汽车理论 |
4 |
70 |
张冠军、宋晓琳、丁飞 |
5 |
33 |
智能汽车设计 |
5 |
86 |
李伟平、李凡、胡满江 |
6 |
34 |
汽车电子技术 |
3 |
48 |
白中浩、张军、张飞铁、黄智 |
5 |
35 |
汽车制造工艺 |
2 |
32 |
郑刚、蔡勇 |
6 |
36 |
机械振动学 |
2 |
34 |
徐道临、周加喜 |
6 |
37 |
机械工程导论 |
1 |
16 |
杨旭静、金湘中、宋立军、薛殿伦 |
1 |
38 |
汽车试验学 |
2 |
38 |
黄智、雷飞 |
6 |
39 |
传感与测试技术 |
2 |
32 |
黄智、蒋彬辉 |
6 |
40 |
新能源汽车基础 |
2 |
32 |
何莉萍、黄沛丰 |
7 |
41 |
有限元分析 |
2 |
34 |
崔向阳、李光耀 |
7 |
42 |
工程优化设计 |
2 |
36 |
王琥、蔡勇 |
7 |
43 |
汽车NVH技术 |
2 |
34 |
何智成、胡朝晖 |
7 |
44 |
汽车结构CAE技术 |
2 |
34 |
宋凯、聂昕 |
7 |
45 |
汽车碰撞CAE技术 |
2 |
34 |
尹汉锋、陈涛 |
7 |
46 |
互换性与测量技术基础 |
2 |
36 |
胡仲勋 |
5 |
47 |
汽车电驱动技术 |
2 |
34 |
张军、周维 |
7 |
48 |
汽车CAD技术 |
2 |
36 |
谌霖霖 |
6 |
49 |
汽车产业政策与法规 |
2 |
32 |
白中浩 |
6 |
50 |
运载装备的仿生人体测试技术 |
2 |
32 |
颜凌波 |
7 |
51 |
复变函数与积分变换 |
2 |
32 |
方棋洪 |
6 |
52 |
新能源汽车轻量化技术 |
2 |
32 |
徐世伟 |
6 |
53 |
中国汽车人物 |
2 |
32 |
张维刚 |
3 |
54 |
C/C++及MATLAB工程软件编程基础 |
2 |
36 |
陈锋 |
4 |
55 |
管理工程 |
2 |
32 |
薛殿伦、白中浩、谢晖 |
6 |
56 |
车身结构与设计 |
2 |
38 |
曹立波 |
7 |
57 |
车身制造工艺学 |
2 |
32 |
刘迪辉 |
7 |
58 |
汽车空气动力学 |
2 |
34 |
李伟平、王田天 |
7 |
59 |
汽车人机工程学 |
2 |
32 |
丁飞 |
7 |
60 |
车身CAD技术 |
2 |
32 |
肖志 |
7 |
61 |
汽车系统动力学与控制 |
3 |
54 |
杨易、周兵 |
7 |
62 |
汽车悬架 |
2 |
32 |
刘迪辉、周兵 |
7 |
63 |
液压气压与电传动 |
3 |
54 |
薛殿伦 |
7 |
64 |
汽车底盘性能仿真 |
2 |
32 |
刘迪辉 |
7 |
65 |
汽车安全技术 |
2 |
32 |
张维刚 |
7 |
66 |
人体损伤生物力学 |
2 |
34 |
蒋彬辉 |
7 |
67 |
汽车安全实验设计与分析 |
2 |
36 |
白中浩 |
7 |
68 |
智能车辆 |
2 |
32 |
张飞铁 |
7 |
69 |
汽车安全仿真理论与方法 |
2 |
32 |
尹汉锋 |
7 |
70 |
电动车辆原理与构造 |
2 |
34 |
雷飞、何莉萍 |
7 |
71 |
电动车辆设计 |
2 |
32 |
周维、何莉萍、雷飞、黄沛丰 |
7 |
72 |
电动汽车动力电池技术 |
2 |
32 |
何莉萍、黄沛丰 |
7 |
73 |
汽车电力电子学 |
2 |
34 |
张军、周维 |
7 |
74 |
电动汽车性能仿真与实验 |
2 |
32 |
黄沛丰 |
7 |
75 |
智能网联汽车概论 |
2 |
32 |
何智成、钟翔 |
7 |
76 |
智能汽车环境感知技术 |
3 |
54 |
张飞铁、蒋彬辉 |
7 |
77 |
智能车辆决策规划与控制 |
3 |
52 |
雷飞 |
7 |
78 |
智能网联汽车实践基础 |
2 |
36 |
黄智 |
7 |
79 |
汽车电子技术综合实践 |
2 |
2周 |
张军、黄智 |
6 |
80 |
汽车结构拆装实习 |
2 |
2周 |
谢小平、袁苏洁、彭伟光、柴天 |
夏季学期2 |
81 |
汽车制造工艺课程设计 |
2 |
2周 |
郑刚、蔡勇、刘迪辉、何智成、张冠军 |
夏季学期3 |
82 |
车辆专业综合课程设计 |
2 |
2周 |
白中浩、丁飞、雷飞、干年妃、张冠军、蒋彬辉 |
7 |
83 |
专业认知实习 |
1 |
1周 |
白中浩、张冠军 |
2 |
84 |
专业实习(车辆) |
2 |
2周 |
郑刚、肖志、李凡、黄智、薛殿伦 |
8 |
85 |
毕业设计(论文) |
10 |
10周 |
车辆工程系 |
8 |
序号 |
姓名 |
职称 |
学历 学位 |
专业特长 |
承担授课课程 |
1 |
白中浩 |
教授 |
博士 |
智能网联汽车 汽车安全 |
汽车电子技术、汽车安全实验设计与分析、智能网联汽车综合课程设计 |
Vehicle Engineering
(Including Experimental Class of Intelligent Connected Vehicle)
I. Introduction
The Vehicle Engineering which belongs to the mechanical engineering discipline was founded in 1965. In 1990, Vehicle Engineering was authorized to award Ph.D. degrees (one of the earliest three doctoral degrees in the country). It was rated as a key discipline of the Ministry of Machine-Building Industry in 1991, as the national "Project 211" key discipline in 1997 and the national “Project 985” key discipline in 2004. Vehicle Engineering was also rated as a national key discipline in 2008, and was selected the national “Double World Class” construction discipline in 2017. In 2006, the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing of Auto Body was founded. In 2007, the vehicle engineering major was selected as a “National Specialty”. In the same year, the first formula racing team for college students in mainland China was established and went to the United States for competition. In 2010, it became the first batch of “Program of Cultivating Outstanding Engineers” pilot majors of the Ministry of Education, and then became the construction major of PACE plan in 2012. In 2013, it passed the professional certification of engineering education for the first time (6-year period), and completed the re-evaluation (6-year period) in May, 2019. Vehicle Engineering specialty was selected as the construction site of national first-class undergraduate major in 2019.
The Vehicle Engineering has established a talent training mode that integrates vehicle design, manufacturing, and testing, based on deep integration with the industry and characterized by active engineering practice. A high-level teacher team headed by academicians has been formed. Relying on State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body and the national teaching practice bases, five professional research directions of intelligent networked vehicles, new energy vehicles, vehicle safety, vehicle bodies, and vehicle chassis have been formed with considerations of discipline advantages. Graduates of this major have strong adaptability, great development potential, and have high recognition and strong competitiveness in the vehicle industry.
II. Program Objectives
Facing the needs of the country’s economic, social and technological development, the objective is to cultivate high-quality talents in the new era with a solid foundation, a broad international perspective, noble character and outstanding talent, good humanities and science literacy, scientific spirit, and innovative ability. This program aims at the cultivation of senior engineering and technical talents in vehicle engineering field, who have knowledge of science, engineering and humanities, could be good at organizing, coordinating and communicating, have awareness of innovation and global vision; and who, with a sound foundation of vehicle theory, design and manufacture fundamental knowledge, a strong ability of research, application and engineering practice; are qualified to undertake the work of design, manufacture, testing, research and management in the field of vehicle engineering.
The program objectives are specifically subdivided into the following four points:
1. Engineering Knowledge: mastering the basic theories and professional knowledge of vehicle engineering.
2. Engineering Literacy: having good scientific, engineering and humanistic literacy, and being able to follow the basic codes of engineering ethics in engineering practice.
3. Engineering Ability: possessing vehicle engineering practice ability, research and application ability, organization and coordination ability.
4. Sustained Development: having a good sense of innovation, teamwork spirit, international vision, strong communication, lifelong learning ability, and a sustainable engineering concept.
III. Graduation Requirements
Students of this degree will require:
1. Engineering Knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve complex vehicle engineering problems;
2. Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate, analyze and research literature of complex vehicle engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences;
3. Design / Development of Solutions: An ability to design solutions for complex vehicle engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate considerations of legal, public health, safety, cultural, societal, and environmental issues, and show the sense of innovation during design process;
4. Investigation: An ability to investigate complex vehicle engineering problems using scientific principles and scientific methods to provide valid conclusions via the process of experiment design, data analysis and interpretation, and information synthesis;
5. Modern Tool Use: An ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools to complex vehicle engineering problems, with an understanding of the limitations;
6. Engineering and Society: An ability to rationalize and assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities involving professional engineering practice and solutions to complex vehicle engineering problems by contextual knowledge;
7. Environment and Sustainability: An ability to understand and evaluate the impact of professional engineering work in the solution of complex vehicle engineering problems on sustainability of society and environment;
8. Ethics: Knowledge of humanities and social sciences, a sense of social responsibility and professional ethics;
9. Individual and Team work: An ability to function effectively in diverse and multi-disciplinary teams;
10. Communication: An ability to communicate effectively with the engineering community and general public on complex vehicle engineering activities, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentations, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions, with a global vision, can do communication in the multicultural context.
11. Project Management: An ability to understand and apply engineering management principles and economic decision-making to managing projects in a multi-disciplinary team;
12. Lifelong Learning: An ability to recognize the need and prepare for independent and life-long learning, and to learn and adjust to development.
Matrix of Program Objectives-Graduation Requirements
Graduation Requirements Program Objectives |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Engineering knowledge: mastering the basic theories and professional knowledge of vehicle engineering |
● |
● |
● |
Engineering literacy: having good scientific, engineering and humanistic literacy, and being able to follow the basic codes of engineering ethics in engineering practice |
● |
● |
● |
● |
Engineering ability: possessing vehicle engineering practice ability, research and application ability, organization and coordination ability |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
Sustained development: having a good sense of innovation, teamwork spirit, international vision, strong communication, lifelong learning ability, and a sustainable engineering concept |
● |
● |
● |
● |
IV. Length of Schooling, Graduation Requirements and Degree Awarding
1. The length of schooling is usually 4, with a flexibility of 3-6 years based on the credit system.
2. The minimum credits for the program are 172, which are distributed as follows:
Course Category |
Compulsory General Education |
Introductory Major Courses |
Major Survey Courses |
Compulsory Major Core Courses |
Individualized Electives |
General Education Electives |
Intensive Practice |
Total |
Credits |
34 |
26 |
32 |
18 |
18 |
8 |
36 |
172 |
3. Successful completion of the minimum credits of required compulsory, selective and intensive practice courses, compliance with the requirements specified in National Standards for Students’ Physical Health, and a good and all-round moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetical grounding in addition to a hard-working spirit are required for graduation. Students qualified enough to meet all the requirements of Regulations of Hunan University on the Awarding of Bachelor’s Degree (No. 22 [2018]) will thus be awarded the Bachelor’s Degree of Engineering.
V. Curriculum and Credit Distribution
1. General Education Courses (34 credits for compulsory courses + 8 credits for optional courses)
The general courses consist of two parts: required courses and elective courses. The general elective courses are to be fulfilled in accordance with “The Implementation Scheme of the General elective courses of Hunan University”. Disciplinary General Education Courses are as follows:
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
GE01150 |
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theory System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
3 |
GE01174 |
Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
2 |
GE01152 |
Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis |
3 |
GE01155 (-162) |
Lectures on Current Affairs and Policies |
2 |
GE01153 |
Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History |
3 |
GE01154 |
Basic Principles of Marxism |
3 |
GE01151 |
Practice of Ideological and Political Theory Course |
2 |
GE01012 (-015) |
College English |
8 |
Modular courses for a flexible credit system is offered for the total 8 course credits. Students who get the specified foreign language proficiency test scores or foreign language contest awards may finish only 4 or 6 course credits. |
GE01163 |
Introduction to Computing and Artificial Intelligence |
4 |
GE01089 (-092) |
Physical Education |
4 |
Total |
34 |
2. Core Courses in General Discipline (26 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
GE03025 (-026) |
Advanced Mathematics A |
10 |
GE03003 |
Linear Algebra A |
3 |
GE03004 |
Probability and Mathematical Statistics A |
3 |
GE03005 (-006) |
University Physics A |
6 |
GE03007 (-008) |
University Physics Experiment A |
2 |
ME03001 |
Engineering Chemistry |
2 |
Total |
26 |
3. Core Courses in General Category (32 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
ME04017、ME04002 |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics |
5 |
ME04019 |
Engineering Materials |
2 |
ME04033 |
Theoretical Mechanics B |
3.5 |
ME04034 |
Material Mechanics B |
3.5 |
ME04035 |
Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering |
2 |
ME04036 |
Mechanical Principles |
3.5 |
ME04037 |
Mechanical Design |
3.5 |
GE02059 |
Electrotechnics and Electronics |
3 |
ME04027 |
Fundamentals of Control Engineering |
2 |
ME06092 |
Numerical Methods in Engineering B |
2 |
ME04022 |
Fluid Mechanics |
2 |
Total |
32 |
4. Core Courses in Specialty (18 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
ME05039 |
Vehicle Construction and Engine Principle |
4 |
ME05002 |
Vehicle Theory |
4 |
ME05057 |
Intelligent Vehicle Design |
5 |
ME05040 |
Vehicle Electronic Techniques |
3 |
ME05041 |
Vehicle Manufacturing Technology |
2 |
Total |
18 |
5. Individualized Electives (18 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
ME06078 |
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering |
1 |
ME06079 |
Mechanical Vibration |
2 |
ME06112 |
The Fundamentals of New Energy Automobile |
2 |
ME06113 |
Finite Element Analysis |
2 |
ME06134 |
Engineering Optimization Design |
2 |
ME06064 |
Automotive NVH Technology |
2 |
ME06068 |
CAE Technique for Automotive Structure |
2 |
ME06115 |
CAE Technique for Automotive Crashworthiness |
2 |
ME05035 |
Interchangeability and Measurement Technology Basis |
2 |
ME06175 |
Automotive Electric Drive Technology |
2 |
ME06176 |
Automotive CAD Technology |
2 |
ME06177 |
Automotive Industry Policies and Regulations |
2 |
ME06178 |
Bionic Human Testing Technology of Carrier Equipment |
2 |
ME06148 |
Complex Function and Integral Transformation |
2 |
ME06194 |
New Energy Automotive Lightweight Technology |
2 |
ME06196 |
China Auto Figure |
2 |
ME06195 |
Fundamentals of engineering software programming for C/C++ and MATLAB |
2 |
ME06116 |
Automotive Test |
2 |
Limited selection (choose one of two) |
ME07026 |
Sensing and Testing Technology |
2 |
ME06179 |
Management Engineering (Limited Selection) (The content of the lecture includes: Quality Management, Production Management, Engineering Management) |
2 |
Limited selection |
ME06117 |
Structure and Design of Vehicle Body |
2 |
Vehicle Body: 10 credits |
ME06002 |
Manufacture Technology of Vehicle Body |
2 |
ME06014 |
Automotive Aerodynamics |
2 |
ME06015 |
Automotive Ergonomics |
2 |
ME06059 |
CAD Technique for Vehicle Body |
2 |
ME06118 |
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control |
3 |
Vehicle Chassis: 10 credits |
ME06066 |
Vehicle Suspension |
2 |
ME05036N |
Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Electric Transmission |
3 |
ME06061 |
Vehicle Chassis Performance Simulation |
2 |
ME06119 |
Vehicle Safety Technology |
2 |
Vehicle Safety: 10credits |
ME06120 |
Injury Biomechanics |
2 |
ME06180 |
Vehicle Safety Experimental Technique |
2 |
ME06067 |
Intelligent Vehicle |
2 |
ME06062 |
Theory and Methods of Vehicle Safety Simulation |
2 |
ME07030 |
Electric Vehicle Principle and Construction |
2 |
New Energy Vehicle: 10 credits |
ME07031 |
Electric Vehicle Design |
2 |
ME07032 |
Power Battery Technique for Electric Vehicle |
2 |
ME07035 |
Electric Vehicle Performance Simulation and Experiment |
2 |
ME07034 |
Automotive Power Electronics |
2 |
ME06156 |
Introduction to Intelligent Networked Automobile |
2 |
Intelligent Connected Vehicle: 10 credits |
ME06157 |
Intelligent Vehicle Decision Planning and Control |
3 |
ME06158 |
Intelligent Vehicle Environment Perception Technology |
3 |
ME06159 |
Intelligent Networked Automobile Practice Base |
2 |
Public elective courses: Students can choose 8 credits, which can be selected across the entire school
6. Intensive Practicum (36 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
GE09048 (-049) |
Military Theory and Military Training |
3 |
ME10050 |
Engineering Cognition Practice |
1 |
ME10031 (-032) |
Mechanical comprehensive experiment |
1 |
GE09057 |
Metalworking Practicum |
3 |
GE09055 |
Electric and Electronic Practice Training |
2 |
ME10055 |
Integrated Mechanical Design Training |
3 |
ME10034 |
Application Practice of Software of Surveying & Mapping Engineering |
1 |
ME10056 |
Comprehensive Practice of Automotive Electronic Technology |
2 |
ME10057 |
Auto Structure Disassembly Practice |
2 |
ME10014 |
Design of Automotive Manufacturing Technology Course |
2 |
ME10002N |
Integrated Vehicle Course Design |
2 |
ME10060 |
Specialized Internship (Vehicles) |
2 |
ME10120 |
Graduate Design (Thesis) |
10 |
ME10052 |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
2 |
Extracurricular scientific and technological practice activities (such as subject competitions, etc.) are recognized as credits. |
Total |
36 |
VI. Correspondence Matrix of Curriculum System and Graduation Requirements
Matrix of Curriculum System and Graduation Requirements
Course Category |
Course Title |
Graduate requirements |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
General Education Courses |
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theory System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
M |
H |
M |
M |
Practice of Ideological and Political Theory Course |
M |
H |
M |
M |
Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis |
H |
M |
H |
L |
Lectures on Current Affairs and Policies |
H |
H |
Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History |
H |
Basic Principles of Marxism |
M |
M |
H |
Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
H |
L |
M |
M |
College English |
H |
M |
Introduction to Computing and Artificial Intelligence |
H |
M |
Physical Education |
H |
Elective Courses in General Education |
Electives in Cultural and Quality Education (common elective courses) |
H |
L |
M |
M |
Core Courses in General Discipline |
Advanced Mathematics A |
H |
M |
Linear Algebra A |
H |
M |
Probability and Mathematical Statistics A |
H |
M |
University Physics A |
H |
M |
University Physics Experiment A |
H |
M |
Engineering Chemistry |
H |
M |
Core Courses in General Category |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics |
H |
M |
M |
Engineering Materials |
H |
M |
L |
Theoretical Mechanics B |
H |
Material Mechanics B |
H |
Fluid Mechanics |
H |
Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering |
H |
M |
L |
Mechanical Principles |
M |
H |
L |
Mechanical Design |
H |
M |
H |
L |
Electrotechnics and Electronics |
H |
M |
Fundamentals of Control Engineering |
H |
M |
Numerical Methods in Engineering B |
H |
L |
M |
L |
Core Courses in Specialty |
Vehicle Construction and Engine Principle |
H |
L |
H |
L |
L |
L |
L |
L |
M |
Vehicle Theory |
H |
L |
H |
L |
M |
L |
Intelligent Vehicle Design |
L |
H |
M |
H |
L |
Vehicle Electronic Techniques |
H |
M |
L |
H |
L |
L |
L |
L |
Vehicle Manufacturing Technology |
L |
H |
M |
H |
L |
Automotive Testing |
M |
L |
H |
H |
Elective course |
L |
M |
H |
H |
H |
H |
H |
H |
H |
M |
H |
Concentrated practice links |
Military Theory and Military Training |
H |
L |
Engineering Cognition Practice |
M |
H |
Mechanical comprehensive experiment |
L |
H |
M |
M |
L |
Metalworking Practicum |
M |
H |
L |
Electric and Electronic Practice Training |
M |
H |
L |
Integrated Mechanical Design Training |
L |
H |
M |
L |
L |
Application Practice of Software of Surveying & Mapping Engineering |
H |
L |
Comprehensive Practice of Automotive Electronic Technology |
L |
H |
M |
L |
L |
Auto Structure Disassembly Practice |
M |
H |
M |
M |
M |
H |
H |
Design of Automotive Manufacturing Technology Course |
L |
M |
H |
L |
L |
L |
L |
L |
Integrated Vehicle Course Design |
L |
M |
H |
L |
L |
L |
H |
H |
L |
L |
Graduate Design (Thesis) |
H |
H |
M |
L |
Graduate Design (Thesis) |
M |
H |
M |
H |
H |
M |
M |
H |
M |
M |
H |
M |
M |
M |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
H |
H |
H |
M |
L |
Note: (1) The teaching activities include: curriculum, practice and training, etc.; (2) H indicates high-relevance; M, median relevance; and L, low relevance.
VII. Course Instructors
No. |
Course Title |
Credits |
Total Hours |
College/Teachers |
Semester |
1 |
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theory System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
3 |
48 |
Marxism School |
3 |
2 |
Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
2 |
36 |
Marxism School |
6 |
3 |
Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis |
3 |
54 |
Marxism School |
1 |
4 |
Lectures on Current Affairs and Policies |
2 |
32 |
Marxism School |
1-8 |
5 |
Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History |
3 |
54 |
Marxism School |
2 |
6 |
Basic Principles of Marxism |
3 |
54 |
Marxism School |
4 |
7 |
Practice of Ideological and Political Theory Course |
2 |
64 |
Marxism School |
4 |
8 |
College English |
8 |
128 |
School of Foreign Languages |
1-4 |
9 |
Introduction to Computing and Artificial Intelligence A |
4 |
80 |
College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering |
1 |
10 |
Physical Education |
4 |
144 |
Physical Education Institute |
1-4 |
11 |
Quality Education |
8 |
128 |
Each college |
Decentralized |
12 |
Advanced Mathematics A (1) |
5 |
96 |
School of Mathematics |
1 |
13 |
Advanced Mathematics A (2) |
5 |
96 |
School of Mathematics |
2 |
14 |
Linear Algebra A |
3 |
48 |
School of Mathematics |
2 |
15 |
Probability and Mathematical Statistics A |
3 |
48 |
School of Mathematics |
3 |
16 |
University Physics A (1) |
3 |
64 |
School of Physics and Electronics |
2 |
17 |
University Physics A (2) |
3 |
64 |
School of Physics and Electronics |
3 |
18 |
University Physics Experiment A |
2 |
64 |
School of Physics and Electronics |
2-3 |
19 |
Engineering Chemistry |
2 |
36 |
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering |
1 |
20 |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics |
5 |
84 |
College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering |
1-2 |
21 |
Engineering Materials |
2 |
36 |
College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering |
4 |
22 |
Theoretical Mechanics B |
3.5 |
58 |
Department of Mechanics |
3 |
23 |
Material Mechanics B |
3.5 |
62 |
Department of Mechanics |
4 |
24 |
Fluid Mechanics |
2 |
34 |
Wang Tiantian |
4 |
25 |
Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering |
2 |
34 |
Xiao Zhi |
5 |
26 |
Mechanical Principles |
3.5 |
60 |
Department of Mechanical Design |
4 |
27 |
Mechanical Design |
3.5 |
60 |
Department of Mechanical Design |
5 |
28 |
Electrotechnics and Electronics |
3 |
54 |
College of Electrical and Information Engineering |
3 |
29 |
Fundamentals of Control Engineering |
2 |
34 |
Yang Yi, Huang Peifeng, Huang Jing |
5 |
30 |
Numerical Methods in Engineering B |
2 |
34 |
Cui Xiangyang, Wang Hu |
6 |
31 |
Vehicle Construction and Engine Principle |
4 |
64 |
Zhou Bing, Gan Nianfei |
4 |
32 |
Vehicle Theory |
4 |
70 |
Song Xiaolin, Zhang Guanjun, Ding Fei |
5 |
33 |
Intelligent Vehicle Design |
5 |
86 |
Li Weiping, Li Fan, Hu Manjiang |
6 |
34 |
Vehicle Electronic Techniques |
3 |
48 |
Bai Zhonghao, Zhang Jun, Zhang Feitie, Huang Zhi |
5 |
35 |
Vehicle Manufacturing Technology |
2 |
32 |
Zheng Gang, Cai Yong |
6 |
36 |
Mechanical Vibration |
2 |
34 |
Xu Daolin, Zhou Jiaxi |
6 |
37 |
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering |
1 |
16 |
Yang Xujing, Jin Xiangzhong, Song Lijun, Xue Dianlun |
1 |
38 |
Automotive Testing |
2 |
38 |
Huang Zhi, Lei Fei |
6 |
39 |
Sensing and Testing Technology |
2 |
32 |
Huang Zhi, Jiang Binhui |
6 |
40 |
The Fundamentals of New Energy Automobile |
2 |
32 |
He Liping, Huang Peifeng |
7 |
41 |
Finite Element Analysis |
2 |
34 |
Cui Xiangyang, Li Guangyao |
7 |
42 |
Engineering Optimization Design |
2 |
36 |
Wang Hu, Cai Yong |
7 |
43 |
Automotive NVH Technology |
2 |
34 |
He Zhicheng, Hu Zhaohui |
7 |
44 |
CAE Technique for Automotive Structure |
2 |
34 |
Song Kai, Nie Xin |
7 |
45 |
CAE Technique for Automotive Crashworthiness |
2 |
34 |
Yin Hanfeng, Chen Tao |
7 |
46 |
Interchangeability and Measurement Technology Basis |
2 |
36 |
Hu Zhongxun |
5 |
47 |
Automotive Electric Drive Technology |
2 |
34 |
Zhang Jun, Zhou Wei |
7 |
48 |
Automotive CAD Technology |
2 |
36 |
Chen Linlin |
6 |
49 |
Automotive Industry Policies and Regulations |
2 |
32 |
Bai Zhonghao |
6 |
50 |
Bionic Human Testing Technology of Carrier Equipment |
2 |
32 |
Yan Lingbo |
7 |
51 |
Complex Function and Integral Transformation |
2 |
32 |
Fang Qihong |
6 |
52 |
New Energy Automotive Lightweight Technology |
2 |
32 |
Xu Shiwei |
6 |
53 |
China Auto Figure |
2 |
32 |
Zhang Weigang |
3 |
54 |
Fundamentals of engineering software programming for C/C++ and MATLAB |
2 |
36 |
Chen Feng |
4 |
55 |
Management Engineering |
2 |
32 |
Xue Dianlun, Bai Zhonghao, Xie Hui |
6 |
56 |
Structure and Design of Vehicle Body |
2 |
38 |
Cao Libo |
7 |
57 |
Manufacture Technology of Vehicle Body |
2 |
32 |
Liu Dihui |
7 |
58 |
Automotive Aerodynamics |
2 |
34 |
Li Weiping, Wang Tiantian |
7 |
59 |
Automotive Ergonomics |
2 |
32 |
Ding Fei |
7 |
60 |
CAD Technique for Vehicle Body |
2 |
32 |
Xiao Zhi |
7 |
61 |
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control |
3 |
54 |
Yang Yi, Zhou Bing |
7 |
62 |
Vehicle Suspension |
2 |
32 |
Liu Dihui, Zhou Bing |
7 |
63 |
Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Electric Transmission |
3 |
54 |
Xue Dianlun |
7 |
64 |
Vehicle Chassis Performance Simulation |
2 |
32 |
Liu Dihui |
7 |
65 |
Vehicle Safety Technology |
2 |
32 |
Zhang Weigang |
7 |
66 |
Injury Biomechanics |
2 |
34 |
Jiang Binhui |
7 |
67 |
Vehicle Safety Experimental Technique |
2 |
36 |
Bai Zhonghao |
7 |
68 |
Intelligent Vehicle |
2 |
32 |
Zhang Feitie |
7 |
69 |
Theory and Methods of Vehicle Safety Simulation |
2 |
32 |
Yin Hanfeng |
7 |
70 |
Electric Vehicle Principle and Construction |
2 |
34 |
Lei Fei, He Liping |
7 |
71 |
Electric Vehicle Design |
2 |
32 |
Zhou Wei, He Liping, Lei Fei, Huang Peifeng |
7 |
72 |
Power Battery Technique for Electric Vehicle |
2 |
32 |
He Liping, Huang Peifeng |
7 |
73 |
Automotive Power Electronics |
2 |
34 |
Zhang Jun, Zhou Wei |
7 |
74 |
Electric Vehicle Performance Simulation and Experiment |
2 |
32 |
Huang Peifeng |
7 |
75 |
Introduction to Intelligent Networked Automobile |
2 |
32 |
He Zhicheng, Zhong Xiang |
7 |
76 |
Intelligent Vehicle Environment Perception Technology |
3 |
54 |
Zhang Feitie, Jiang Binhui |
7 |
77 |
Intelligent Vehicle Decision Planning and Control |
3 |
52 |
Lei Fei |
7 |
78 |
Intelligent Networked Automobile Practice Base |
2 |
36 |
Huang Zhi |
7 |
79 |
Comprehensive Practice of Automotive Electronic Technology |
2 |
2 weeks |
Zhang Jun, Huang Zhi |
6 |
80 |
Auto Structure Disassembly Practice |
2 |
2 weeks |
Xie Xiaoping, Yuan Shujie, Peng Weiguang, Chai Tian |
Summer 2 |
81 |
Design of Automotive Manufacturing Technology Course |
2 |
2 weeks |
Zheng Gang, Cai Yong, Liu Dihui, He Zhicheng, Zhang Guanjun |
Summer 3 |
82 |
Integrated Vehicle Course Design |
2 |
2 weeks |
Bai Zhonghao, Song Xiaolin, Lei Fei, Gan Nianfei, Zhang Guanjun, Jiang Binhui |
7 |
83 |
Engineering Cognition Practice |
1 |
1 week |
Bai Zhonghao, Zhang Guanjun |
2 |
84 |
Specialized Internship (Vehicles) |
2 |
2 weeks |
Zheng Gang, Xiao Zhi, Li Fan, Huang Zhi, Xue Dianlun |
8 |
85 |
Graduate Design (Thesis) |
10 |
10 weeks |
Department of Vehicle Engineering |
8 |
VIII. Program Chief Professor
No. |
Name |
Title |
Education |
Research Areas |
Course |
1 |
Bai Zhonghao |
Professor |
PhD |
Intelligent Connected Vehicle Vehicle safety |
Automobile electronic technology, automobile safety experiment design and analysis, intelligent networked automobile comprehensive curriculum design |
1. 工程知识:能够综合运用数学等自然科学、管理学、工程基础及专业知识,分析和解决生产或服务系统的效率、质量、成本及环境友好等管理决策优化与复杂工程实践问题。
2. 问题分析:具备系统工程思想,能够综合应用数学等自然科学、管理学、经济学及专业相关知识,对专业相关的复杂问题进行识别和提炼、定义和表达、分析和实证、创新和整合。
3. 设计/开发解决方案:在考虑安全与健康、法律法规与相关标准以及经济、环境、文化、社会等制约因素的前提下,具有针对生产或服务系统中复杂问题进行分析、规划、设计、管理和运作的能力。
4. 研究:具有应用相关理论和方法针对复杂的工业工程问题进行研究的能力,主要包括设计与实施实验、分析与解释实验数据并通过信息采集综合得到合理有效的结论。
5. 使用现代工具:能够在工业工程实践中开发、选择并应用恰当的技术、资源、现代工程工具和信息技术工具,并了解其局限性。
6. 工程与社会:能够基于工程相关背景知识,评价工业工程实践对社会、产业、健康、安全、法律以及文化的影响,并理解应承担的责任。
7. 环境和可持续发展:能够理解和评价工程实践对环境、社会可持续发展的影响。
8. 职业规范:具有工程科学素质、人文社会科学及管理学素养、社会责任感和职业道德。
9. 个人和团队:具有在多学科团队中发挥工业工程管理作用的能力。
10. 沟通:能够就工业工程问题与业界同行及公众进行有效沟通和交流,包括撰写报告、设计文稿、陈述发言、清晰表达和回应指令。并具备一定的国际化视野,能够在跨文化背景下进行沟通和交流。
11. 项目管理:理解并掌握工程管理原理及决策优化方法,并能够在多学科环境中灵活加以应用。
12. 终身学习:具有自主学习、终身学习、持续改善的意识,有不断学习和适应发展的能力。
“培养目标-毕业要求” 矩阵表
毕业要求 培养目标 |
1 工程 知识 |
2 问题 分析 |
3 设计/ 开发 解决 方案 |
4 研究 |
5 使用 现代 工具 |
6 工程 与 社会 |
7 环境 和可持续发展 |
8 职业 规范 |
9 个人 和 团队 |
10 沟通 |
11 项目 管理 |
12 终身 学习 |
1.培养德才兼备,具有良好工程科学素质、人文社会科学及管理学素养、社会责任感和职业道德的社会主义接班人。 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
2.培养具有科学精神、创新和思维能力,国家经济社会和科技发展需要的科技创新型人才。 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
3.培养具备工业工程基础知识、工程实践能力、组织协调能力、创新创业能力,能在工业工程和相关交叉领域从事分析、规划、设计、管理和运作等方面工作的技术与管理并重的应用型高级复合型人才。 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
4.培养视野开阔,具有国际视野和竞争力的高级人才。 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
1. 本科基本学制4年,弹性学习年限3-6年,按照学分制度管理。
2. 工业工程专业学生毕业最低学分数为172学分,其中各类别课程及环节要求学分数如下表:
课程类别 |
通识必修 |
学门核心 |
学类核心 |
专业核心 |
个性培养 |
通识选修 |
集中实践 |
合计 |
学分数 |
34 |
26 |
29 |
16 |
22 |
8 |
37 |
172 |
3. 学生修满培养方案规定的必修课、选修课及有关环节,达到规定的最低毕业学分数,《国家学生体质健康标准》测试成绩达标,德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,即可毕业。根据《湖南大学学士学位授予工作细则》(湖大教字[2018]22号),满足学位授予条件的,授予工学学士学位。
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
GE01150 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
3 |
GE01174 |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
2 |
GE01152 |
思想道德修养与法律基础 |
3 |
GE01155(-162) |
形势与政策 |
2 |
GE01153 |
中国近现代史纲要 |
3 |
GE01154 |
马克思主义基本原理 |
3 |
GE01151 |
思政实践 |
2 |
GE01012(-015) |
大学英语 |
8 |
实行弹性学分、动态分层、模块课程教学,总学分为8学分,设置4、6、8三级学分基本要求,不足学分可以通过相关外语水平等级测试或外语学科竞赛成绩获取。 |
GE01163 |
计算与人工智能概论 |
4 |
GE01089(-092) |
体育 |
4 |
合计 |
34 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
GE03025 |
高等数学A(1) |
5 |
GE03026 |
高等数学A(2) |
5 |
GE03003 |
线性代数A |
3 |
GE03004 |
概率论与数理统计A |
3 |
GE03005 |
普通物理A(1) |
3 |
GE03006 |
普通物理A(2) |
3 |
GE03007(-008) |
普通物理实验A |
2 |
ME03001 |
工程化学 |
2 |
合 计 |
26 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
ME04028 |
管理学 |
2 |
ME04038 |
经济学 |
2 |
ME04030 |
运筹学 |
3 |
ME04017 ME04002 |
机械工程图学 |
5 |
ME04010 |
机械设计基础A |
4 |
ME04009 |
工程力学 |
4 |
ME05033 |
机械制造技术 |
4 |
GE02059 |
电工电子学 |
3 |
ME06024 |
工程中的数值方法 |
2 |
合计 |
29 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
ME05042 |
生产管理学 |
2 |
ME05043 |
基础工业工程 |
2 |
ME05044 |
系统工程 |
2 |
ME05045 |
工程统计学 |
2 |
ME05046 |
生产系统建模与仿真 |
2 |
ME06128 |
设施规划与物流分析 |
2 |
ME05048 |
质量管理与可靠性 |
2 |
ME05049 |
管理信息系统 |
2 |
合计 |
16 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
ME05035 |
互换性与测量技术基础 |
2 |
ME04019 |
工程材料 |
2 |
ME06078 |
机械工程导论 |
1 |
ME05047 |
人因工程 |
2 |
ME07013 |
物流与供应链管理 |
2 |
ME07008 |
工程经济学 |
2 |
ME07007 |
成本控制 |
2 |
ME06181 |
项目管理 |
2 |
ME06099 |
工业工程专业英语 |
2 |
ME06046 |
数据库原理及应用 |
2 |
ME06082 |
基础会计学 |
2 |
ME04040 |
人工智能技术及应用 |
2 |
“智能+”工业工程方向 课程群 |
ME06183 |
智能调度与优化 |
2 |
ME06184 |
智能生产系统 |
2 |
ME06171 |
大数据分析技术 |
2 |
ME06174 |
智能工厂管理 |
2 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
GE09048(-049) GE09049 |
军事理论与军事技能 |
3 |
GE09057 |
金工实习 |
3 |
ME10050 |
专业认知实习 |
1 |
GE09055 |
电工电子实训 |
2 |
ME10058 |
制造业信息化工程实验 |
2 |
ME10007 |
机械设计基础课程设计 |
2 |
ME10034 |
测绘与工程软件应用实践 |
1 |
ME10018 |
生产系统建模与仿真课程设计 |
2 |
ME10041 |
设施规划与物流课程设计 |
2 |
ME10035 |
机械制造技术课程设计 |
2 |
ME10059 |
工业工程专业综合课程设计 |
2 |
ME10017 |
生产实习 |
2 |
ME10052 |
创新创业 |
2 |
ME10049 |
科技写作(中、英文)训练 |
1 |
ME10054 |
毕业设计(论文) |
10 |
(含毕业实习) |
合计 |
37 |
课程名称 |
毕业要求 |
1 工程 知识 |
2 问题 分析 |
3 设计/ 开发 解决 方案 |
4 研究 |
5 使用 现代 工具 |
6 工程 与 社会 |
7 环境 和可持续发展 |
8 职业 规范 |
9 个人 和 团队 |
10 沟通 |
11 项目 管理 |
12 终身 学习 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
H |
H |
M |
M |
M |
思想道德修养与法律基础 |
H |
M |
M |
M |
L |
形势与政策 |
H |
M |
M |
M |
H |
中国近现代史纲要 |
M |
M |
L |
M |
马克思主义基本原理 |
M |
M |
H |
M |
M |
思政实践 |
M |
M |
H |
H |
M |
大学英语 |
L |
M |
M |
H |
H |
计算与人工智能概论 |
L |
H |
H |
M |
M |
体育 |
L |
M |
H |
H |
M |
高等数学A |
H |
H |
M |
L |
概率论与数理统计A |
H |
H |
M |
L |
线性代数A |
H |
H |
M |
L |
普通物理A |
H |
H |
M |
M |
普通物理实验A |
H |
H |
M |
L |
M |
工程化学 |
M |
L |
H |
管理学 |
H |
M |
M |
M |
经济学 |
H |
M |
M |
L |
运筹学 |
H |
H |
M |
机械工程图学 |
H |
M |
M |
机械设计基础A |
H |
M |
M |
工程力学 |
H |
M |
L |
机械制造技术 |
H |
M |
M |
电工电子学 |
H |
L |
工程中的数值方法A |
M |
M |
H |
生产管理学 |
L |
H |
M |
基础工业工程 |
L |
H |
M |
系统工程 |
H |
M |
M |
M |
M |
工程统计学 |
L |
H |
M |
生产系统建模与仿真 |
L |
H |
H |
M |
H |
设施规划与物流分析 |
M |
H |
H |
M |
M |
质量管理与可靠性 |
M |
H |
H |
M |
管理信息系统 |
H |
H |
M |
军事理论与军事技能 |
H |
L |
科技写作(中、英文)训练 |
H |
M |
认知实习 |
M |
M |
H |
金工实习、电工电子实训 |
H |
L |
H |
制造业信息化工程实验 |
M |
H |
机械设计基础课程设计 |
L |
H |
M |
L |
L |
测绘与工程软件应用实践 |
H |
L |
生产系统建模与仿真课程设计 |
H |
H |
H |
M |
L |
设施规划与物流课程设计 |
M |
H |
H |
M |
M |
H |
机械制造技术课程设计 |
L |
M |
H |
L |
L |
L |
工业工程专业综合课程设计 |
H |
H |
L |
M |
创新创业实践 |
H |
H |
生产实习 |
H |
H |
M |
L |
毕业设计(论文) |
H |
H |
H |
M |
H |
M |
M |
H |
M |
M |
专业选修课程群 |
H |
H |
H |
M |
M |
H |
序号 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
总学时 |
拟授课学院/教师 |
授课学期 |
1 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
3 |
48 |
马克思主义学院 |
3 |
2 |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
2 |
28+8 |
马克思主义学院 |
6 |
3 |
思政实践 |
2 |
64 |
马克思主义学院 |
4 |
4 |
思想道德修养与法律基础 |
3 |
42+12 |
马克思主义学院 |
1 |
5 |
形势与政策 |
2 |
32 |
马克思主义学院 |
1-8 |
6 |
中国近现代史纲要 |
3 |
42+12 |
马克思主义学院 |
2 |
7 |
马克思主义基本原理 |
3 |
42+12 |
马克思主义学院 |
4 |
8 |
计算与人工智能概论 |
4 |
48+32 |
信息科学与工程学院 |
1 |
9 |
大学英语 |
8 |
128 |
外国语学院 |
1-4 |
10 |
体育 |
4 |
128+16 |
体育学院 |
1-4 |
11 |
高等数学A(1) |
5 |
80+16 |
数学学院 |
1 |
12 |
高等数学A(2) |
5 |
80+16 |
数学学院 |
2 |
13 |
线性代数A |
3 |
40+8 |
数学学院 |
2 |
14 |
概率论与数理统计A |
3 |
40+8 |
数学学院 |
3 |
15 |
普通物理A(1) |
3 |
48+16 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
2 |
16 |
普通物理A(2) |
3 |
48+16 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
3 |
17 |
通物理实验A(1) |
1 |
32 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
2 |
18 |
通物理实验A(1) |
1 |
32 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
3 |
19 |
工程化学 |
2 |
28+8 |
化学化工学院 |
1 |
20 |
管理学 |
2 |
32 |
工商管理学院 |
4 |
21 |
经济学 |
2 |
32 |
经济与贸易学院 |
4 |
22 |
运筹学 |
3 |
46+4 |
、任莹晖 |
5 |
23 |
机械工程图学 |
5 |
70+6+8 |
、杨钦文 |
1-2 |
24 |
机械设计基础A |
4 |
52+8+8 |
、周长江 |
4 |
25 |
工程力学 |
4 |
56+4+8 |
、戴宏亮 |
3 |
26 |
机械制造技术 |
4 |
52+8+8 |
、金湘中 |
6 |
27 |
电工电子学 |
3 |
42+12 |
电气与信息学院 |
3 |
28 |
工程中的数值方法 |
2 |
28+2+4 |
、陈久久 |
5 |
29 |
生产管理学 |
2 |
30+4 |
、范叶 |
5 |
30 |
基础工业工程 |
2 |
30+4 |
、任莹晖 |
5 |
31 |
系统工程 |
2 |
30+2+2 |
、邓乾旺 |
7 |
32 |
工程统计学 |
2 |
30+4 |
、韦海英 |
5 |
33 |
生产系统建模与仿真 |
2 |
30+4 |
、刘坚 |
7 |
34 |
设施规划与物流分析 |
2 |
30+4 |
、黄向明 |
6 |
35 |
质量管理与可靠性 |
2 |
30+4 |
、李蓉 |
7 |
36 |
管理信息系统 |
2 |
28+8 |
、钟波 |
6 |
37 |
互换性与测量技术基础 |
2 |
26+2+8 |
、龚志辉 |
4 |
38 |
工程材料 |
2 |
24+4+8 |
、陈鼎 |
4 |
39 |
机械工程导论 |
1 |
16 |
、杨旭静 |
1 |
40 |
人因工程 |
2 |
30+4 |
、黄向明 |
5 |
41 |
物流与供应链管理 |
2 |
30+4 |
、李蓉 |
7 |
42 |
工程经济学 |
2 |
32 |
、韦海英 |
6 |
43 |
成本控制 |
2 |
32 |
、范叶 |
6 |
44 |
项目管理 |
2 |
32 |
工商管理学院 |
5 |
45 |
工业工程专业英语 |
2 |
32 |
、何世慧 |
7 |
46 |
数据库原理及应用 |
2 |
28+8 |
5 |
47 |
基础会计学 |
2 |
32 |
工商管理学院 |
5 |
48 |
人工智能技术及应用 |
2 |
28+8 |
、陈宁 |
5 |
49 |
智能调度与优化 |
2 |
32 |
、夏百战 |
6 |
50 |
智能生产系统 |
2 |
26+2+8 |
7 |
51 |
大数据分析技术 |
2 |
26+2+6 |
6 |
52 |
智能工厂管理 |
2 |
26+2+6 |
7 |
序号 |
姓名 |
职称 |
学历学位 |
专业特长 |
承担授课课程 |
1 |
夏百战 |
教授 |
博士 |
智能调度、超材料设计 |
智能调度与优化 |
Industrial Engineering
I. Program Introduction
For the future development of the national manufacturing and service industry, as well as the urgent demand of engineering talents for the national development of the economy, the College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering in Hunan University established industrial engineering as an undergraduate major in 2004. This major provides the basic training of knowledge, skills and thinking of the modern industrial engineering and system management to the students who are willing to be engaged in production, operation, service, management, teaching, research and consulting work in manufacturing, service, public utilities, research institutes and government departments after graduation. In addition to the general education courses and core courses in general discipline stipulated by the university, the core courses for students majoring in industrial engineering also include Electrotechnics and Electronics, Fundamentals of Machine Design, Mechanical Manufacturing Technology, Management, Economics, Operation Research, System Engineering, Production Management, Quality Management, Management Information System, Human Factors Engineering, Engineering Economics, etc. The curriculum of industrial engineering provides students with solid basic knowledge of engineering and management, considering both the theory and practice. At the same time, students are encouraged to take courses in our college and other colleges to meet the needs of personality development.
II. Educational Objectives
This major focuses on the cultivation of high-quality talents in the new era with a solid foundation, broad vision, well-balanced integrity and capability, good humanistic quality, scientific spirit, and innovation ability. Also, this major aims to cultivate high-level technical talents in the field of industrial engineering with solid basic theory and application skills, so that they are well qualified in various fields as academia, entrepreneurship, research and development.
1. To cultivate socialist successors with both ability and integrity, good quality of engineering science, humanities and social sciences and management, high social responsibility and professional ethics.
2. To cultivate scientific and technologically innovative talents with the scientific spirit, innovation and thinking ability to serve the needs of national development of economy, society, science and technology.
3. To cultivate the application-oriented senior inter-disciplinary talents who have the basic knowledge of industrial engineering, the ability of engineering practice, organization, coordination, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Thus, these talents can be engaged in the analysis, planning, design, management and operation of industrial engineering and related cross fields with equal emphasis on technology and management.
4. To cultivate high-level talents with a broad vision and international competitiveness.
III. Graduation Requirements
Students of this degree will require:
1. Engineering Knowledge: Be able to comprehensively apply knowledge of mathematics, natural sciences, management, engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to analyze and solve management decision optimization and complex engineering problems. These problems including the efficiency, quality, cost and environmentally friendly management of the production or service system.
2. Problem Expression: Have the idea of system engineering, be able to comprehensively apply knowledge of mathematics and natural sciences, management, economics and engineering specialization to identify and refine, define and express, analyze and demonstrate, innovate and integrate the related complex professional problems.
3. Design and Development: Can analyze, plan, design, manage and operate complex problems in production or service systems with considerations of safety, public health, laws and regulations, as well as other constraints like economic, environmental, cultural and societal,
4. Research and Analysis: Can apply relevant theories and methods to investigate complex industrial engineering problems, and provide reasonable and valid conclusions through the process of experimental design and implementation, data analysis and interpretation, and information collection and synthesis.
5. Tool Usage: Be able to develop, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, tools of modern engineering and IT in industrial engineering practice, with the understanding of their limitations.
6. Engineering and Society: Be able to rationalize and assess the impact of industrial engineering practice on society, industry, health, safety, law and culture based on related engineering professional knowledge, and understand the consequent responsibilities.
7. Environment and Sustainability: Be able to understand and evaluate the impact of engineering practice on the sustainability of society and environment.
8. Professional Norms: Have the quality of Engineering Science, Humanities and Social Sciences and Management, a sense of social responsibility and professional ethics.
9. Individual and Team: Can work effectively in diverse and multidisciplinary teams.
10. Communication: Be able to communicate effectively with the engineering community and general public on industrial engineering issues, including writing reports, designing drafts, making statements, clear expression and responding to instructions. Meanwhile, has a certain level of global vision, and can communicate and exchange in a cross-cultural context.
11. Project Management: Understand and master the engineering management principles and decision optimization methods, and be able to apply them flexibly in a multidisciplinary environment.
12. Lifelong Learning: Have the awareness of self-learning, lifelong learning and continuous improvement, and have the ability to continuously continuous learning and adapting to the times.
Matrix of "Educational Objectives-Graduation Requirements"
Graduate Outcomes Educational Objectives |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
1. To cultivate socialist successors with both ability and integrity, good quality of engineering science, humanities and social sciences and management, high social responsibility and professional ethics. |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
2. To cultivate scientific and technologically innovative talents with the scientific spirit, innovation and thinking ability to serve the needs of national development of economy, society, science and technology. |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
3. To cultivate the application-oriented senior inter-disciplinary talents who have the basic knowledge of industrial engineering, the ability of engineering practice, organization, coordination, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Thus, these talents can be engaged in the analysis, planning, design, management and operation of industrial engineering and related cross fields with equal emphasis on technology and management. |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
4. Cultivate high-level talents with a broad vision and international competitiveness. |
● |
● |
● |
● |
Marked with the symbol ●
IV. Length of Schooling, Graduation Requirements and Degree Awarded
1. The length of schooling is usually 4, but flexibly 3-6 years based on the credit system.
2. The minimum credits for this program are 172, which are distributed as follows:
Category |
Credit |
General Education Courses |
34 |
Core Courses in General Discipline |
26 |
Core Courses in General Category |
29 |
Core Courses in Specialty |
16 |
Elective Courses in Specialty |
22 |
Elective Courses in General Education |
8 |
Intensive Practicum |
37 |
Total |
172 |
3. The students will be qualified for graduation after completing the required core courses, elective courses and practice which specified in this program to get the required minimum credits. Also, students need to fulfill the requirements according to the national student physical health standard and be qualified in virtue, wisdom and health. According to the "Work Regulations for the Awarding of Bachelor Degrees of Hunan University" (Huda Jiaozi [2018] No. 22), the Bachelor's Degree of Engineering shall be granted to those who satisfy the above requirements.
V. Curriculum and Credit Distribution
1. General Education Courses (34 credits for compulsory courses + 8 credits for optional courses)
The general courses consist of two parts: compulsory courses and elective courses. The latter is to be fulfilled in accordance with “The Implementation Scheme of the General Elective Courses of Hunan University”. The general compulsory courses are as follows:
Code |
Course |
Credit |
Note |
GE01150 |
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theory System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
3 |
GE01174 |
Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
2 |
GE01152 |
Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis |
3 |
GE01155 (-162) |
Situation and Policy |
2 |
GE01153 |
Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History |
3 |
GE01154 |
Basic Principles of Marxism |
3 |
GE01151 |
Practice of Ideological and Political Theory Course |
2 |
GE01012 (-015) |
College English |
8 |
Flexible credit, dynamic stratification and module course teaching are implemented. The total credit is 8 credits, and the basic requirements of level 4, 6 and 8 are set. The insufficient credits can be obtained through relevant foreign language proficiency level test or foreign language discipline competition results. |
GE01163 |
Introduction to Computing and Artificial Intelligence |
4 |
GE01089 (-092) |
Physical Education |
4 |
Total |
34 |
2. Core Courses in General Discipline (26 credits)
Code |
Course |
Credit |
Note |
GE03025 |
Advanced Mathematics A (Ⅰ) |
5 |
GE03026 |
Advanced Mathematics A (Ⅱ) |
5 |
GE03003 |
Linear Algebra A |
3 |
GE03004 |
Probability and Mathematics Statistic A |
3 |
GE03005 |
University Physics A (Ⅰ) |
3 |
GE03006 |
University Physics A (Ⅱ) |
3 |
GE03007 (-008) |
University Physics Experiment A |
2 |
ME03001 |
Engineering Chemistry |
2 |
Total |
26 |
3. Core Courses in General Category (29 credits)
Code |
Course |
Credit |
Note |
ME04028 |
Management |
2 |
ME04038 |
Economics |
2 |
ME04030 |
Operational Research |
3 |
ME04017 ME04002 |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics |
5 |
ME04010 |
Fundamentals of Machine Design A |
4 |
ME04009 |
Engineering Mechanics |
4 |
ME05033 |
Mechanical Manufacturing Technology |
4 |
GE02059 |
Electrotechnics and Electronics |
3 |
ME06024 |
Numerical methods in Engineering |
2 |
Total |
29 |
4. Core Courses in Specialty (16 credits)
Code |
Course |
Credit |
Note |
ME05042 |
Production Management |
2 |
ME05043 |
Fundamentals of Industrial Engineering |
2 |
ME05044 |
System Engineering |
2 |
ME05045 |
Engineering Statistics |
2 |
ME05046 |
Modeling and Simulation of Production System |
2 |
ME06128 |
Facilities Planning and Logistics Analysis |
2 |
ME05048 |
Quality Management & Reliability |
2 |
ME05049 |
Management Information System |
2 |
Total |
16 |
5. Elective Courses in Specialty (22 credits)
Code |
Course |
Credit |
Note |
ME05035 |
Fundamentals of Interchangeability and Measurement Technology |
2 |
ME04019 |
Engineering Materials |
2 |
ME06078 |
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering |
1 |
ME05047 |
Human Factors Engineering |
2 |
ME07013 |
Logistics & Supply Chain Management |
2 |
ME07008 |
Engineering Economics |
2 |
ME07007 |
Cost Control |
2 |
ME06181 |
Project Management |
2 |
ME06099 |
English for Industrial Engineering |
2 |
ME06046 |
Theory and Application of Database |
2 |
ME06082 |
Basic Accounting |
2 |
ME06182 |
Artificial Intelligence Technology and Application |
2 |
ME06183 |
Intelligent Scheduling and Optimization |
2 |
ME06184 |
Intelligent Manufacturing System |
2 |
ME06171 |
Big Data Analysis Techniques |
2 |
ME06174 |
Intelligent Factory Management |
2 |
Note: Credits for Individuality Cultivation, 10 credits can be taken as an interdisciplinary course in the whole university.
6. Intensive Practicum (37 credits)
Code |
Course |
Credit |
Note |
GE09048 |
Military Theory and Military Training |
3 |
GE09057 |
Metal Working Practice |
3 |
ME10050 |
Professional Cognitive Practice |
1 |
GE09055 |
Electrical Engineering Practice |
2 |
ME10058 |
Manufacturing Information Engineering Experiment |
2 |
ME10007 |
Course Design of Mechanical Design |
2 |
ME10034 |
Application for Software of Mapping & Engineering |
1 |
ME10018 |
Course Design of Production System Modeling and Simulation |
2 |
ME10041 |
Course Design of Facilities Planning and Logistics Analysis |
2 |
ME10035 |
Course Design of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology |
2 |
ME10059 |
Course Design of Industrial Engineering Design |
2 |
ME10017 |
Manufacturing Practice |
2 |
ME10052 |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
2 |
ME10049 |
Scientific Writing (Chinese and English) Training |
1 |
ME10054 |
Graduate Design (Thesis) |
10 |
(Graduation Internship Included) |
Totals |
37 |
VI. Correlation Matrix between Curriculum and Graduates Core Competence
Course |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theory System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
H |
H |
M |
M |
M |
Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis |
H |
M |
M |
M |
L |
Situation and Policy |
H |
M |
M |
M |
H |
Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History |
M |
M |
L |
M |
Basic Principles of Marxism |
M |
M |
H |
M |
M |
Practice of Ideological and Political Theory Course |
M |
M |
H |
H |
M |
College English |
L |
M |
M |
H |
H |
Introduction to Computing and Artificial Intelligence |
L |
H |
H |
M |
M |
Physical Education |
L |
M |
H |
H |
M |
Advanced Mathematics A |
H |
H |
M |
L |
Probability and Mathematics Statistic A |
H |
H |
M |
L |
Linear Algebra A |
H |
H |
M |
L |
University Physics A |
H |
H |
M |
M |
University Physics Experiment A |
H |
H |
M |
L |
M |
Engineering Chemistry |
M |
L |
H |
Management |
H |
M |
M |
M |
Economics |
H |
M |
M |
L |
Operational Research |
H |
H |
M |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics |
H |
M |
M |
Fundamentals of Machine Design A |
H |
M |
M |
Engineering Mechanics |
H |
M |
L |
Mechanical Manufacturing Technology |
H |
M |
M |
Electrotechnics and Electronics |
H |
L |
Numerical methods in Engineering |
M |
M |
H |
Production Management |
L |
H |
M |
Fundamentals of Industrial Engineering |
L |
H |
M |
System Engineering |
H |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Engineering Statistics |
L |
H |
M |
Modeling and Simulation of Production System |
L |
H |
H |
M |
H |
Facilities Planning and Logistics Analysis |
M |
H |
H |
M |
M |
Quality Management & Reliability |
M |
H |
H |
M |
Management Information System |
H |
H |
M |
Military Theory and Military Training |
H |
L |
Scientific Writing (Chinese and English) Training |
H |
M |
Professional Cognitive Practice |
M |
M |
H |
Metal Working Practice and Electrical Engineering Practice |
H |
L |
H |
Manufacturing Information Engineering Experiment |
M |
H |
Course Design of Mechanical Design |
L |
H |
M |
L |
L |
Application for Software of Mapping & Engineering |
H |
L |
Course Design of Production System Modeling and Simulation |
H |
H |
H |
M |
L |
Course Design of Facilities Planning and Logistics Analysis |
M |
H |
H |
M |
M |
H |
Course Design of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology |
L |
M |
H |
L |
L |
L |
Course Design of Industrial Engineering Design |
H |
H |
L |
M |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practice |
H |
H |
Manufacturing Practice |
H |
H |
M |
L |
Graduate Design (Thesis) |
H |
H |
H |
M |
H |
M |
M |
H |
M |
M |
Professional elective course group |
H |
H |
H |
M |
M |
H |
Note: The correlation between curriculum and professional competence is ranged by "H (high) ", "M (medium) " and "L (low) ".
VII. List of Course-responsible Teachers
No. |
Course |
Credits |
Total class hour |
School & College/Teacher |
Semester |
1 |
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theory System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
3 |
48 |
Marxism School |
3 |
2 |
Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
2 |
28+8 |
Marxism School |
6 |
3 |
Practice of Ideological and Political Theory Course |
2 |
64 |
Marxism School |
4 |
4 |
Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis |
3 |
42+12 |
Marxism School |
1 |
5 |
Situation and Policy |
2 |
32 |
Marxism School |
1-8 |
6 |
Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History |
3 |
42+12 |
Marxism School |
2 |
7 |
Basic Principles of Marxism |
3 |
42+12 |
Marxism School |
4 |
8 |
Introduction to Computing and Artificial Intelligence |
4 |
48+32 |
College of Computer Science & Electronic Engineering |
1 |
9 |
College English |
8 |
128 |
School of Foreign Languages |
1-4 |
10 |
Physical Education |
4 |
128+16 |
Physical Education Institute |
1-4 |
11 |
Advanced Mathematics A (I) |
5 |
80+16 |
School of Mathematics |
1 |
12 |
Advanced Mathematics A (II) |
5 |
80+16 |
School of Mathematics |
2 |
13 |
Linear Algebra A |
3 |
40+8 |
School of Mathematics |
2 |
14 |
Probability and Mathematics Statistic A |
3 |
40+8 |
School of Mathematics |
3 |
15 |
University Physics A (I) |
3 |
48+16 |
School of Physics & Electronics |
2 |
16 |
University Physics A (II) |
3 |
48+16 |
School of Physics & Electronics |
3 |
17 |
University Physics Experiment A (I) |
1 |
32 |
School of Physics & Electronics |
2 |
18 |
University Physics Experiment A (II) |
1 |
32 |
School of Physics & Electronics |
3 |
19 |
Engineering Chemistry |
2 |
28+8 |
College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering |
1 |
20 |
Management |
2 |
32 |
School of Business |
4 |
21 |
Economics |
2 |
32 |
School of Economics & Trade |
4 |
22 |
Operational Research |
3 |
46+4 |
Ren Yinghui |
5 |
23 |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics |
5 |
70+6+8 |
Yang Qinwen |
1-2 |
24 |
Fundamentals of Machine Design A |
4 |
52+8+8 |
Zhou Zhangjiang |
4 |
25 |
Engineering Mechanics |
4 |
56+4+8 |
Dai Hongliang |
3 |
26 |
Mechanical Manufacturing Technology |
4 |
52+8+8 |
Jin Xiangzhong |
6 |
27 |
Electrotechnics and Electronics |
3 |
42+12 |
College of Electrical & Information Engineering |
3 |
28 |
Numerical methods in Engineering |
2 |
28+2+4 |
Chen Jiujiu |
5 |
29 |
Production Management |
2 |
30+4 |
Fan Ye |
5 |
30 |
Fundamentals of Industrial Engineering |
2 |
30+4 |
Ren Yinghui |
5 |
31 |
System Engineering |
2 |
30+2+2 |
Deng Qianwang |
7 |
32 |
Engineering Statistics |
2 |
30+4 |
Wei Haiying |
5 |
33 |
Modeling and Simulation of Production System |
2 |
30+4 |
Liu Jian |
7 |
34 |
Facilities Planning and Logistics Analysis |
2 |
30+4 |
Huang Xiangming |
6 |
35 |
Quality Management & Reliability |
2 |
30+4 |
Li Rong |
7 |
36 |
Management Information System |
2 |
28+8 |
Zhong Bo |
6 |
37 |
Fundamentals of Interchangeability and Measurement Technology |
2 |
26+2+8 |
Gong Zhihui |
4 |
38 |
Engineering Materials |
2 |
24+4+8 |
Chen Ding |
4 |
39 |
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering |
1 |
16 |
Yang Xujing |
1 |
40 |
Human Factors Engineering |
2 |
30+4 |
Huang Xiangming |
5 |
41 |
Logistics & Supply Chain Management |
2 |
30+4 |
Li Rong |
7 |
42 |
Engineering Economics |
2 |
32 |
Wei Haiying |
6 |
43 |
Cost Control |
2 |
32 |
Fan Ye |
6 |
44 |
Project Management |
2 |
32 |
School of Business |
5 |
45 |
English for Industrial Engineering |
2 |
32 |
He Shihui |
7 |
46 |
Theory and Application of Database |
2 |
28+8 |
College of Mechanical & Vehicle Engineering |
5 |
47 |
Basic Accounting |
2 |
32 |
School of Business |
5 |
48 |
Artificial Intelligence Technology and Application |
2 |
28+8 |
Chen Ning |
5 |
49 |
Intelligent Scheduling and Optimization |
2 |
32 |
Xia Baizhan |
6 |
50 |
Intelligent Manufacturing System |
2 |
26+2+8 |
College of Mechanical & Vehicle Engineering |
7 |
51 |
Big Data Analysis Techniques |
2 |
26+2+6 |
College of Mechanical & Vehicle Engineering |
6 |
52 |
Intelligent Factory Management |
2 |
26+2+6 |
College of Mechanical & Vehicle Engineering |
7 |
VIII. Program-responsible Professor
No. |
Name |
Title |
Academic degree |
Professional expertise |
Course |
1 |
Xia Baizhan |
Professor |
Doctor |
Intelligent scheduling, metamaterial design |
Intelligent Scheduling and Optimization |
1. 掌握现代力学理论、先进计算方法和实验技术
2. 具有扎实数学力学基础知识与系统力学专业知识
3. 具备力学分析和研究应用能力、工程实践
4. 组织协调能力
5. 创新能力和国际视野
6. 具有良好的人文素养、科学精神、高度社会责任感、德才兼备
1. 工程知识:能够将数学、自然科学、力学基础和专业知识用于解决复杂工程结构力学问题。
2. 问题分析:能够应用数学、自然科学基本原理,并通过文献研究,识别、表达、分析工程结构中的相关力学问题,以获得有效结论。
3. 设计/开发解决方案:能够设计解决复杂工程结构相关力学问题的方案,并能够在设计环节中体现创新意识,考虑法律、健康、安全、文化、社会以及环境等因素。
4. 研究:能够基于科学原理并采用科学方法以及现代力学实验与测试技术,对复杂工程结构的力学问题进行研究,包括设计实验、分析与解释数据、并通过信息综合得到合理有效的结论。
5. 使用现代工具:能够在针对复杂工程结构的力学研究中开发、选择与使用恰当的技术、资源、现代工程工具和信息技术工具,并了解其局限性。
6. 工程与社会:能够评价复杂工程结构相关力学问题解决方案对社会、健康、安全、法律以及文化的影响,并理解应承担的责任。
7. 环境和可持续发展:能够理解和评价针对解决复杂工程结构相关力学问题的工程实践对环境、社会可持续发展的影响。
8. 职业规范:具有人文社会科学素养、社会责任感和工程职业道德。
9. 个人和团队:具有在多学科团队中发挥作用的能力。
10. 沟通:能够就工程问题与业界同行及社会公众进行有效沟通和交流,包括撰写报告和设计文稿、陈述发言、清晰表达或回应指令。并具备一定的国际视野,能够在跨文化背景下进行沟通和交流。
11. 项目管理:理解并掌握工程管理原理与经济决策方法,并能在多学科环境中应用。
12. 终身学习:具有自主学习和终身学习的意识,有不断学习和适应发展的能力。
“培养目标-毕业要求” 矩阵表
毕业要求 培养目标 |
1 工程 知识 |
2 问题 分析 |
3 设计/ 开发 解决 方案 |
4 研究 |
5 使用 现代 工具 |
6 工程 与 社会 |
7 环境 和可 持续 发展 |
8 职业 规范 |
9 个人 和 团队 |
10 沟通 |
11 项目 管理 |
12 终身 学习 |
1具备厚实的科学与工程基础,扎实的工程力学专业知识和技能,能应用专业知识和技能解决实际问题,具备力学分析和研究应用能力、工程实践和组织协调能力、创新能力和国际视野。 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
2具有前瞻性、战略性、全局性、创新性思维、研究能力、国际视野的未来物联网领域业界或学界的高素质人才。 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
3遵守职业道德规范,具有正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,具有良好的人文素养、社会责任感、法制意识和终身自主学习意识,成为具有理想信念的崇业者。 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
课程类别 |
通识必修 |
学门核心 |
学类核心 |
专业核心 |
个性培养 |
通识选修 |
实践环节 |
合计 |
学分数 |
34 |
26 |
31 |
15 |
22 |
8 |
36 |
172 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
GE01150 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
3 |
GE01174 |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
2 |
GE01152 |
思想道德修养与法律基础 |
3 |
GE01155(-162) |
形势与政策 |
2 |
GE01153 |
中国近现代史纲要 |
3 |
GE01154 |
马克思主义基本原理 |
3 |
GE01151 |
思政实践 |
2 |
GE01012(-015) |
大学英语 |
8 |
实行弹性学分、动态分层、模块课程教学,总学分为8学分,设置4、6、8三级学分基本要求,不足学分可以通过相关外语水平等级测试或外语学科竞赛成绩获取。 |
GE01163 |
计算与人工智能概论 |
4 |
GE01089(-092) |
体育 |
4 |
合计 |
34 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
GE03025 |
高等数学A(1) |
5 |
GE03026 |
高等数学A(2) |
5 |
GE03003 |
线性代数A |
3 |
GE03004 |
概率论与数理统计A |
3 |
GE03005 |
普通物理A(1) |
3 |
GE03006 |
普通物理A(2) |
3 |
GE03007(-008) |
普通物理实验A |
2 |
ME03001 |
工程化学 |
2 |
合计 |
26 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
ME04017 |
机械工程图学(1) |
3 |
ME04002 |
机械工程图学(2) |
2 |
ME04019 |
工程材料 |
2 |
EM04009 |
机械设计基B |
3 |
ME04020 |
理论力学A |
4 |
EM04010(-011) |
材料力学A(1)、(2) |
3+2 |
EM04008N |
弹性力学 |
4 |
ME04035 |
热工学基础 |
2 |
GE02059 |
电工电子学 |
3 |
EM04012 |
固体力学基础 |
3 |
合计 |
28 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
EM05004 |
计算力学 |
4 |
EM05011 |
振动力学 |
3.5 |
EM05012 |
实验力学 |
3.5 |
EM04006 |
流体力学A |
4 |
合计 |
15 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
EM06020 |
工程软件开发与应用 |
2 |
ME06130 |
计算方法 |
2 |
ME06148 |
复变函数与积分变换 |
2 |
ME07027 |
力学进展 |
2 |
EM06021 |
冲击动力学(英语教学) |
2 |
ME06078 |
机械工程导论(第1学期) |
1 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
EM06022 |
连续介质力学 |
3 |
EM05006 |
塑性力学 |
3 |
EM06023 |
分析力学 |
2 |
EM06024 |
数理方法 |
2 |
EM06011 |
断裂力学 |
2 |
EM06025 |
板壳力学 |
2 |
ME06004 |
多体动力学 |
2 |
EM06026 |
计算材料力学 |
2 |
ME06144 |
计算流体力学 |
2 |
EM06027 |
空气动力学 |
3 |
ME06131 |
非线性振动 |
2 |
EM06028 |
表面失稳力学 |
2 |
EM06029 |
超材料结构力学 |
2 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
EM06030 |
现代工程CAE分析 |
2 |
EM06031 |
结构优化设计 |
2 |
EM05003 |
结构力学 |
3 |
EM06032 |
复合材料力学与结构设计 |
2 |
EM06012 |
钢筋混凝土结构设计基础及CAE分析 |
2 |
EM06033 |
钢结构原理 |
2 |
EM06034 |
振动控制基础 |
2 |
EM06035 |
结构动力学 |
2 |
EM06036 |
机械结构强度学 |
2 |
EM06037 |
结构疲劳与可靠性 |
2 |
EM06038 |
多体动力学系统建模与仿真 |
2 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
EM06039 |
智能材料与结构力学 |
2 |
EM06040 |
接触力学 |
2 |
EM06041 |
表界面力学 |
2 |
EM06042 |
可靠性设计方法 |
2 |
ME06088 |
增材制造技术 |
2 |
EM06043 |
生物力学基础 |
2 |
ME06120 |
人体损伤生物力学 |
2 |
ME04027 |
控制工程基础 |
2 |
ME06187 |
智能车辆 |
2 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
GE09048(-049) |
军事理论与军事技能 |
3 |
GE09057 |
金工实习 |
3 |
GE09055 |
电工电子实训 |
2 |
EM10008 |
专业实习 |
2 |
ME10052 |
创新创业 |
2 |
ME10050 |
专业认知实习 |
1 |
ME10044 |
机械设计基础课程设计 |
1 |
EM10009 |
力学综合实验 |
2 |
ME10046 |
创新设计与制作 |
2 |
EM10010 |
力学建模及仿真实践 |
4 |
EM10011 |
振动测试技术 |
2 |
EM10012 |
复合材料动态无损检测技术 |
2 |
ME10120 |
毕业设计(论文) |
10 |
合计 |
36 |
课程名称 |
毕业要求 |
1 工程 知识 |
2 问题 分析 |
3 设计/ 开发 解决 方案 |
4 研究 |
5 使用 现代 工具 |
6 工程 与 社会 |
7 环境 和可持续发展 |
8 职业 规范 |
9 个人 和 团队 |
10 沟通 |
11 项目 管理 |
12 终身 学习 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
H |
H |
M |
M |
M |
思想道德修养与法律基础 |
H |
M |
M |
M |
L |
形势与政策 |
H |
M |
M |
M |
H |
中国近现代史纲要 |
M |
M |
L |
M |
马克思主义基本原理 |
M |
M |
H |
M |
M |
思政实践 |
M |
M |
H |
H |
M |
大学英语 |
L |
M |
M |
H |
H |
计算与人工智能概论 |
L |
H |
H |
M |
M |
体育 |
L |
M |
H |
H |
M |
高等数学A |
H |
M |
L |
概率论与数理统计A |
H |
M |
L |
线性代数A |
H |
M |
L |
普通物理A |
H |
M |
M |
普通物理实验A |
H |
M |
L |
M |
工程化学 |
L |
M |
机械工程图学 |
H |
H |
L |
工程材料 |
H |
M |
理论力学A |
H |
材料力学A |
H |
弹性力学 |
M |
热工学基础 |
M |
M |
机械设计基础B |
H |
H |
H |
M |
L |
电工电子学 |
H |
计算力学 |
H |
H |
M |
振动力学 |
M |
H |
流体力学A |
H |
L |
实验力学 |
H |
M |
基础前沿方向 |
M |
M |
H |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
工程应用方向 |
H |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
力学实验班 |
M |
M |
H |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
军事理论与军事技能 |
H |
M |
金工实习 |
M |
L |
L |
电工电子实训 |
M |
L |
L |
专业实习 |
M |
H |
专业认知实习 |
M |
H |
H |
M |
M |
M |
创新创业 |
M |
M |
H |
机械设计基础课程设计 |
H |
H |
L |
L |
L |
力学综合实验 |
H |
H |
H |
L |
创新设计与制作 |
H |
H |
M |
M |
L |
力学建模及仿真实践 |
H |
H |
M |
L |
振动测试技术 |
M |
M |
H |
复合材料动态无损检测技术 |
M |
M |
H |
毕业设计(论文) |
H |
H |
H |
H |
M |
M |
L |
H |
H |
H |
序号 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
总学时 |
拟授课学院/教师 |
授课学期 |
1 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
3 |
48 |
马克思主义学院 |
3 |
2 |
思政实践 |
2 |
64 |
马克思主义学院 |
4 |
3 |
思想道德修养与法律基础 |
3 |
54 |
马克思主义学院 |
1 |
4 |
形势与政策 |
2 |
32 |
分散进行 |
5 |
中国近现代史纲要 |
3 |
54 |
马克思主义学院 |
2 |
6 |
马克思主义基本原理 |
3 |
54 |
马克思主义学院 |
4 |
7 |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
2 |
36 |
马克思主义学院 |
6 |
8 |
大学英语 |
8 |
128 |
外国语学院 |
1-4 |
9 |
计算与人工智能概论 |
4 |
80 |
信息科学与工程学院 |
1 |
10 |
体育 |
4 |
144 |
体育学院 |
1-4 |
11 |
高等数学A(1) |
5 |
96 |
数学学院 |
1 |
12 |
高等数学A(2) |
5 |
96 |
数学学院 |
2 |
13 |
线性代数A |
3 |
48 |
数学学院 |
2 |
14 |
概率论与数理统计A |
3 |
48 |
数学学院 |
3 |
15 |
普通物理A(1) |
3 |
64 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
2 |
16 |
普通物理A(2) |
3 |
64 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
3 |
17 |
普通物理实验A |
2 |
64 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
2-3 |
18 |
工程化学 |
2 |
36 |
化学化工学院 |
1 |
19 |
理论力学A |
4 |
66 |
方棋洪、彭凡等 |
3 |
20 |
材料力学A |
5 |
86 |
戴宏亮、侯淑娟等 |
4 |
21 |
弹性力学 |
4 |
64 |
侯鹏飞 |
5 |
22 |
计算力学 |
4 |
68 |
刘腾喜 |
6 |
23 |
振动力学 |
3.5 |
56 |
符文彬 |
5 |
24 |
实验力学 |
3.5 |
66 |
王晓钢、何巍 |
5 |
25 |
流体力学A |
4 |
66 |
邹伟生、胡徐趣、张琼 |
6 |
26 |
工程软件开发与应用 |
2 |
32 |
刘文洋、杨刚 |
7 |
27 |
计算方法 |
2 |
40 |
彭凡 |
5 |
28 |
力学进展 |
2 |
32 |
韦凯 |
5 |
29 |
冲击动力学(双语) |
2 |
32 |
侯淑娟、杨刚 |
7 |
30 |
固体力学基础 |
3 |
48 |
任毅如 |
4 |
31 |
连续介质力学 |
3 |
48 |
毛贻齐 |
6 |
32 |
塑性力学 |
3 |
48 |
戴宏亮 |
6 |
33 |
分析力学 |
2 |
32 |
文桂林 |
7 |
34 |
断裂力学 |
2 |
32 |
王晓钢 |
6 |
35 |
板壳力学 |
2 |
32 |
张思进 |
6 |
36 |
非线性振动 |
2 |
32 |
文桂林 |
7 |
37 |
多体动力学 |
2 |
40 |
张思进 |
7 |
38 |
计算材料力学 |
2 |
40 |
李甲 |
6 |
39 |
计算流体力学 |
2 |
40 |
胡徐趣 |
7 |
40 |
表面失稳力学 |
2 |
32 |
赵岩 |
7 |
41 |
超材料结构力学 |
2 |
32 |
韦凯 |
6 |
42 |
生物力学基础 |
2 |
32 |
毛贻齐 |
4 |
43 |
现代工程CAE分析 |
2 |
40 |
刘播 |
5 |
44 |
结构力学 |
3 |
48 |
张见明 |
6 |
45 |
复合材料力学与结构设计 |
2 |
32 |
任毅如 |
6 |
46 |
结构优化设计 |
2 |
36 |
林森 |
6 |
47 |
机械结构强度学 |
2 |
32 |
王晓钢 |
6 |
48 |
多体动力学系统建模与仿真 |
2 |
40 |
杨刚 |
6 |
49 |
钢结构原理 |
2 |
36 |
符文彬 |
7 |
50 |
钢筋混凝土结构设计基础及CAE分析 |
2 |
36 |
符文彬 |
7 |
51 |
智能材料与结构力学 |
2 |
36 |
侯鹏飞 |
7 |
52 |
结构疲劳与可靠性 |
2 |
32 |
王晓钢 |
7 |
53 |
结构动力学 |
2 |
32 |
方棋洪 |
7 |
54 |
振动控制基础 |
2 |
34 |
周加喜 |
7 |
55 |
数理方法 |
2 |
32 |
彭神佑 |
4 |
56 |
接触力学 |
2 |
32 |
方棋洪、侯鹏飞 |
7 |
57 |
表界面力学 |
2 |
32 |
赵岩 |
6 |
58 |
力学综合实验 |
2 |
64 |
刘伟刚 |
4 |
59 |
创新设计与制作 |
2 |
64 |
任毅如 |
夏季学期2 |
60 |
振动测试技术 |
2 |
64 |
杨刚 |
7 |
61 |
复合材料动态无损检测技术 |
2 |
64 |
毛贻齐 |
7 |
62 |
力学建模及仿真实践 |
4 |
128 |
赵岩、李甲、刘播、林森 |
夏季学期3 |
63 |
专业认知实习 |
1 |
32 |
方棋洪 |
2 |
64 |
专业实习 |
2 |
64 |
韦凯 |
6 |
65 |
复变函数与积分变换 |
2 |
32 |
方棋洪、韦凯 |
4 |
66 |
控制工程基础 |
2 |
34 |
钟翔 |
7 |
67 |
增材制造技术 |
2 |
34 |
宋立军 |
6 |
68 |
人体损伤生物力学 |
2 |
34 |
蒋彬辉 |
7 |
69 |
智能车辆 |
2 |
32 |
张飞铁 |
7 |
70 |
可靠性设计方法 |
2 |
36 |
王晓钢 |
6 |
71 |
军事理论与军事技能 |
3 |
118 |
武装部 |
1-2 |
72 |
金工实习 |
3 |
96 |
现代工程训练中心 |
夏季学期1 |
73 |
电工电子实训 |
2 |
64 |
现代工程训练中心 |
3 |
74 |
机械设计基础课程设计 |
1 |
32 |
刘江南、伍素珍等 |
4 |
75 |
机械工程图学 |
5 |
84 |
李莉、张爱军等 |
1-2 |
76 |
工程材料 |
2 |
36 |
周惦武、李落星等 |
4 |
77 |
电工电子学 |
3 |
54 |
电气与信息工程学院 |
3 |
78 |
热工学基础 |
2 |
34 |
马寅杰,廖高良 |
4 |
79 |
机械设计基础B |
3 |
50 |
伍素珍、周长江等 |
4 |
80 |
毕业设计(论文) |
10 |
320 |
工程力学系教师 |
8 |
序号 |
姓名 |
职称 |
学历学位 |
专业特长 |
承担授课课程 |
1 |
方棋洪 |
教授 |
研究生 博士 |
微观力学、断裂力学 |
理论力学、断裂力学 |
Engineering Mechanics
(Including Experimental Class of Engineering Mechanics)
I. Introduction
The discipline of mechanics originated from the Mechanics Teaching and Research Section of the Division of Basic Sciences which was founded in 1952. The Department of Engineering Mechanics was established in 1985. The doctoral program in solid mechanics was established in 1998, and the post-doctoral mobile station in mechanics was established in 2003. In 2005, it was awarded the right to confer a doctorate degree in mechanics as a first-level discipline.
This discipline cultivates talents with good humanities, science and engineering literacy, mastering solid and broad basic mechanical theory and system expertise, possessing the application and development capabilities of engineering structural analysis software, and mastering modern mechanics experiment and test technology. This discipline cultivates the students to pay attention to the frontier development of mechanics and the cross-application of knowledge, be able to engage in scientific research, technological innovation and engineering design in the fields like machinery, civil engineering, aerospace, materials, and be capable in systematical and in-depth innovative research for scientific and engineering issues.
The mechanics discipline has integrated mechanics with complex equipment, new materials, aerospace, advanced manufacturing, marine engineering and other fields in the discipline construction for many years. A number of advanced research results have been achieved in nonlinear mechanics, computational mechanics, structural optimization design and reliability, key dynamics and control in major equipment, new material mechanics, smart materials and structural mechanics, fluid mechanics and applications. A large number of outstanding alumnus have been cultivated.
II. Program Objectives
This Program aims at the cultivation of senior research-based and technical talents in engineering mechanics field, who have knowledge of science, engineering and humanities, be good at organizing, coordinating and communicating, have awareness of innovation and global vision; and who, with a sound foundation of engineering structural mechanics analysis knowledge, engineering specialization, modern mechanics testing and measurement technologies, a strong ability of research, application and engineering practice; are qualified to undertake the work of fundamental research, engineering design, technology development, application research, operation and management in mechanical, civil, aerospace and materials engineering fields.
1. Mastering modern mechanics theory, advanced calculation methods and experimental techniques.
2. Having a solid basic knowledge of mathematical mechanics and professional knowledge of system mechanics.
3. Possessing mechanical analysis and research application capabilities, engineering practice.
4. Organization and coordination capacity.
5. Innovation ability and international perspective.
6. Having good humanities literacy, scientific spirit, high sense of social responsibility, and have both ability and political integrity.
III. Graduation Requirements
Students of this degree will require:
1. Engineering Knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, mechanics fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve complex engineering structural mechanics problems;
2. Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate, analyze and research literature of complex engineering structural mechanics problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics and natural sciences;
3. Design/development of solutions: An ability to design solutions for complex engineering structural mechanics problems with appropriate considerations of legal, public health, safety, cultural, societal, and environmental issues, and show the sense of innovation during design process;
4. Investigation: An ability to investigate complex engineering structural mechanics problems using scientific principles, scientific methods and modern mechanics testing and measurement technologies to provide valid conclusions via the process of experiment design, data analysis and interpretation, and information synthesis;
5. Modern Tool Use: An ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools to complex engineering structural mechanics problems, with an understanding of the limitations;
6. Engineering and Society: An ability to rationalize and assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities involving solutions to complex engineering structural mechanics problems;
7. Environment and Sustainability: An ability to understand and evaluate the impact of professional engineering work in the solution of complex engineering structural mechanics problems on sustainability of society and environment;
8. Ethics: Knowledge of humanities and social sciences, a sense of social responsibility and professional ethics;
9. Individual and Team work: An ability to function effectively in diverse and multi-disciplinary teams;
10. Communication: An ability to communicate effectively with the engineering community and general public on engineering problems, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentations, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions, with a global vision, can do communication in the multicultural context;
11. Project Management: An ability to understand and apply engineering management principles and economic decision-making to managing projects in a multi-disciplinary team;
12. Lifelong Learning: An ability to recognize the need and prepare for independent and life-long learning, and to learn and adjust to development.
Matrix of "Program Objectives-Graduation Requirements"
Program Objectives Graduation Requirements |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
1 Possess a solid scientific and engineering foundation, solid professional knowledge and skills in engineering mechanics, can apply professional knowledge and skills to solve practical problems, have mechanics analysis and research application capabilities, engineering practice and organization and coordination capabilities, innovation capabilities and an international perspective. |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
2 High-quality talents in the industry or academia in the field of future IoT with forward-looking, strategic, overall, innovative thinking, research capabilities, and international vision. |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
3 Abide by professional ethics, have a correct world outlook, outlook on life, and values, have a good sense of humanity, social responsibility, legal awareness and lifelong autonomous learning, and become a professional advocate with ideals and beliefs. |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
Notes: ● indicates relevance
IV. Length of Schooling, Graduation Requirements and Degree Awarding
1. The length of schooling is usually 4, with a flexibility of 3-6 years based on the credit system.
2. The minimum credits for the program are 172, which are distributed as follows:
Course Category |
Compulsory General Education |
Introductory Major Courses |
Major Survey Courses |
Compulsory Major Core Courses |
Individualized Electives |
General Education Electives |
Intensive Practice |
Total |
Credits |
34 |
26 |
31 |
15 |
22 |
8 |
36 |
172 |
3. Successful completion of the minimum credits of required compulsory, selective and intensive practice courses, compliance with the requirements specified in National Standards for Students’ Physical Health, and a good and all-round moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetical grounding in addition to a hard-working spirit are required for graduation. Students qualified enough to meet all the requirements of Regulations of Hunan University on the Awarding of Bachelor’s Degree (No. 22 [2018]) will thus be awarded the Bachelor’s Degree of Engineering.
V. Curriculum and Credit Distribution
1. General Courses (34 credits for compulsory courses + 8 credits for elective courses)
The general courses consist of two parts: required courses and elective courses. The general elective courses are to be fulfilled in accordance with “The Implementation Scheme of the General elective courses of Hunan University”. Disciplinary General Education Courses are as follows:
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
GE01150 |
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theory System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
3 |
GE01174 |
Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
2 |
GE01152 |
Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis |
3 |
GE01155 (-162) |
Lectures on Current Affairs and Policies |
2 |
GE01153 |
Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History |
3 |
GE01154 |
Basic Principles of Marxism |
3 |
GE01151 |
Practice of Ideological and Political Theory Course |
2 |
GE0101 (-015) |
College English |
8 |
Modular courses for a flexible credit system is offered for the total 8 course credits. Students who get the specified foreign language proficiency test scores or foreign language contest awards may finish only 4 or 6 course credits. |
GE01163 |
Introduction to Computing and Artificial Intelligence |
4 |
GE0108 (-092) |
Physical Education |
4 |
Total |
34 |
2. Core Courses in General Displine (26 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
GE03025 |
Advanced Mathematics A (I) |
5 |
GE03026 |
Advanced Mathematics A (II) |
5 |
GE03003 |
Linear Algebra A |
3 |
GE03004 |
Probability and Mathematical Statistics A |
3 |
GE03005 |
University Physics A (I) |
3 |
GE03006 |
University Physics A (II) |
3 |
GE03007 (-008) |
University Physics Experiment A |
2 |
ME03001 |
Engineering Chemistry |
2 |
Total |
26 |
3. Core Courses in General Category (31 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
ME04017 |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics (1) |
3 |
ME04002 |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics (2) |
2 |
ME04019 |
Engineering Materials |
2 |
EM04009 |
Fundamentals of Mechanical Design B |
3 |
ME04020 |
Theoretical Mechanics A |
4 |
EM04010 (-011) |
Material Mechanics A (1), (2) |
3+2 |
EM04008N |
Elastic Mechanics |
4 |
ME04035 |
Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering |
2 |
GE02059 |
Electrotechnics and Electronics |
3 |
EM04012 |
Foundation of Solid Mechanics |
3 |
4. Core Courses in General Specialty (15 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
EM05004 |
Computational Mechanics |
4 |
EM05011 |
Vibration Mechanics |
3.5 |
EM05012 |
Experimental Mechanics |
3.5 |
EM04006 |
Fluid Mechanics A |
4 |
5.Individualized Electives (22 credits)
University wide elective courses (11 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
EM06020 |
Development and Application of Engineering Software |
2 |
ME06130 |
Method of Calculation |
2 |
ME06148 |
Complex Function and Integral Transformation |
2 |
ME07027 |
Advances in Mechanics |
2 |
EM06021 |
Impact Dynamics (English Language Teaching) |
2 |
ME06078 |
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering (1st semester) |
1 |
Module 1: Basic Frontier Direction (11 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
EM06022 |
Continuum Mechanics |
3 |
EM05006 |
Plastic Mechanics |
3 |
EM06023 |
Analytical Mechanics |
2 |
EM06024 |
Mathematical and Physical Methods |
2 |
EM06011 |
Fracture Mechanics |
2 |
EM06025 |
Mechanics of Plate and Shell |
2 |
ME06004 |
Multibody Dynamics |
2 |
EM06026 |
Computational Mechanics of Materials |
2 |
ME06144 |
Computational Fluid Mechanics |
2 |
EM06027 |
Aerodynamics |
3 |
ME06131 |
Nonlinear Vibration |
2 |
EM06028 |
Surface Instability Mechanics |
2 |
EM06029 |
Structural Mechanics of Metamaterials |
2 |
Module 2: Engineering application direction (structure design optimization) (11 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
EM06030 |
Modern Engineering CAE Analysis |
2 |
EM06031 |
Structural Optimization Design |
2 |
EM05003 |
Structural Mechanics |
3 |
EM06032 |
Composite Material Mechanics and Structural Design |
2 |
EM06012 |
Design Foundation and CAE Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structure |
2 |
EM06033 |
Principle of Steel Structure |
2 |
EM06034 |
Vibration Control Foundation |
2 |
EM06035 |
Structural Dynamics |
2 |
EM06036 |
Mechanical Structure Strength |
2 |
EM06037 |
Structural Fatigue and Reliability |
2 |
EM06038 |
Modeling and Simulation of Multibody Dynamics System |
2 |
Module 3: Mechanics Experiment Class (11 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
EM06039 |
Intelligent Materials and Structural Mechanics |
2 |
EM06040 |
Contact Mechanics |
2 |
EM06041 |
Surface Mechanics |
2 |
EM06042 |
Reliability Design Method |
2 |
ME06088 |
Additive Manufacturing Technology |
2 |
EM06043 |
Biomechanical Fundamentals |
2 |
ME06120 |
Biomechanics of Human Injury |
2 |
ME04027 |
Fundamentals of Control Engineering |
2 |
ME06187 |
Intelligent Vehicles |
2 |
Note: For individualized electives credits, 10 credits can be electives across majors within the university.
6.Intensive Practice (36 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
GE09048 (-049) |
Military Theory and Military Training |
3 |
GE09057 |
Metalworking Practicum |
3 |
GE09055 |
Electric and Electronic Practice Training |
2 |
EM10008 |
Specialized Internship |
2 |
ME10052 |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
2 |
ME10050 |
Engineering Cognition Practice |
1 |
ME10044 |
Course Design of Mechanical Design |
1 |
EM10009 |
Mechanical Synthesis Experiment |
2 |
ME10046 |
Innovative Design and Manufacture |
2 |
EM10010 |
Mechanical Modeling and Simulation Practice |
4 |
EM10011 |
Vibration Test Technique |
2 |
EM10012 |
Dynamic Non-destructive Testing Technology for Composite Materials |
2 |
ME10120 |
Graduation Design (Thesis) |
10 |
VI. Correspondence Matrix of Curriculum System and Graduation Requirements
Matrix of Curriculum System and Graduation Requirements
Course Title |
Graduation requirements |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theory System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
H |
H |
M |
M |
M |
Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis |
H |
M |
M |
M |
L |
Lectures on Current Affairs and Policies |
H |
M |
M |
M |
H |
Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History |
M |
M |
L |
M |
Basic Principles of Marxism |
M |
M |
H |
M |
M |
Practice of Ideological and Political Theory Course |
M |
M |
H |
H |
M |
College English |
L |
M |
M |
H |
H |
Introduction to Computing and Artificial Intelligence A |
L |
H |
H |
M |
M |
Physical Education |
L |
M |
H |
H |
M |
Advanced Mathematics A |
H |
M |
L |
Probability and Mathematical Statistics A |
H |
M |
L |
Linear Algebra A |
H |
M |
L |
University Physics A |
H |
M |
M |
University Physics Experiment A |
H |
M |
L |
M |
Engineering Chemistry |
L |
M |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics |
H |
H |
L |
Engineering Materials |
H |
M |
Theoretical Mechanics A |
H |
Material Mechanics A |
H |
Elastic Mechanics |
M |
Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering |
M |
M |
Fundamentals of Mechanical Design B |
H |
H |
H |
M |
L |
Electrotechnics and Electronics |
H |
Computational Mechanics |
H |
H |
M |
Vibration Mechanics |
M |
H |
Fluid Mechanics A |
H |
L |
Experimental Mechanics |
H |
M |
Basic Frontier Direction |
M |
M |
H |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Engineering application direction |
H |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Mechanics Experiment Class |
M |
M |
H |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Military Theory and Military Training |
H |
M |
Metalworking Practicum |
M |
L |
L |
Electric and Electronic Practice Training |
M |
L |
L |
Specialized Internship |
M |
H |
Engineering Cognition Practice |
M |
H |
H |
M |
M |
M |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
M |
M |
H |
Curriculum Design of Mechanical Design |
H |
H |
L |
L |
L |
Mechanical Synthesis Experiment |
H |
H |
H |
L |
Innovative Design and Manufacture |
H |
H |
M |
M |
L |
Mechanical Modeling and Simulation Practice |
H |
H |
M |
L |
Vibration Test Technique |
M |
M |
H |
Dynamic Non-destructive Testing Technology for Composite Materials |
M |
M |
H |
Graduation Design (Thesis) |
H |
H |
H |
H |
M |
M |
L |
H |
H |
H |
Notes: H indicates high-relevance; M, median relevance; and L, low relevance.
VII. Course Instructors
No. |
Course Title |
Credits |
Total Hours |
College/Teacher |
Semester |
1 |
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theory System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
3 |
48 |
Marxist School |
3 |
2 |
Practice of Ideological and Political Theory Course |
2 |
64 |
Marxist School |
4 |
3 |
Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis |
3 |
54 |
Marxist School |
1 |
4 |
Lectures on Current Affairs and Policies |
2 |
32 |
Decentralized |
5 |
Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History |
3 |
54 |
Marxist School |
2 |
6 |
Basic Principles of Marxism |
3 |
54 |
Marxist School |
4 |
7 |
Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
2 |
36 |
Marxist School |
6 |
8 |
College English |
8 |
128 |
College of Foreign Language |
1-4 |
9 |
Introduction to Computing and Artificial Intelligence |
4 |
80 |
College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering |
1 |
10 |
Physical Education |
4 |
144 |
Physical Education Institute |
1-4 |
11 |
Advanced Mathematics A (1) |
5 |
96 |
School of Mathematics |
1 |
12 |
Advanced Mathematics A (2) |
5 |
96 |
School of Mathematics |
2 |
13 |
Linear Algebra A |
3 |
48 |
School of Mathematics |
2 |
14 |
Probability and Mathematical Statistics A |
3 |
48 |
School of Mathematics |
3 |
15 |
University Physics A (I) |
3 |
64 |
School of Physics and Electronics |
2 |
16 |
University Physics A (II) |
3 |
64 |
School of Physics and Electronics |
3 |
17 |
University Physics Experiment A |
2 |
64 |
School of Physics and Electronics |
2-3 |
18 |
Engineering Chemistry |
2 |
36 |
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering |
1 |
19 |
Theoretical Mechanics A |
4 |
66 |
Fang Qihong, Peng Fan and others |
3 |
20 |
Material Mechanics A |
5 |
86 |
Dai Hongliang, Hou Shujuan and others |
4 |
21 |
Elastic Mechanics |
4 |
64 |
Hou Pengfei |
5 |
22 |
Computational Mechanics |
4 |
68 |
Liu Tengxi |
6 |
23 |
Vibration Mechanics |
3.5 |
56 |
Fu Wenbin |
5 |
24 |
Experimental Mechanics |
3.5 |
66 |
Wang Xiaogang, He Wei |
5 |
25 |
Fluid Mechanics A |
4 |
66 |
Zou Weisheng, Hu Xuqu, Zhang Qiong |
6 |
26 |
Development and Application of Engineering Software |
2 |
32 |
Liu Wenyang, Yang Gang |
7 |
27 |
Method of Calculation |
2 |
40 |
Peng Fan |
5 |
28 |
Advances in Mechanics |
2 |
32 |
Wei Kai |
5 |
29 |
Impact Dynamics (English Language Teaching) |
2 |
32 |
Hou Shujuan, Yang Gang |
7 |
30 |
Solid Mechanical Foundation |
3 |
48 |
Ren Yiru |
4 |
31 |
Continuum Mechanics |
3 |
48 |
Mao Yiqi |
6 |
32 |
Plastic Mechanics |
3 |
48 |
Dai Hongliang |
6 |
33 |
Analytical Mechanics |
2 |
32 |
Wen Guilin |
7 |
34 |
Fracture Mechanics |
2 |
32 |
Wang Xiaogang |
6 |
35 |
Mechanics of Plate and Shell |
2 |
32 |
Zhang Sijin |
6 |
36 |
Nonlinear Vibration |
2 |
32 |
Wen Guilin |
7 |
37 |
Multibody Dynamics |
2 |
40 |
Zhang Sijin |
7 |
38 |
Computational Mechanics of Materials |
2 |
40 |
Li Jia |
6 |
39 |
Computational Fluid Dynamics |
2 |
40 |
Hu Xuqu |
7 |
40 |
Surface Instability Mechanics |
2 |
32 |
Zhao Yan |
7 |
41 |
Structural Mechanics of Metamaterials |
2 |
32 |
Wei Kai |
6 |
42 |
Biomechanical Fundamentals |
2 |
32 |
Mao Yiqi |
4 |
43 |
Modern Engineering CAE Analysis |
2 |
40 |
Liu Bo |
5 |
44 |
Structural Mechanics |
3 |
48 |
Zhang Jianming |
6 |
45 |
Composite Material Mechanics and Structural Design |
2 |
32 |
Ren Yiru |
6 |
46 |
Structural Optimization Design |
2 |
36 |
Lin Sen |
6 |
47 |
Mechanical Structure Strength |
2 |
32 |
Wang Xiaogang |
6 |
48 |
Modeling and Simulation of Multibody Dynamics System |
2 |
40 |
Yang Gang |
6 |
49 |
Principle of Steel Structure |
2 |
36 |
Fu Wenbin |
7 |
50 |
Design Foundation and CAE Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structure |
2 |
36 |
Fu Wenbin |
7 |
51 |
Intelligent Materials and Structural Mechanics |
2 |
36 |
Hou Pengfei |
7 |
52 |
Structural Fatigue and Reliability |
2 |
32 |
Wang Xiaogang |
7 |
53 |
Structural Dynamics |
2 |
32 |
Fang Qihong |
7 |
54 |
Vibration Control Foundation |
2 |
34 |
Zhou Jiaxi |
7 |
55 |
Mathematical and Physical Methods |
2 |
32 |
Peng Shenyou |
4 |
56 |
Contact Mechanics |
2 |
32 |
Fang Qihong, Hou Pengfei |
7 |
57 |
Surface Mechanics |
2 |
32 |
Zhao Yan |
6 |
58 |
Mechanical Synthesis Experiment |
2 |
64 |
Liu Weigang |
4 |
59 |
Innovative Design and Manufacture |
2 |
64 |
Ren Yiru |
Summer term 2 |
60 |
Vibration Test Technique |
2 |
64 |
Yang Gang |
7 |
61 |
Dynamic Non-destructive Testing Technology for Composite Materials |
2 |
64 |
Mao Yiqi |
7 |
62 |
Mechanical Modeling and Simulation Practice |
4 |
128 |
Zhao Yan, Li Jia, Liu Bo, Lin Sen |
Summer term 3 |
63 |
Engineering Cognition Practice |
1 |
32 |
Fang Qihong |
2 |
64 |
Specialized Internship |
2 |
64 |
Wei Kai |
6 |
65 |
Complex Function and Integral Transformation |
2 |
32 |
Fang Qihong, Wei Kai |
4 |
66 |
Fundamentals of Control Engineering |
2 |
34 |
Zhong Xiang |
7 |
67 |
Additive Manufacturing Technology |
2 |
34 |
Song Lijun |
6 |
68 |
Biomechanics of Human Injury |
2 |
34 |
Jiang Binhui |
7 |
69 |
Intelligent Vehicles |
2 |
32 |
Zhang Feitie |
7 |
70 |
Reliability Design Method |
2 |
36 |
Wang Xiaogang |
6 |
71 |
Military Theory and Military Training |
3 |
118 |
Armed Forces Department |
1-2 |
72 |
Metalworking Practicum |
3 |
96 |
Engineering Training Center |
Summer term 1 |
73 |
Electric and Electronic Practice Training |
2 |
64 |
Engineering Training Center |
3 |
74 |
Curriculum Design of Mechanical Design |
1 |
32 |
Liu Jiangnan, Wu Suzhen and others |
4 |
75 |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics |
5 |
84 |
Li Li, Zhang Aijun and others |
1-2 |
76 |
Engineering Materials |
2 |
36 |
Zhou Dianwu, Li Luoxing |
4 |
77 |
Electrotechnics and Electronics |
3 |
54 |
College of Electrical and Information Engineering |
3 |
78 |
Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering |
2 |
34 |
Ma Yinjie, Liao Gaoliang and others |
4 |
79 |
Fundamentals of Mechanical Design B |
3 |
50 |
Wu Suzhen, Zhou Changjiang and others |
4 |
80 |
Graduation Design (Thesis) |
10 |
320 |
Teachers in Department of Engineering Mechanics |
8 |
VIII. Program Chief Professor
No. |
Name |
Title |
Education |
Research Areas |
Course |
1 |
Fang Qihong |
Professor |
Ph.D. |
Micromechanics, Fracture Mechanics |
Theoretical mechanics A, Fracture Mechanics |
能源与动力工程专业源于1926年创办的热工教研室和1972年设立的内燃机专业, 1998年更名为热能与动力工程专业。根据国家大力发展新兴战略产业的指导精神,且充分考虑现代科学技术在能源领域中的应用以及新能源技术的发展,按照2012年教育部新版高校本科专业目录调整为能源与动力工程专业。
1. 具备厚实的科学与工程基础,扎实的能源与动力工程专业知识和技能,能应用专业知识和技能解决实际问题,能对能源高效洁净转换与利用、能源动力装备与系统设计开发等复杂工程项目提供智能化、系统性的解决方案。
2. 具有前瞻性、战略性、全局性、创新性思维、研究能力、国际视野的未来能源与动力领域业界或学界的高素质人才。
3. 遵守职业道德规范,具有正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,具有良好的人文素养、社会责任感、法制观念、团队合作精神和终身自主学习意识,成为具有理想信念的崇业者。
1. 工程知识:能够将数学、自然科学、工程基础、人工智能和专业知识用于解决能源与动力工程领域的相关复杂工程问题。
2. 问题分析:能够应用数学、自然科学、能源动力转化基本原理,并通过文献研究,识别、表达、分析能源与动力复杂工程问题,以获得有效结论。
3. 设计/开发解决方案:能够制定针对能源与动力工程领域的复杂工程问题的解决方案,设计满足特定需求的能源与动力系统、部件或工艺流程,并能够在设计环节中体现创新和节能减排意识,考虑法律、健康、安全、文化、社会以及环境等因素。
4. 研究:能够基于科学原理并采用科学方法对能源与动力复杂工程问题进行研究,包括设计实验、分析与解释数据、并通过信息综合得到合理有效的结论。
5. 使用现代工具:能够针对能源与动力复杂工程问题,开发、选择与使用恰当的技术、资源、现代工程工具和信息技术工具,并能够理解其局限性。
6. 工程与社会:能够基于能源与动力工程相关背景知识进行合理分析,评价能源与动力工程实践和复杂工程问题的解决方案对社会、健康、安全、法律以及文化的影响,并理解应承担的责任。
7. 环境和可持续发展:能够理解和评价针对能源与动力复杂工程问题的工程实践对环境、社会可持续发展的影响。
8. 职业规范:具有人文社会科学素养、社会责任感和工程职业道德。
9. 个人和团队:具有在多学科团队中发挥作用的能力。
10. 沟通:能够就复杂能源与动力工程问题与业界同行及社会公众进行有效沟通和交流,包括撰写报告和设计文稿、陈述发言、清晰表达和回应指令,并具备一定的国际视野,能够在跨文化背景下进行沟通和交流。
11. 项目管理:理解并掌握工程管理原理与经济决策方法,并能在多学科环境中应用。
12. 终身学习:具有自主学习和终身学习的意识,有不断学习和适应发展的能力。
“培养目标-毕业要求” 矩阵表
毕业要求 培养目标 |
1 工程 知识 |
2 问题 分析 |
3 设计/ 开发 解决 方案 |
4 研究 |
5 使用 现代工具 |
6 工程 与 社会 |
7 环境 和可 持续 发展 |
8 职业 规范 |
9 个人 和 团队 |
10 沟通 |
11 项目 管理 |
12 终身 学习 |
1具备厚实的科学与工程基础,扎实的能源与动力工程专业知识和技能,能应用专业知识和技能解决实际问题,能对能源高效洁净转换与利用、能源动力装备与系统设计开发等复杂工程项目提供智能化、系统性的解决方案 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
2具有前瞻性、战略性、全局性、创新性思维、研究能力、国际视野的未来能源与动力领域业界或学界的高素质人才 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
3遵守职业道德规范,具有正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,具有良好的人文素养、社会责任感、法制观念、团队合作精神和终身自主学习意识,成为具有理想信念的崇业者 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
1. 本科基本学制4年,弹性学习年限3-6年,按照学分制度管理。
2. 能源与动力工程专业学生毕业最低学分数为172学分,其中各类别课程及环节要求学分数如下表:
课程类别 |
通识必修 |
学门核心 |
学类核心 |
专业核心 |
个性培养 |
通识选修 |
实践环节 |
合计 |
学分数 |
34 |
26 |
32 |
16 |
20 |
8 |
36 |
172 |
3. 学生修满培养方案规定的必修课、选修课及有关环节,达到规定的最低毕业学分数,《国家学生体质健康标准》测试成绩达标,德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,即可毕业。根据《湖南大学学士学位授予工作细则》(湖大教字[2018]22号),满足学位授予条件的,授予工学学士学位。
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
GE01150 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
3 |
GE01174 |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
2 |
GE01152 |
思想道德修养与法律基础 |
3 |
GE01155(-162) |
形势与政策 |
2 |
GE01153 |
中国近现代史纲要 |
3 |
GE01154 |
马克思主义基本原理 |
3 |
GE01151 |
思政实践 |
2 |
GE01012(-015) |
大学英语 |
8 |
实行弹性学分、动态分层、模块课程教学,总学分为8学分,设置4、6、8三级学分基本要求,不足学分可以通过相关外语水平等级测试或外语学科竞赛成绩获取。 |
GE01163 |
计算与人工智能概论 |
4 |
GE01089(-092) |
体育 |
4 |
合 计 |
34 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
GE03025 |
高等数学A(1) |
5 |
GE03026 |
高等数学A(2) |
5 |
GE03003 |
线性代数A |
3 |
GE03004 |
概率论与数理统计A |
3 |
GE03005 |
普通物理A(1) |
3 |
GE03006 |
普通物理A(2) |
3 |
GE03007(-008) |
普通物理实验A |
2 |
ME03001 |
工程化学 |
2 |
合 计 |
26 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
ME04017 |
机械工程图学(1) |
3 |
ME04002 |
机械工程图学(2) |
2 |
EP04010 |
机械原理A |
3 |
EP04011 |
机械设计A |
3 |
EP04012 |
理论力学 |
3 |
EP04013 |
材料力学A |
3 |
EP04017 |
工程流体力学 |
3 |
EP04015 |
工程热力学 |
4 |
EP04016 |
工程传热学A |
3 |
ME04019 |
工程材料 |
2 |
GE02059 |
电工电子学 |
3 |
合 计 |
32 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
EP05010 |
燃烧学 |
3 |
EP05013 |
热工测试与控制技术 |
3 |
EP05014 |
能源动力装置 |
3 |
EP05015 |
工程热设计与优化 |
3 |
EP06020 |
能源与动力专业导论 |
1 |
EP05016 |
新能源利用技术 |
3 |
合 计 |
16 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
EP06021 |
热动力设备排放污染及控制 |
2 |
EP06029 |
能源经济学 |
2 |
限选 |
ME04027 |
控制工程基础 |
2 |
EP06031 |
数值计算方法及应用 |
2 |
EP06032 |
单片机原理及应用 |
2 |
EP06033 |
内燃机学 |
3 |
热能动力方向 |
EP06034 |
热力发电原理 |
2 |
EP06035 |
制冷原理 |
2 |
EP06036 |
制冷技术与应用 |
2 |
EP06006 |
换热器原理与设备 |
2 |
EP06037 |
发动机现代设计 |
2 |
EP06003 |
发动机电子控制技术 |
2 |
EP06038 |
动力机械制造工艺学 |
2 |
EP06039 |
车用动力总成性能数值式开发技术 |
2 |
EP06025 |
动力总成匹配技术 |
2 |
EP06040 |
新能源动力技术 |
2 |
新能源方向 |
ME06077 |
太阳能利用技术 |
2 |
EP06041 |
储能原理与技术 |
2 |
EP06042 |
氢能制备及利用 |
2 |
EP06043 |
生物质能利用技术 |
2 |
EP06044 |
风力发电技术 |
2 |
EP06045 |
智慧能源系统理论与应用 |
2 |
EP06046 |
新能源材料与技术 |
2 |
EP06047 |
微流与热控原理及应用 |
2 |
EP06048 |
低维纳米系统传热学 |
2 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
GE09048(-049) |
军事理论与军事技能 |
3 |
ME10049 |
科技写作(中、英文)训练 |
1 |
EP10021 |
专业英语阅读与写作 |
1 |
GE09058 |
机械制造综合实训 |
3 |
GE09059 |
机械制造创新实训 |
2 |
ME10034 |
测绘与工程软件应用实践 |
1 |
ME10009 |
机械原理课程设计 |
1 |
ME10033 |
机械设计课程设计 |
3 |
ME10005 |
机电控制综合实验 |
1 |
EP10017 |
拆装实习 |
1 |
EP10022 |
热能动力综合课程设计 |
2 |
二选一 |
EP10023 |
新能源综合课程设计 |
2 |
EP10018 |
生产实习 |
2 |
EP10027 |
专业认知实习 |
1 |
EP10024 |
毕业设计(论文) |
10 |
EP10025 |
专业实践与竞赛 |
1 |
EP10026 |
新能源动力控制系统综合实验 |
1 |
ME10052 |
创新创业 |
2 |
合 计 |
36 |
课程名称 |
毕业要求 |
1 工程 知识 |
2 问题 分析 |
3 设计/ 开发 解决 方案 |
4 研究 |
5 使用 现代 工具 |
6 工程 与 社会 |
7 环境 和可 持续 发展 |
8 职业 规范 |
9 个人 和 团队 |
10 沟通 |
11 项目 管理 |
12 终身 学习 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
H |
H |
M |
M |
M |
思想道德修养与法律基础 |
H |
M |
M |
M |
L |
形势与政策 |
H |
M |
M |
M |
H |
中国近现代史纲要 |
M |
M |
L |
M |
马克思主义基本原理 |
M |
M |
H |
M |
M |
思政实践 |
M |
M |
H |
H |
M |
大学英语 |
L |
M |
M |
H |
H |
计算与人工智能概论 |
L |
H |
H |
M |
M |
体育 |
L |
M |
H |
H |
M |
高等数学A |
H |
H |
M |
L |
概率论与数理统计A |
H |
H |
M |
L |
线性代数A |
H |
H |
M |
L |
普通物理A |
H |
H |
M |
M |
普通物理实验A |
H |
H |
M |
L |
M |
工程化学 |
M |
L |
H |
机械工程制图 |
M |
机械原理A |
M |
L |
机械设计A |
M |
理论力学 |
M |
材料力学A |
M |
工程流体力学 |
H |
M |
M |
H |
工程热力学 |
H |
M |
M |
H |
工程传热学A |
工程材料 |
M |
电工电子学 |
M |
燃烧学 |
H |
H |
M |
热工测试与控制技术 |
H |
H |
能源动力装置 |
H |
M |
L |
工程热设计与优化 |
H |
M |
M |
能源与动力专业导论 |
M |
H |
M |
新能源利用技术 |
H |
M |
M |
军事理论与军事技能 |
H |
L |
科技写作(中、英文)训练 |
H |
M |
专业英语阅读与写作 |
H |
M |
机械制造综合实训 |
H |
M |
机械制造创新实训 |
H |
M |
L |
测绘工程软件应用实践 |
M |
H |
L |
机械原理课程设计 |
L |
H |
M |
L |
L |
机械设计课程设计 |
L |
H |
M |
L |
L |
机电控制综合实验 |
H |
M |
拆装实习 |
M |
L |
热能动力综合课程设计 |
H |
M |
H |
新能源综合课程设计 |
H |
M |
H |
生产实习 |
H |
H |
M |
毕业设计(论文) |
H |
H |
M |
H |
新能源动力控制系统综合实验 |
M |
H |
专业认知实习 |
H |
M |
专业实践与竞赛 |
H |
M |
L |
序号 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
总学时 |
拟授课学院/教师 |
授课学期 |
1 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
3 |
48 |
马克思主义学院 |
3 |
2 |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
2 |
28+8 |
马克思主义学院 |
6 |
3 |
思政实践 |
2 |
64 |
马克思主义学院 |
4 |
4 |
思想道德修养与法律基础 |
3 |
32+16 |
马克思主义学院 |
1 |
5 |
形势与政策 |
2 |
32 |
马克思主义学院 |
1-8 |
6 |
中国近现代史纲要 |
3 |
54 |
马克思主义学院 |
2 |
7 |
马克思主义基本原理 |
3 |
42+12 |
马克思主义学院 |
4 |
8 |
大学英语 |
8 |
128 |
外国语学院 |
1-4 |
9 |
计算与人工智能概论 |
4 |
48+32 |
信息科学与工程学院 |
1 |
10 |
体育 |
4 |
128+16 |
体育学院 |
1-4 |
11 |
高等数学A(1) |
5 |
80+16 |
数学学院 |
1 |
12 |
高等数学A(2) |
5 |
80+16 |
数学学院 |
2 |
13 |
线性代数A |
3 |
40+8 |
数学学院 |
2 |
14 |
概率论与数理统计A |
3 |
40+8 |
数学学院 |
3 |
15 |
普通物理A(1) |
3 |
48+16 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
2 |
16 |
普通物理A(2) |
3 |
48+16 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
3 |
17 |
普通物理实验A(1) |
1 |
32 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
2 |
18 |
普通物理实验A(2) |
1 |
32 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
3 |
19 |
工程化学 |
2 |
28+8 |
化学化工学院 |
1 |
20 |
机械工程图学 |
5 |
70+6+8 |
机制系 |
1-2 |
21 |
机械原理A |
3 |
40+4+8 |
机制系 |
3 |
22 |
机械设计A |
3 |
40+4+8 |
机制系 |
4 |
23 |
理论力学 |
3 |
44+8 |
力学系 |
3 |
24 |
材料力学A |
3 |
44+8 |
力学系 |
4 |
25 |
工程材料 |
2 |
24+4+8 |
机制系 |
4 |
26 |
电工电子学 |
3 |
42+12 |
电气与信息工程院 |
3 |
27 |
工程流体力学 |
3 |
44+8 |
朱浩 |
5 |
28 |
工程热力学 |
4 |
52+8+8 |
鄂加强 |
4 |
29 |
工程传热学A |
3 |
40+4+8 |
邓元望 |
5 |
30 |
能源动力装置 |
3 |
40+4+8 |
廖高良,张峰 |
5 |
31 |
燃烧学 |
3 |
42+4+4 |
陈征 |
6 |
32 |
热工测试与控制技术 |
3 |
40+4+8 |
王兆龙 |
6 |
33 |
工程热设计与优化 |
3 |
44+4 |
陈敬炜,张峰 |
6 |
34 |
新能源利用技术 |
3 |
44+4 |
郑雄,冷尔唯 |
5 |
35 |
能源与动力专业导论 |
1 |
16 |
鄂加强 |
1 |
36 |
热动力设备排放污染及控制 |
2 |
26+4+4 |
谭理刚 |
6 |
37 |
能源经济学 |
2 |
32 |
罗宝军 |
5 |
38 |
控制工程基础 |
2 |
26+4+4 |
机制系 |
5 |
39 |
数值计算方法及应用 |
2 |
30+4 |
袁硕 |
5 |
40 |
单片机原理及应用 |
2 |
30+4 |
张全长 |
5 |
41 |
内燃机学 |
3 |
42+4+4 |
张全长 |
6 |
42 |
热力发电原理 |
2 |
32 |
张峰, 廖高良 |
5 |
43 |
制冷原理 |
2 |
32 |
任承钦 |
6 |
44 |
发动机电子控制技术 |
2 |
32 |
朱浩 |
7 |
45 |
车用动力总成性能数值式开发技术 |
2 |
32 |
刘敬平 |
6 |
46 |
发动机现代设计 |
2 |
32 |
陈征 |
5 |
47 |
动力机械制造工艺学 |
2 |
32 |
机制系 |
7 |
48 |
动力总成匹配技术 |
2 |
32 |
付建勤 |
7 |
49 |
新能源动力技术 |
2 |
32 |
杨小龙 |
7 |
50 |
储能原理与技术 |
2 |
32 |
马寅杰 |
7 |
51 |
太阳能利用技术 |
2 |
32 |
陈敬炜 |
7 |
52 |
制冷技术与应用 |
2 |
32 |
罗宝军 |
6 |
53 |
换热器原理与设备 |
2 |
32 |
任承钦 |
7 |
54 |
氢能制备及利用 |
2 |
32 |
陈敬炜,冷尔唯 |
7 |
55 |
生物质能利用技术 |
2 |
32 |
冷尔唯 |
6 |
56 |
风力发电技术 |
2 |
32 |
袁硕 |
6 |
57 |
智慧能源系统理论与应用 |
2 |
32 |
袁硕 |
7 |
58 |
新能源材料与技术 |
2 |
32 |
郑雄 |
7 |
59 |
微流与热控原理及应用 |
2 |
32 |
王兆龙 |
7 |
60 |
低维纳米系统传热学 |
2 |
32 |
秦光照 |
6 |
61 |
拆装实习 |
1 |
32 |
刘云,甘昊 |
5 |
62 |
专业认知实习 |
1 |
32 |
陈征 |
2 |
63 |
专业实践与竞赛 |
1 |
32 |
马寅杰 |
6 |
64 |
热能动力综合课程设计 |
2 |
64 |
马寅杰,袁硕 |
夏季学期3 (二选一) |
65 |
新能源综合课程设计 |
2 |
64 |
冷尔唯,张峰 |
66 |
新能源动力控制综合实验 |
1 |
32 |
张全长,周菊光 |
7 |
67 |
生产实习 |
2 |
64 |
杨小龙,谭理刚 |
夏季学期3 |
68 |
军事理论与军事技能 |
3 |
36+112 |
武装部 |
1-2 |
69 |
科技写作(中、英文)训练 |
1 |
8+16 |
机制系 |
夏季学期2 |
70 |
专业英语阅读与写作 |
1 |
8+16 |
秦光照,王兆龙 |
夏季学期2 |
71 |
机械制造综合实训 |
3 |
96 |
现代工程训练中心 |
夏季学期1 |
72 |
机械制造创新实训 |
2 |
64 |
现代工程训练中心 |
4 |
73 |
测绘与工程软件应用实践 |
1 |
32 |
机制系 |
夏季学期1 |
74 |
机械原理课程设计 |
1 |
32 |
机制系 |
3 |
75 |
机械设计课程设计 |
3 |
96 |
机制系 |
夏季学期2 |
76 |
机电控制综合实验 |
1 |
32 |
机制系 |
6 |
序号 |
姓名 |
职称 |
学历 学位 |
专业特长 |
承担授课课程 |
1 |
刘敬平 |
教授 |
博士 |
内燃机CAE |
车用动力总成性能数值式开发技术 |
Energy and Power Engineering
I. Introduction
The program in energy and power engineering originated from the Department of thermal engineering founded in 1926 and the program in internal combustion engine established in 1972. In 1998, it was renamed as the major of thermal energy and power engineering. According to the guiding spirit of the country to vigorously develop emerging strategic industries, and fully considering the application of modern science and technology in the energy field and the development of new energy technology, this major was adjusted to energy and power engineering based on the new version of the undergraduate major catalog provided by the Ministry of Education in 2012.
Energy and power engineering integrates the development, utilization, transformation, system control, energy conservation and emission reduction of conventional energy and new energy, which is closely related to the development of energy, power and environmental protection in China. Through comprehensive and in-depth study and practice on the core professional knowledge of energy conversion and effective utilization, comprehensive utilization of energy and energy conservation, etc., compound talents in the field of energy and power are cultivated. In addition to the public compulsory courses and mechanical compulsory courses stipulated by the University, the compulsory courses of this major also include Combustion Theory, Thermal Energy and Power Engineering Testing and Control Technology, Energy and Power Equipment, Engineering Thermal Design and Optimization, Introduction to Energy and Power Discipline, New Energy Utilization Technology, etc. Graduates mainly go to research and development departments of large enterprises, research and design units, energy and power equipment manufacturing and other related enterprises and institutions, or continue to pursue higher degrees in domestic and foreign research institutions.
II. Program Objectives
This program is committed to cultivating high-quality talents in the new era with solid foundation, broad vision, well-balanced integrity and capability, good humanistic quality, scientific spirit, innovative awareness, global vision and engineering capabilities. With concrete knowledge of energy and power engineering, systematically mastering the professional knowledge of efficient and clean conversion and utilization of conventional energy and new energy, energy power equipment and systems, etc., graduates can engage in scientific research, technical development, design and manufacturing, operation and control, management and service in the field of energy and power. Students of this major will achieve the following goals within five years after graduation:
1. Have a solid foundation of scientific and engineering, concreate professional knowledge and skills of energy and power engineering, be able to apply professional knowledge and skills to solve practical problems, and provide intelligent and systematic solutions for complex engineering projects such as efficient and clean conversion and utilization of energy, design and development of energy power equipment and system.
2. High-quality talents in the future energy and power industry or academia with forward-looking, overall strategic, innovative thinking, research ability and global vision.
3. Abide by professional ethics, have correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, have good humanistic quality, sense of social responsibility, legal concept, team spirit and lifelong self-learning consciousness, and become a practitioner with ideal and faith.
III. Graduation Requirements
Students of this program should develop in the following aspects:
1. Engineering Knowledge: Be able to use mathematics, natural science, engineering foundation, artificial intelligence and professional knowledge to solve related complex engineering problems in the field of energy and power engineering.
2. Problem Expression: Be able to apply the basic principles of mathematics, natural science and energy power transformation, and identify, express and analyze complex engineering problems of energy and power through literature research, so as to reach valid conclusions.
3. Design and Development: Be able to develop solutions for complex engineering problems in the field of energy and power engineering; design energy and power systems, components or processes that meet specific needs; and have the awareness of innovation and energy conservation in the design process with appropriate considerations of law, health, safety, culture, society and environment issues.
4. Research and Analysis: Be able to investigate complex engineering problems of energy and power based on scientific principles and methods, and to provide reasonable and valid conclusions through the process of experimental design, data analysis and interpretation, and information synthesis.
5. Tool Use: Be able to develop, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, modern engineering and IT tools for solving the complex engineering problems of energy and power, with the understanding of their limitations.
6. Engineering and Society: Be able to rationalize and assess the impact of energy and power engineering practice and solutions to complex engineering problems on society, industry, health, safety, law and culture based on relevant engineering professional knowledge, and understand the consequent responsibilities.
7. Environment and Sustainability: Be able to understand and evaluate the impact of engineering practice of the complex energy and power engineering problems on the sustainability of society and the environment.
8. Professional Norms: Have the quality of humanities and Social Sciences, a sense of social responsibility and engineering professional ethics.
9. Individual and Team: Can work effectively in diverse and multidisciplinary teams.
10. Communication: Be able to communicate effectively with the engineering community and general public on complex engineering issues of energy and power, including writing reports, designing drafts, making statements, clear expression and responding to instructions. Meanwhile, has a certain level of global vision, can communicate and exchange in a cross-cultural context.
11. Project Management: Understand and master the engineering management principles and economic decision-making methods, and be able to apply them in a multidisciplinary environment.
12. Lifelong Learning: Have the awareness of self-learning and lifelong learning, and have the ability to continuously learn and adapt to the changes.
Matrix of Program Objectives-Graduation Requirements
Graduate Outcomes Program Objectives |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
1. Have a solid foundation of scientific and engineering, concreate professional knowledge and skills of energy and power engineering, be able to apply professional knowledge and skills to solve practical problems, and provide intelligent and systematic solutions for complex engineering projects such as efficient and clean conversion and utilization of energy, design and development of energy power equipment and system. |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
2. High quality talents in the future energy and power industry or academia with forward-looking, overall strategic, innovative thinking, research ability and global vision. |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
3. Abide by professional ethics, have correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, have good humanistic quality, sense of social responsibility, legal concept, team spirit and lifelong self-learning consciousness, and become a practitioner with ideal and faith. |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
IV. Length of Schooling, Graduation Requirements and Degree Awarding
1. The length of schooling is usually 4, with a flexibility of 3-6 years based on the credit system.
2. The minimum credits for this program are 172, which are distributed as follows:
Course Category |
Compulsory General Education |
Introductory Major Courses |
Major Survey Courses |
Compulsory Major Core Courses |
Individualized Electives |
General Education Electives |
Intensive Practice |
Total |
Credits |
34 |
26 |
32 |
16 |
20 |
8 |
36 |
172 |
3. Successful completion of the minimum credits of required compulsory, selective and intensive practice courses, compliance with the requirements specified in National Standards for Students’ Physical Health, and a good and all-round moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetical grounding in addition to a hard-working spirit are required for graduation. Students qualified enough to meet all the requirements of Regulations of Hunan University on the Awarding of Bachelor’s Degree (No. 22 [2018]) will thus be awarded the Bachelor’s Degree of Engineering.
V. Curriculum and Credit Distribution
1. General Education (34 credits for compulsory courses + 8 credits for elective courses)
The general courses consist of two parts: compulsory courses and elective courses. The latter is to be fulfilled in accordance with the Regulations of Hunan University on Elective Courses of General Education. The general compulsory courses are as follows:
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
GE01150 |
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theory System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
3 |
GE01174 |
Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
2 |
GE01152 |
Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis |
3 |
GE01155 (-162) |
Lectures on Current Affairs and policies |
2 |
GE01153 |
Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History |
3 |
GE01154 |
Basic Principles of Marxism |
3 |
GE01151 |
Practice of Ideological and Political Theory Course |
2 |
GE01012 (-015) |
College English |
8 |
Modular courses for a flexible credit system is offered for the total 8 course credits. Students who get the specified foreign language proficiency test scores or foreign language contest awards may finish only 4 or 6 course credits. |
GE01163 |
Introduction to Computing and Artificial Intelligence |
4 |
GE01089 (-092) |
Physical Education |
4 |
Total |
34 |
2. Introductory Major Courses (26 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
GE03025 |
Advanced Mathematics A (Ⅰ) |
5 |
GE03026 |
Advanced Mathematics A (Ⅱ) |
5 |
GE03003 |
Linear Algebra A |
3 |
GE03004 |
Probability and Mathematics Statistic A |
3 |
GE03005 |
University Physics A (Ⅰ) |
3 |
GE03006 |
University Physics A (Ⅱ) |
3 |
GE03007 (-008) |
University Physics Experiment A |
2 |
ME03001 |
Engineering Chemistry |
2 |
Total |
26 |
3. Major Survey Courses (32 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
ME04017 |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics (Ⅰ) |
3 |
ME04002 |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics (ⅠI) |
2 |
EP04010 |
Mechanical Principles A |
3 |
EP04011 |
Mechanical Design A |
3 |
EP04012 |
Theoretical Mechanics A |
3 |
EP04013 |
Material Mechanics A |
3 |
EP04017 |
Engineering Fluid Mechanics |
3 |
EP04015 |
Engineering Thermodynamics |
4 |
EP04016 |
Heat Transfer |
3 |
ME04019 |
Engineering Materials |
2 |
GE02059 |
Electrotechnics and Electronics |
3 |
Total |
32 |
4. Compulsory Major Core Courses (16 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
EP05010 |
Combustion Theory |
3 |
EP05013 |
Thermal Energy and Power Engineering Testing and Control Technology |
3 |
EP05014 |
Energy and Power Equipment |
3 |
EP05015 |
Engineering Thermal Design and Optimization |
3 |
EP06020 |
Introduction to Energy and Power Discipline |
1 |
EP05016 |
New Energy Utilization Technology |
3 |
Total |
16 |
5. Individualized Electives (20 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
EP06021 |
Emission and Control of Thermal Power Equipment |
2 |
EP06029 |
Energy Economics |
2 |
Required |
ME04027 |
Fundamentals of Control Engineering |
2 |
EP06031 |
Numerical Method and Application |
2 |
EP06032 |
Principle and Application of Single Chip Microprocessor |
2 |
EP06033 |
Combustion Theory |
3 |
Thermal power module |
EP06034 |
Principle of Thermal Power Generation |
2 |
EP06035 |
Principle of Refrigeration |
2 |
EP06036 |
Refrigeration Technology and Application |
2 |
EP06006 |
Principles and Equipment of Heat and Mass Exchange |
2 |
EP06037 |
Modern Engine Design |
2 |
EP06003 |
Engine Electronic Control Technology |
2 |
EP06038 |
Manufacturing Technology of Power Machinery |
2 |
EP06039 |
Numerical Development Technologies of Vehicle Powertrain Performances |
2 |
EP06025 |
Powertrain Matching Technology |
2 |
EP06040 |
New Energy Power Technology |
2 |
New energy module |
ME06077 |
Solar Energy Utilization Technology |
2 |
EP06041 |
Principle and Technology of Energy Storage |
2 |
EP06042 |
Preparation and Utilization of Hydrogen Energy |
2 |
EP06043 |
Biomass Energy Utilization Technology |
2 |
EP06044 |
Wind Power Generation Technology |
2 |
EP06045 |
Theory and Application of Intelligent Energy System |
2 |
EP06046 |
New Energy Materials and Technologies |
2 |
EP06047 |
Principle and Application of Microfluidic and Thermal Control |
2 |
EP06048 |
Heat Transfer of Low Dimensional Nano Systems |
2 |
Note: For Individualized Electives Credits, 10 credits can be earned with interdisciplinary courses within the university.
6. Intensive Practice (36 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
GE09048 (-049) |
Military Theory and Military Training |
3 |
ME10049 |
Scientific Writing (Chinese and English) Training |
1 |
EP10021 |
Reading and Writing in Professional English |
1 |
GE09058 |
Comprehensive Training of Mechanical Manufacturing |
3 |
GE09059 |
Innovation Training of Mechanical Manufacturing |
2 |
ME10034 |
Application Practice of Software of Surveying & Mapping Engineering |
1 |
ME10009 |
Curriculum Design of Mechanical Principles |
1 |
ME10033 |
Curriculum Design of Mechanical Design |
3 |
ME10005 |
Comprehensive Experiment for Mechatronic Control |
1 |
EP10017 |
Disassembly and Assembly Practice |
1 |
EP10022 |
Comprehensive Curriculum Design of Thermal Power |
2 |
either-or |
EP10023 |
Comprehensive Curriculum Design of New Energy |
2 |
EP10018 |
Production Practice |
2 |
EP10027 |
Professional Cognitive Practice |
1 |
EP10024 |
Graduation Design (Thesis) |
10 |
EP10025 |
Professional Practice and Competition |
1 |
EP10026 |
Comprehensive Experiment of New Energy Power Control System |
1 |
ME10052 |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
2 |
Total |
36 |
VI. Correspondence Matrix of Curriculum System and Graduation Requirements
Matrix of Curriculum System-Graduation Requirements
Course Title |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theory System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
H |
H |
M |
M |
M |
Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis |
H |
M |
M |
M |
L |
Lectures on Current Affairs and policies |
H |
M |
M |
M |
H |
Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History |
M |
M |
L |
M |
Basic Principles of Marxism |
M |
M |
H |
M |
M |
Practice of Ideological and Political Theory Course |
M |
M |
H |
H |
M |
College English |
L |
M |
M |
H |
H |
Introduction to Computing and Artificial Intelligence |
L |
H |
H |
M |
M |
Physical Education |
L |
M |
H |
H |
M |
Advanced Mathematics A |
H |
H |
M |
L |
Probability and Mathematics Statistic A |
H |
H |
M |
L |
Linear Algebra A |
H |
H |
M |
L |
University Physics A |
H |
H |
M |
M |
University Physics Experiment A |
H |
H |
M |
L |
M |
Engineering Chemistry |
M |
L |
H |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics |
M |
Mechanical Principles A |
M |
L |
Mechanical Design A |
M |
Theoretical Mechanics A |
M |
Material Mechanics A |
M |
Engineering Fluid Mechanics |
H |
M |
M |
H |
Engineering Thermodynamics |
H |
M |
M |
H |
Heat Transfer |
Engineering Materials |
M |
Electrotechnics and Electronics |
M |
Combustion Theory |
H |
H |
M |
Thermal Energy and Power Engineering Testing and Control Technology |
H |
H |
Energy and Power Equipment |
H |
M |
L |
Engineering Thermal Design and Optimization |
H |
M |
M |
Introduction to Energy and Power Discipline |
M |
H |
M |
New Energy Utilization Technology |
H |
M |
M |
Military Theory and Military Training |
H |
L |
Scientific Writing (Chinese and English) Training |
H |
M |
Reading and Writing in Professional English |
H |
M |
Comprehensive Training of Mechanical Manufacturing |
H |
M |
Innovation Training of Mechanical Manufacturing |
H |
M |
L |
Application Practice of Software of Surveying & Mapping Engineering |
M |
H |
L |
Curriculum Design of Mechanical Principles |
L |
H |
M |
L |
L |
Curriculum Design of Mechanical Design |
L |
H |
M |
L |
L |
Comprehensive Experiment for Mechatronic Control |
H |
M |
Disassembly and Assembly Practice |
M |
L |
Comprehensive Curriculum Design of Thermal Power |
H |
M |
H |
Comprehensive Curriculum Design of New Energy |
H |
M |
H |
Production Practice |
H |
H |
M |
Graduation Design (Thesis) |
H |
H |
M |
H |
Comprehensive Experiment of New Energy Power Control System |
M |
H |
Professional Cognitive Practice |
H |
M |
Professional Practice and Competition |
H |
M |
L |
Notes: H indicates high-relevance; M, median relevance; and L, low relevance.
VII. Course Instructors
No. |
Course Title |
Credits |
Total Hours |
College/Teacher |
Semester |
1 |
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theory System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
3 |
48 |
Marxism School |
3 |
2 |
Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
2 |
28+8 |
Marxism School |
6 |
3 |
Practice of Ideological and Political Theory Course |
2 |
64 |
Marxism School |
4 |
4 |
Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis |
3 |
32+16 |
Marxism School |
1 |
5 |
Lectures on Current Affairs and policies |
2 |
32 |
Marxism School |
1-8 |
6 |
Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History |
3 |
54 |
Marxism School |
2 |
7 |
Basic Principles of Marxism |
3 |
42+12 |
Marxism School |
4 |
8 |
College English |
8 |
128 |
School of Foreign Languages |
1-4 |
9 |
Introduction to Computation and Artificial Intelligence |
4 |
48+32 |
College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering |
1 |
10 |
Physical Education |
4 |
128+16 |
Physical Education Institute |
1-4 |
11 |
Advanced Mathematics A (I) |
5 |
80+16 |
School of Mathematics |
1 |
12 |
Advanced Mathematics A (II) |
5 |
80+16 |
School of Mathematics |
2 |
13 |
Linear Algebra A |
3 |
40+8 |
School of Mathematics |
2 |
14 |
Probability and Mathematics Statistic A |
3 |
40+8 |
School of Mathematics |
3 |
15 |
University Physics A (I) |
3 |
48+16 |
School of Physics & Electronics |
2 |
16 |
University Physics A (II) |
3 |
48+16 |
School of Physics & Electronics |
3 |
17 |
University Physics Experiment (I) |
1 |
32 |
School of Physics & Electronics |
2 |
18 |
University Physics Experiment (II) |
1 |
32 |
School of Physics & Electronics |
3 |
19 |
Engineering Chemistry |
2 |
28+8 |
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering |
1 |
20 |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics |
5 |
70+6+8 |
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing |
1-2 |
21 |
Mechanical Principles A |
3 |
40+4+8 |
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing |
3 |
22 |
Mechanical Design A |
3 |
40+4+8 |
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing |
4 |
23 |
Theoretical Mechanics A |
3 |
44+8 |
Department of Mechanics |
3 |
24 |
Material Mechanics A |
3 |
44+8 |
Department of Mechanics |
4 |
25 |
Engineering Materials |
2 |
24+4+8 |
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing |
4 |
26 |
Electrotechnics and Electronics |
3 |
42+12 |
College of Electrical & Information Engineering |
3 |
27 |
Engineering Fluid Mechanics |
3 |
44+8 |
Zhu Hao |
5 |
28 |
Engineering Thermodynamics |
4 |
52+8+8 |
E Jiaqiang |
4 |
29 |
Heat Transfer |
3 |
40+4+8 |
Deng Yuanwang |
5 |
30 |
Energy and Power Equipment |
3 |
40+4+8 |
Liao Gaoliang, Zhang Feng |
5 |
31 |
Combustion Theory |
3 |
42+4+4 |
Chen Zheng |
6 |
32 |
Thermal Energy and Power Engineering Testing and Control Technology |
3 |
40+4+8 |
Wang Zhaolong |
6 |
33 |
Engineering Thermal Design and Optimization |
3 |
44+4 |
Chen Jingwei, Zhang Feng |
6 |
34 |
New Energy Utilization Technology |
3 |
44+4 |
Zheng Xiong, Leng Erwei |
5 |
35 |
Introduction to Energy and Power Discipline |
1 |
16 |
E Jiaqiang |
1 |
36 |
Emission and Control of Thermal Power Equipment |
2 |
26+4+4 |
Tan Ligang |
6 |
37 |
Energy Economics |
2 |
32 |
Luo Baojun |
5 |
38 |
Fundamentals of Control Engineering |
2 |
26+4+4 |
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing |
5 |
39 |
Numerical Method and Application |
2 |
30+4 |
Yuan Shuo |
5 |
40 |
Principle and Application of Single Chip MicroProcessor |
2 |
30+4 |
Zhang Quanchang |
5 |
41 |
Internal Combustion Engine Theory |
3 |
42+4+4 |
Zhang Quanchang |
6 |
42 |
Principle of Thermal Power Generation |
2 |
32 |
Zhang Feng, Liao Gaoliang |
5 |
43 |
Principle of Refrigeration |
2 |
32 |
Ren Chengqin |
6 |
44 |
Engine Electronic Control Technology |
2 |
32 |
Zhu Hao |
7 |
45 |
Numerical Development Technologies of Vehicle Powertrain Performances |
2 |
32 |
Liu Jingping |
6 |
46 |
Modern Engine Design |
2 |
32 |
Chen Zheng |
5 |
47 |
Manufacturing Technology of Power Machinery |
2 |
32 |
Department of Mechanical And Manufacturing |
7 |
48 |
Powertrain Matching Technology |
2 |
32 |
Fu Jianqin |
7 |
49 |
New Energy Power Technology |
2 |
32 |
Yang Xiaolong |
7 |
50 |
Principle and Technology of Energy Storage |
2 |
32 |
Ma Yinjie |
7 |
51 |
Solar Energy Utilization Technology |
2 |
32 |
Chen Jingwei |
7 |
52 |
Refrigeration Technology and Application |
2 |
32 |
Luo Baojun |
6 |
53 |
Principles and Equipment of Heat and Mass Exchange |
2 |
32 |
Ren Chengqin |
7 |
54 |
Preparation and Utilization of Hydrogen Energy |
2 |
32 |
Chen Jingwei, Leng Erwei |
7 |
55 |
Biomass Energy Utilization Technology |
2 |
32 |
Leng Erwei |
6 |
56 |
Wind Power Generation Technology |
2 |
32 |
Yuan Shuo |
6 |
57 |
Theory and Application of Intelligent Energy System |
2 |
32 |
Yuan Shuo |
7 |
58 |
New Energy Materials and Technologies |
2 |
32 |
Zheng Xiong |
7 |
59 |
Principle and Application of Microfluidic and Thermal Control |
2 |
32 |
Wang Zhaolong |
7 |
60 |
Heat Transfer of Low Dimensional Nano Systems |
2 |
32 |
Qin Guangzhao |
6 |
61 |
Disassembly and Assembly Practice |
1 |
32 |
Liu Yun, Gan Hao |
5 |
62 |
Professional Cognitive Practice |
1 |
32 |
Chen Zheng |
2 |
63 |
Professional Practice and Competition |
1 |
32 |
Ma Yinjie |
6 |
64 |
Comprehensive Curriculum Design of Thermal Power |
2 |
64 |
Ma Yinjie, Yuan Shuo |
Summer Semester3 |
65 |
Comprehensive Curriculum Design of New Energy |
2 |
64 |
Leng Erwei, Zhang Feng |
66 |
Comprehensive Experiment of New Energy Power Control System |
1 |
32 |
Zhang Quanzhang, Zhou Juguang |
7 |
67 |
Manufacturing Practice |
2 |
64 |
Yang Xiaolong, Tan Ligang |
Summer Semester 3 |
68 |
Military Theory and Military Training |
3 |
36+112 |
Armed Forces |
1-2 |
69 |
Scientific Writing (Chinese and English) Training |
1 |
8+16 |
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing |
Summer Semester 2 |
70 |
Reading and Writing in Professional English |
1 |
8+16 |
Qin Guangzhao, Wang Zhaolong |
Summer Semester 2 |
71 |
Comprehensive Training of Mechanical Manufacturing |
3 |
96 |
Modern Engineering Training Center |
Summer Semester 1 |
72 |
Innovation Training of Mechanical Manufacturing |
2 |
64 |
Modern Engineering Training Center |
4 |
73 |
Application for Software of Mapping & Engineering |
1 |
32 |
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing |
Summer Semester 1 |
74 |
Curriculum Design of Mechanical Principles |
1 |
32 |
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing |
3 |
75 |
Curriculum Design of Mechanical Design |
3 |
96 |
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing |
Summer Semester 2 |
76 |
Comprehensive Experiment for Mechatronic Control |
1 |
32 |
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing |
6 |
VIII. Chief Program Professor
No. |
Name |
Title |
Education |
Research Areas |
Course |
1 |
Liu Jingping |
Professor |
Doctor |
Internal Combustion Engine CAE |
Numerical Development Technologies of Vehicle Powertrain Performances |
1. 具有较强的创新创业意识与可持续发展观,具备良好的人文科学素养、社会责任感与国际视野,能够遵循职业道德与规范。具有较强的沟通交流、跨界协作和组织管理能力,在团队中能够起到核心作用。
2. 具有宽厚的自然科学与工程基础,扎实的专业知识与基本技能,掌握先进的数字化、智能化设计制造与传感控制技术,能够分析和解决智能制造领域中复杂的工程技术问题。
3. 掌握该领域的工程应用技能,能够从事智能机器与智能制造系统的研究开发、设计制造、生产管理与运维等工作。熟悉智能制造工程领域的前沿科学与技术,具备跨学科与跨界融合能力。
4. 在新工业环境和智能制造领域具备较强的竞争能力,能够通过多种途径扩宽学术视野,培养获取新知识和新技能的能力,具备终身学习与发展能力,能够适应当前和未来的职业。
1. 工程知识:能够应用自然科学、工程科学和专业基础知识,解决智能制造领域中复杂的工程技术问题,了解本专业的前沿发展和趋势。
2. 问题分析:能够应用数学等自然科学的基本原理,通过多种方法或技术途径,对复杂工程问题进行识别、定义和分析,以获得有效结论。
3. 设计与实践能力:能够考虑安全与健康、法律与标准、经济与文化、社会与环境等因素,具有针对智能制造工程问题进行系统与部件设计、工艺流程规划与装备运维管理能力。
4. 科学研究能力:具有创新、批评与系统思维,能够应用相关科学原理和方法对复杂工程问题进行研究,通过理论分析、数值计算与试验求证等技术途径对工程问题进行模拟与预测,得到有效的结论。
5. 使用现代工具:能够针对智能制造领域中的复杂工程问题,选择、使用和开发恰当的资源和技术,具有合理使用现代信息技术与工程工具的能力。
6. 工程与社会:能够基于工程背景知识进行合理的思考,评价工程问题解决方案与实践对社会、健康、安全、法律和文化的影响,并理解应承担的责任。
7. 环境与可持续发展:能够理解和正确评价针对智能制造领域的工程实践对社会与环境的可持续发展影响。
8. 职业规范:具有家国情怀,知行合一;具有人文社会科学素养、社会责任感,能够在工程实践中理解并遵守工程职业道德与规范,履行责任。
9. 个人和团队:注重身心健康与全面发展。具有良好的协作精神,能够在多学科、跨界背景下的团队中承担个体、团队成员以及负责人的角色。
10. 沟通交流:能够与业界同行和社会公众进行有效沟通和交流,包括撰写报告和设计文稿、陈述发言、清晰表达或回应指令,具有一定的国际视野,能够在跨文化背景下进行交流与合作。
11. 项目管理:理解并掌握工程管理原理与经济决策方法,能够在多学科领域中正确应用。
12. 终身学习:具有自主提升和终身学习的意识,能够主动适应个人与职业发展需要,不断学习和自我发展。
“培养目标-毕业要求” 矩阵表
毕业要求 培养目标 |
1 工程 知识 |
2 问题 分析 |
3 设计与 实践能力 |
4 科学研究能力 |
5 使用 现代 工具 |
6 工程 与 社会 |
7 环境 和可 持续 发展 |
8 职业 规范 |
9 个人 和 团队 |
10 沟通交流 |
11 项目 管理 |
12 终身 学习 |
1具有较强的创新创业意识与可持续发展观,具备良好的人文科学素养、社会责任感与国际视野,能够遵循职业道德与规范。具有较强的沟通交流、跨界协作和组织管理能力,在团队中能够起到核心作用 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
2具有宽厚的自然科学与工程基础,扎实的专业知识与基本技能,掌握先进的数字化、智能化设计制造与传感控制技术,能够分析和解决智能制造领域中复杂的工程技术问题 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
3掌握该领域的工程应用技能,能够从事智能机器与智能制造系统的研究开发、设计制造、生产管理与运维等工作。熟悉智能制造工程领域的前沿科学与技术,具备跨学科与跨界融合能力 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
4在新工业环境和智能制造领域具备较强的竞争能力,能够通过多种途径扩宽学术视野,培养获取新知识和新技能的能力,具备终身学习与发展能力,能够适应当前和未来的职业 |
● |
● |
● |
● |
1. 本科基本学制4年,弹性学习年限3-6年,按照学分制度管理。
2. 智能制造工程专业学生毕业最低学分数为172学分,其中各类别课程及环节要求学分数如下表:
课程类别 |
通识必修 |
学门核心 |
学类核心 |
专业核 |
个性培养 |
通识选修 |
实践环节 |
合计 |
学分数 |
34 |
26 |
30 |
20 |
18 |
8 |
36 |
172 |
3. 学生修满培养方案规定的必修课、选修课及有关环节,达到规定的最低毕业学分数,《国家学生体质健康标准》测试成绩达标,德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,即可毕业。根据《湖南大学学士学位授予工作细则》(湖大教字[2018]22号),满足学位授予条件的,授予工学学士学位。
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
GE01150 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
3 |
GE01151 |
思政实践 |
2 |
GE01174 |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
2 |
GE01152 |
思想道德修养与法律基础 |
3 |
GE01155(-162) |
形势与政策 |
2 |
GE01153 |
中国近现代史纲要 |
3 |
GE01154 |
马克思主义基本原理 |
3 |
GE01012(-015) |
大学英语 |
8 |
实行弹性学分和分级模块化教学,总学分为8学分,设置4、6、8三级学分基本要求,不足学分通过相关考试或竞赛成绩认定。 |
GE01163 |
计算与人工智能概论 |
4 |
GE01089(-092) |
体育 |
4 |
合 计 |
34 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
GE03025 |
高等数学A(1) |
5 |
GE03026 |
高等数学A(2) |
5 |
GE03003 |
线性代数A |
3 |
GE03004 |
概率论与数理统计A |
3 |
GE03005 |
普通物理A(1) |
3 |
GE03006 |
普通物理A(2) |
3 |
GE03007(-008) |
普通物理实验A |
2 |
ME03001 |
工程化学 |
2 |
合 计 |
26 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
ME04017 ME04002 |
机械工程图学 |
5 |
ME04041 |
工程材料A |
2 |
ME04009 |
工程力学 |
4 |
ME04035 |
热工学基础 |
2 |
ME04031 |
机械设计基础A |
4 |
结合机创与数字化设计 |
ME04039 |
智能技术数学基础 |
2 |
ME04040 |
人工智能技术及应用 |
2 |
GE02059 |
电工电子学 |
3 |
ME05055 |
微控制器原理及应用 |
2 |
ME04027 |
控制工程基础 |
2 |
ME06024 |
工程中的数值方法 |
2 |
合 计 |
30 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
ME06078 |
机械工程导论 |
1 |
ME05058 |
机械制造基础 |
3 |
ME05059 |
先进制造装备与技术 |
2 |
ME05060 |
机电产品系统设计 |
2 |
ME05035 |
互换性与测量技术基础 |
2 |
ME04022 |
流体力学 |
2 |
ME05062 |
智能微传感器 |
2 |
设计试验装置,有测试结果 |
ME06154 |
工业网络原理及应用 |
2 |
ME05061 |
智能制造信息系统 |
2 |
ME05042 |
生产管理学 |
2 |
合 计 |
20 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
ME06169 |
智能设计原理与技术 |
3 |
智能设计 |
ME06188 |
数字化设计 |
2 |
ME06189 |
机器人导论 |
2 |
ME06134 |
工程优化设计 |
2 |
ME06190 |
机械动力学 |
2 |
ME06104 |
机电系统建模与仿真 |
2 |
ME06191 |
数字化制造 |
3 |
智能制造技术 |
ME06171 |
大数据分析技术 |
2 |
ME06173 |
图像识别与处理 |
2 |
ME06084 |
精密与超精密加工 |
2 |
ME06184 |
智能生产系统 |
2 |
ME06170 |
机器学习 |
2 |
ME06185 |
智能运维与健康管理 |
2 |
智能运维与管理 |
ME06192 |
现代信号处理 |
2 |
ME06172 |
智能故障诊断与维护 |
2 |
ME06193 |
智能测量技术 |
3 |
ME05044 |
系统工程 |
2 |
ME06174 |
智能工厂管理 |
2 |
编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
GE09048(-049) |
军事理论与军事技能 |
3 |
必修,含军事理论1学分、军事训练2学分 |
ME10050 |
专业认知实习 |
1 |
ME10052 |
创新创业 |
2 |
必修 |
ME10061 |
智能生产综合实验 |
2 |
GE09057 |
金工实习 |
3 |
GE09055 |
电工电子实训 |
2 |
ME10062 |
机械设计基础课程设计 |
3 |
ME10063 |
机械制造基础课程设计 |
2 |
ME10064 |
机电控制综合实践 |
2 |
ME10065 |
智能微传感器课程设计 |
2 |
ME10066 |
专业综合课程设计(智能制造) |
2 |
ME10067 |
专业实习(智能制造) |
2 |
ME10054 |
毕业设计(论文) |
10 |
含毕业实习 |
课程名称 |
毕业要求 |
1 工程知识 |
2 问题分析 |
3 设计与 实践能力 |
4 科学研究能力 |
5 使用现代工具 |
6 工程与 社会 |
7 环境和可持续发展 |
8 职业规范 |
9 个人和 团队 |
10 沟通交流 |
11 项目管理 |
12 终身学习 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
L |
H |
M |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
H |
M |
L |
M |
思想道德修养与法律基础 |
H |
M |
H |
L |
形势与政策 |
H |
H |
L |
中国近现代史纲要 |
M |
M |
马克思主义基本原理 |
L |
H |
M |
思政实践 |
H |
L |
M |
大学英语 |
H |
M |
计算与人工智能概论 |
M |
M |
体育 |
L |
M |
文化素质选修(公选课) |
H |
M |
L |
M |
L |
高等数学A |
H |
M |
线性代数A |
H |
M |
概率论与数理统计A |
H |
M |
普通物理A |
M |
普通物理实验A |
H |
工程化学 |
L |
H |
机械工程图学 |
H |
L |
工程材料 |
M |
工程力学 |
M |
热工学基础 |
M |
M |
L |
机械设计基础A |
M |
H |
L |
智能技术数学基础 |
H |
L |
人工智能技术及应用 |
H |
M |
M |
电工电子学 |
M |
微控制器原理及应用 |
M |
L |
控制工程基础 |
M |
M |
工程中的数值方法 |
H |
M |
机械工程导论 |
H |
机械制造基础 |
M |
H |
M |
流体力学 |
M |
M |
机电产品系统设计 |
M |
H |
L |
互换性与测量技术基础 |
H |
M |
M |
先进制造装备与技术 |
M |
H |
M |
智能微传感器 |
M |
H |
M |
工业网络原理及应用 |
M |
M |
L |
智能制造信息系统 |
M |
M |
生产管理学 |
M |
H |
军事理论与军事技能 |
H |
M |
专业认知实习 |
M |
M |
创新创业 |
M |
H |
智能生产综合实验 |
M |
L |
金工实习 |
M |
L |
L |
电工电子实训 |
机械设计基础课程设计 |
M |
H |
L |
L |
L |
机械制造基础课程设计 |
H |
M |
M |
L |
机电控制综合实践 |
M |
M |
L |
智能微传感器课程设计 |
H |
M |
M |
专业综合课程设计(智能制造) |
H |
M |
L |
专业实习(智能制造) |
H |
M |
L |
毕业设计(论文) |
M |
H |
M |
L |
M |
L |
M |
M |
M |
M |
序号 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
总学时 |
拟授课学院/教师 |
授课学期 |
1 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
3 |
48 |
马克思主义学院 |
3 |
2 |
思想道德修养与法律基础 |
3 |
54 |
马克思主义学院 |
1 |
3 |
思政实践 |
2 |
64 |
马克思主义学院 |
4 |
4 |
形势与政策 |
2 |
32 |
马克思主义学院 |
1-8 |
5 |
中国近现代史纲要 |
3 |
54 |
马克思主义学院 |
2 |
6 |
马克思主义基本原理 |
3 |
54 |
马克思主义学院 |
4 |
7 |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
2 |
36 |
马克思主义学院 |
6 |
8 |
大学英语 |
8 |
128 |
外国语学院 |
1-4 |
9 |
计算与人工智能概论 |
4 |
80 |
信息科学与工程学院 |
1 |
10 |
体育 |
4 |
144 |
体育学院 |
1-4 |
11 |
高等数学A(1) |
5 |
96 |
数学学院 |
1 |
12 |
高等数学A(2) |
5 |
96 |
数学学院 |
2 |
13 |
线性代数A |
3 |
48 |
数学学院 |
2 |
14 |
概率论与数理统计A |
3 |
48 |
数学学院 |
3 |
15 |
普通物理A(1) |
3 |
64 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
2 |
16 |
普通物理A(2) |
3 |
64 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
3 |
17 |
普通物理实验A |
2 |
64 |
物理与微电子科学学院 |
2-3 |
18 |
工程化学 |
2 |
36 |
化学化工学院 |
1 |
19 |
机械工程图学 |
5 |
84 |
杨钦文 |
1-2 |
20 |
工程材料A |
2 |
36 |
陈鼎 |
4 |
21 |
工程力学 |
4 |
68 |
戴宏亮 |
3 |
22 |
热工学基础 |
2 |
34 |
任承钦 |
5 |
23 |
机械设计基础A |
4 |
68 |
周长江 |
4 |
24 |
智能技术数学基础 |
2 |
32 |
韦凯 |
3 |
25 |
人工智能技术及应用 |
2 |
36 |
陈宁 |
5 |
26 |
电工电子学 |
3 |
54 |
电气与信息工程学院 |
3 |
27 |
微控制器原理及应用 |
2 |
36 |
彭晓燕 |
6 |
28 |
控制工程基础 |
2 |
34 |
钟翔 |
5 |
29 |
工程中的数值方法 |
2 |
34 |
陈久久 |
5 |
30 |
机械工程导论 |
1 |
16 |
杨旭静 |
1 |
31 |
机械制造基础 |
3 |
52 |
金湘中 |
5 |
32 |
先进制造技术与装备 |
2 |
34 |
韩晓筱 |
6 |
33 |
机电产品系统设计 |
2 |
34 |
邵海东 |
6 |
34 |
互换性与测量技术基础 |
2 |
36 |
龚志辉 |
5 |
35 |
流体力学 |
2 |
34 |
邹伟生 |
4 |
36 |
智能微传感器 |
2 |
34 |
周剑 |
4 |
37 |
工业网络原理及应用 |
2 |
36 |
钟翔 |
5 |
38 |
智能制造信息系统 |
2 |
34 |
李伟 |
6 |
39 |
生产管理学 |
2 |
34 |
范叶 |
6 |
40 |
智能设计原理与技术 |
3 |
52 |
刘杰 |
6 |
41 |
数字化设计 |
2 |
36 |
谌霖霖 |
6 |
42 |
机器人导论 |
2 |
34 |
陈逢军 |
4 |
43 |
工程优化设计 |
2 |
36 |
胡德安 |
7 |
44 |
机械动力学 |
2 |
36 |
周加喜 |
7 |
45 |
机电系统建模与仿真 |
2 |
36 |
刘侃 |
7 |
46 |
数字化制造 |
3 |
52 |
李茂君 |
6 |
47 |
图像识别与处理 |
2 |
36 |
王刚 |
4 |
48 |
智能测量技术 |
2 |
36 |
程军圣 |
4 |
49 |
机器学习 |
2 |
36 |
邵海东 |
7 |
50 |
智能生产系统 |
2 |
36 |
刘坚 |
7 |
51 |
现代信号处理 |
2 |
36 |
陈敏钧 |
5 |
52 |
大数据分析技术 |
2 |
36 |
宋立军 |
6 |
53 |
精密与超精密加工 |
2 |
34 |
黄帅 |
6 |
54 |
智能故障诊断与维护 |
2 |
36 |
邵海东 |
7 |
55 |
智能运维与健康管理 |
2 |
32 |
程军圣 |
6 |
56 |
系统工程 |
2 |
34 |
邓乾旺 |
5 |
57 |
智能工厂管理 |
2 |
36 |
任莹晖 |
7 |
58 |
专业认知实习 |
1 |
32 |
杨军 |
2 |
59 |
智能生产综合实验 |
2 |
64 |
颜运昌 |
7 |
60 |
机械设计基础课程设计 |
3 |
96 |
刘江南 |
夏季学期2 |
61 |
机械制造基础课程设计 |
2 |
64 |
金湘中 |
夏季学期3 |
62 |
机电控制综合实践 |
2 |
64 |
钟翔 |
5 |
63 |
智能微传感器课程设计 |
2 |
64 |
程军圣 |
夏季学期3 |
64 |
专业综合课程设计(智能制造) |
2 |
64 |
谢桂芝 |
7 |
65 |
专业实习(智能制造) |
2 |
64 |
杨军 |
6 |
66 |
毕业设计(论文) |
10 |
320 |
程军圣 |
8 |
序号 |
姓名 |
职称 |
学历学位 |
专业特长 |
承担授课课程 |
1 |
周长江 |
教授 |
博士 |
机械设计及理论;传动摩擦学 |
机械设计基础 |
Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering
I. Introduction
Based on the first-class discipline construction of mechanical engineering, intelligent manufacturing engineering has the qualification to award a master's degree and doctor's degree. Students in this program cover 31 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China, and can choose their major again after enrollment. Moreover, there is a financial aid system mainly consisting of scholarships and grants. This major focuses on the multi college collaborative training mode with the college of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering as the main part. Based on the project-based double tutor training mode, through cross-border, interdisciplinary and diversified training channels, this major cultivates students' innovative ability and entrepreneurship, and creates a good learning environment through open comprehensive experiments, engineering practice activities and competition platforms. Focusing on the three modules of Intelligent Design, Intelligent Manufacturing, Intelligent Operation and Maintenance and Management, this major mainly faces the future intelligent machine and intelligent manufacturing field, providing high-level compound innovative talents for design, production and management, and delivering high-quality graduate students for universities and scientific research institutes.
II. Program Objectives
To meets the needs of science, industry and society in the future, this major focuses on the cultivation of high-quality talents in the new era with a solid foundation, broad vision, well-balanced integrity and capability, good humanistic quality, scientific spirit, and innovation ability. The cultivated talents should be well qualified for various work in the field of intelligent manufacturing such as design and development, production and manufacturing, operation and maintenance, scientific research and teaching, operation and management. Meanwhile, they are required to master the basic theory and professional knowledge in the field of intelligent manufacturing.
The educational objectives are subdivided as follows.
1. Have a strong sense of innovation and entrepreneurship and the concept of sustainable development, have good humanities literacy, social responsibility and global vision. Follow professional ethics and norms. Have a remarkable ability of communication, cross-border cooperation and organizational management, and can play a crucial role in teams.
2. Have a solid foundation of science and engineering, professional knowledge and skills. Master the advanced digital and intelligent design and manufacturing and sensor control technology, and be able to analyze and solve the complex engineering and technical problems in the field of intelligent manufacturing.
3. Master the engineering application skills in this field, and be able to engage in the research and development, design and manufacturing, production management and operation and maintenance of intelligent machines and intelligent manufacturing systems. Familiar with the cutting-edge science and technology in the field of Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering, and have the ability to integrate the interdisciplinary and cross-border sources.
4. Have strong competitiveness in the field of the new industrial environment and intelligent manufacturing. Broaden academic vision through various ways and cultivate the ability to acquire new knowledge and new skills Have the ability of lifelong learning and development, and can adapt to the employment environment now and in the future.
III. Graduation Requirements
Students of this degree will require:
1. Engineering Knowledge: Be able to apply knowledge of natural sciences, engineering and profession to solve the complex engineering and technical problems in the field of intelligent manufacturing. Understand the frontier development and trend of this specialty.
2. Problem Expression: Be able to apply the basic principles of mathematics and other science, and identify, define and analyze complex engineering problems through various methods or technical approaches, so as to reach valid conclusions.
3. Design and Practice: Be able to consider factors such as safety and health, laws and standards, economy and culture, society and environment. Apply the knowledge of system and component design, process planning and equipment operation and maintenance management to deal with intelligent manufacturing engineering problems.
4. Research and Analysis: Have innovative, critical and systematic thinking. Apply relevant scientific principles and methods to investigate complex engineering problems. Simulate and predict the engineering issues through the technical processes of theoretical analysis, numerical calculation and experimental verification, and thus reach valid conclusions.
5. Tool Usage: Be able to select, apply and develop appropriate techniques and resources for the complex engineering problems in the field of intelligent manufacturing, and can reasonably use the tools of modern IT and engineering.
6. Engineering and Society: Be able to rationalize and evaluate the impact of engineering problem solutions and practices on society, industry, health, safety, law and culture based on the relevant engineering professional knowledge, and understand the consequent responsibilities.
7. Environment and Sustainability: Be able to understand and correctly evaluate the impact of engineering practice in the intelligent manufacturing field on the sustainability of society and the environment.
8. Professional Norms: Have the feelings of “ Family-country”, and can unify the knowledge and practice. Have the humanities and social science literacy, social responsibility. Be able to understand and abide by the engineering professional ethics and norms in engineering practice, and fulfill the responsibility.
9. Individual and Team: Focus on the overall development of physical and mental health. Have good cooperation spirit, and able to take on the role of the individual, team member and leader in multi-disciplinary and cross-border teams.
10. Communication: Be able to communicate effectively with the engineering community and general public, including writing reports, designing drafts, making statements, clearly expressing or responding to instructions. Meanwhile, has a certain level of global vision, and can communicate and exchange in a cross-cultural context.
11. Project Management: Understand and master the engineering management principles and economic decision-making methods, and be able to apply them in a multidisciplinary environment.
12. Lifelong Learning: Have the awareness of self-learning and lifelong learning, and can actively adapt to the needs of personal and professional development through continuous learning and self-development.
Matrix of Program Objectives-Graduation Requirements
Graduation Requirements Program Objectives |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
1. Have a strong sense of innovation and entrepreneurship and the concept of sustainable development, have good humanities literacy, social responsibility and global vision. Follow professional ethics and norms. Have a remarkable ability of communication, cross-border cooperation and organizational management, and can play a crucial role in teams. |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
2. Have a solid foundation of science and engineering, concrete professional knowledge and skills. Master the advanced digital and intelligent design and manufacturing and sensor control technology, and be able to analyze and solve the complex engineering and technical problems in the field of intelligent manufacturing. |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
3. Master the engineering application skills in this field, and be able to engage in the research and development, design and manufacturing, production management and operation and maintenance of intelligent machines and intelligent manufacturing systems. Familiar with the cutting-edge science and technology in the field of Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering, and have the ability to integrate the interdisciplinary and cross-border sources. |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
4. Have strong competitiveness in the field of the new industrial environment and intelligent manufacturing. Broaden academic vision through various ways and cultivate the ability to acquire new knowledge and new skills. Have the ability with lifelong learning and development, and can adapt to the employment environment in now and future. |
● |
● |
● |
● |
Notes: ● indicates relevance.
IV. Length of Schooling, Graduation Requirements and Degree Awarding
1. The length of schooling is usually 4, with a flexibility of 3-6 years based on the credit system.
2. The minimum credits for this program are 172, which are distributed as follows:
Course Category |
Compulsory General Education |
Introductory Major Courses |
Major Survey Courses |
Compulsory Major Core Courses |
Individualized Electives |
General Education Electives |
Intensive Practice |
Total |
Credits |
34 |
26 |
30 |
20 |
18 |
8 |
36 |
172 |
3. Successful completion of the minimum credits of required compulsory, selective and intensive practice courses, compliance with the requirements specified in National Standards for Students’ Physical Health, and a good and all-round moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetical grounding in addition to a hard-working spirit are required for graduation. Students qualified enough to meet all the requirements of Regulations of Hunan University on the Awarding of Bachelor’s Degree (No. 22 [2018]) will thus be awarded the Bachelor’s Degree of Engineering.
V. Curriculum and Credit Distribution
1. General Education Courses (34 credits for compulsory courses + 8 credits for optional courses)
The general courses consist of two parts: compulsory courses and elective courses. The latter is to be fulfilled in accordance with the Regulations of Hunan University on Elective Courses of General Education. The compulsory courses are as follows:
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
GE01150 |
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theory System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
3 |
GE01151 |
Practice of Ideological and Political Theory Course |
2 |
GE01174 |
Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
2 |
GE01152 |
Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis |
3 |
GE01155 (-162) |
Lectures on Current Affairs and policies |
2 |
GE01153 |
Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History |
3 |
GE01154 |
Basic Principles of Marxism |
3 |
GE01012 (-015) |
College English |
8 |
Modular courses for a flexible credit system is offered for the total 8 course credits. Students who get the specified foreign language proficiency test scores or foreign language contest awards may finish only 4 or 6 course credits. |
GE01163 |
Introduction to Computing and Artificial Intelligence |
4 |
GE01089 (-092) |
Physical Education |
4 |
Total |
34 |
2. Introductory Major Courses (26 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
GE03025 |
Advanced Mathematics: A (Ⅰ) |
5 |
GE03026 |
Advanced Mathematics: A (Ⅱ) |
5 |
GE03003 |
Linear Algebra A |
3 |
GE03004 |
Probability and Mathematics Statistic: A |
3 |
GE03005 |
University Physics: A (Ⅰ) |
3 |
GE03006 |
University Physics: A (Ⅱ) |
3 |
GE03007 (-008) |
University Physics Experiment: A |
2 |
ME03001 |
Engineering Chemistry |
2 |
Total |
26 |
3. Major Survey Courses (30 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
ME04017 ME04002 |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics |
5 |
ME04041 |
Engineering Materials |
2 |
ME04009 |
Engineering Mechanics |
4 |
ME04035 |
Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering |
2 |
ME04031 |
Mechanical Principles: A |
4 |
Combining machine creation with digital design |
ME04039 |
Mathematical Foundation of Intelligent technology |
2 |
ME04040 |
Artificial Intelligence Technology and Application |
2 |
GE02059 |
Electrotechnics and Electronics |
3 |
ME05055 |
Principle and Application of Microcontroller |
2 |
ME04027 |
Fundamentals of Control Engineering |
2 |
ME06024 |
Numerical Methods in Engineering |
2 |
Total |
30 |
4. Compulsory Major Core Courses (20 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
ME06078 |
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering |
1 |
ME05058 |
Fundamental of Mechanical Manufacturing |
3 |
ME05059 |
Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Equipment |
2 |
ME05060 |
System Design for Mechanical and Electric Product |
2 |
ME05035 |
Fundamentals of Interchangeability and Measurement Technology |
2 |
ME04022 |
Hydromechanics |
2 |
ME05062 |
Intelligent Micro Sensor |
2 |
Design test device and provide test results |
ME06154 |
Industrial Network Technology and Application |
2 |
ME05061 |
Intelligent Manufacturing Information System |
2 |
ME05042 |
Production Management |
2 |
Total |
20 |
5. Individualized Electives (18 credits)
Professional elective courses adopt the combination of modules grouping and interdisciplinary optional. Students can take 4 courses and 9 credits in the main module, and 1 course in the other two modules with a total of 4 credits. In addition, there are 5 interdisciplinary elective credits in the whole university with a total of 18 credits. It aims to cultivate systematic ability and expand professional knowledge and skills. The courses and groups are as follows:
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
ME06169 |
Principle and Technology of Intelligent Design |
3 |
Intelligent Design |
ME06188 |
Digital Design |
2 |
ME06189 |
Introduction to Robots |
2 |
ME06134 |
Engineering Optimization Design |
2 |
ME06190 |
Mechanical Kinetics |
2 |
ME06104 |
Modeling and Simulation of Electromechanical System |
2 |
ME06191 |
Digital Manufacturing |
3 |
Intelligent Manufacturing |
ME06171 |
Big Data Analysis Techniques |
2 |
ME06173 |
Image Recognition and Processing |
2 |
ME06084 |
Precision and Ultra Precision Machining |
2 |
ME06184 |
Intelligent Manufacturing System |
2 |
ME06170 |
Machine Learning |
2 |
ME06185 |
Intelligent Operation and Maintenance and Health Management |
2 |
Intelligent Operation and Maintenance and Management |
ME06192 |
Modern Signal Processing |
2 |
ME06172 |
Intelligent Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance |
2 |
ME06193 |
Intelligent Measurement Technology |
3 |
ME05044 |
System Engineering |
2 |
ME06174 |
Intelligent Factory Management |
2 |
6. Intensive Practice (36 credits)
Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Remarks |
GE09048 (-049) |
Military Theory and Training |
3 |
Compulsory, including 1 credit for military theory and 2 credits for military training |
ME10050 |
Professional Cognitive Practice |
1 |
ME10052 |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
2 |
Compulsory |
ME10061 |
Intelligent Production Comprehensive Experiment |
2 |
GE09057 |
Metal Working Practice |
3 |
GE09055 |
Electrical Engineering Practice |
2 |
ME10062 |
Curriculum Design for Fundamentals of Mechanical Design |
3 |
ME10063 |
Curriculum Design for Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing |
2 |
ME10064 |
Practice of Mechatronics Control Engineering |
2 |
ME10065 |
Curriculum Intelligent Sensing and Testing Technology |
2 |
ME10066 |
Curriculum Design of Comprehensive Course in Major (Intelligent Manufacturing) |
2 |
ME10067 |
Field Internship (Intelligent Manufacturing) |
2 |
ME10054 |
Graduation Design (Thesis) |
10 |
Including graduation practice |
VI. Correlation Matrix between Curriculum and Graduates Core Competence
Matrix of "Curriculum System-Graduation Requirements"
Course Title |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
General Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics |
L |
H |
M |
Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
H |
M |
L |
M |
Morals & Ethics & Fundamentals of Law |
H |
M |
H |
L |
Current Affairs and Policy |
H |
H |
L |
Survey of Modern Chinese History |
M |
M |
Basic Theory of Marxism |
L |
H |
M |
Ideological Practice |
H |
L |
M |
College English |
H |
M |
Introduction to Computation and Artificial Intelligence: A |
M |
M |
Physical Education |
L |
M |
Electives in Cultural and Quality Education (common elective courses) |
H |
M |
L |
M |
L |
Advanced Mathematics: A |
H |
M |
Linear Algebra A |
H |
M |
Probability and Mathematics Statistic A |
H |
M |
Physics: A |
M |
Physics Experiments: A |
H |
Engineering Chemistry |
L |
H |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics |
H |
L |
Engineering Materials |
M |
Engineering Mechanics |
M |
Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering |
M |
M |
L |
Mechanical Principles: A |
M |
H |
L |
Mathematical Foundation of Intelligent Technology |
H |
L |
Artificial Intelligence Technology and Application |
H |
M |
M |
Electrotechnics and Electronics |
M |
Principle and Application of Microcontroller |
M |
L |
Fundamentals of Control Engineering |
M |
M |
Numerical Method in Engineering |
H |
M |
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering |
H |
Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing |
M |
H |
M |
Hydromechanics |
M |
M |
System Design for Mechanical and Electric Product |
M |
H |
L |
Elementary Technology of Exchangeability Measurement |
H |
M |
M |
Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Equipment |
M |
H |
M |
Intelligent Sensing and Testing Technology |
M |
H |
M |
Industrial Network Technology and Application |
M |
M |
L |
Intelligent Manufacturing Information System |
M |
M |
Production Management |
M |
H |
Military Theory and Training |
H |
M |
Cognitive Practice |
M |
M |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
M |
H |
Intelligent Production Comprehensive Experiment |
M |
L |
Metal Working Practice ,Electrical Engineering Practice |
M |
L |
L |
Electrical and Electronic Training |
Curriculum Design for Fundamentals of Mechanical Design |
M |
H |
L |
L |
L |
Curriculum Design for Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing |
H |
M |
M |
L |
Practice of Mechatronics Control Engineering |
M |
M |
L |
Curriculum Intelligent Sensing and Testing Technology |
H |
M |
M |
Curriculum Design of Comprehensive Course in Major (Intelligent Manufacturing) |
H |
M |
L |
Major Internship (Intelligent Manufacturing) |
H |
M |
L |
Graduation Design (Thesis) |
M |
H |
M |
L |
M |
L |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Note: (1) The teaching activities in the table include: curriculum, practice, training, etc; (2) The correlation between curriculum and professional competence is ranged by “H (high) ”, “M (medium) ” and “L (low) ”.
VII. Course Instructors
No. |
Course Title |
Credits |
Total Hours |
College/Teacher |
Semester |
1 |
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theory System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
3 |
48 |
Marxism School |
3 |
2 |
Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis |
3 |
54 |
Marxism School |
1 |
3 |
Practice of Ideological and Political Theory Course |
2 |
64 |
Marxism School |
4 |
4 |
Lectures on Current Affairs and Policies |
2 |
32 |
Marxism School |
1-8 |
5 |
Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History |
3 |
54 |
Marxism School |
2 |
6 |
Basic Principles of Marxism |
3 |
54 |
Marxism School |
4 |
7 |
Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
2 |
36 |
Marxism School |
6 |
8 |
College English |
8 |
128 |
School of Foreign Languages |
1-4 |
9 |
Introduction to Computing and Artificial Intelligence |
4 |
80 |
College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering |
1 |
10 |
Physical Education |
4 |
144 |
Physical Education Institute |
1-4 |
11 |
Advanced Mathematics: A (Ⅰ) |
5 |
96 |
School of Mathematics |
1 |
12 |
Advanced Mathematics: A (Ⅱ) |
5 |
96 |
School of Mathematics |
2 |
13 |
Linear Algebra A |
3 |
48 |
School of Mathematics |
2 |
14 |
Probability and Mathematics Statistic: A |
3 |
48 |
School of Mathematics |
3 |
15 |
University Physics: A (Ⅰ) |
3 |
64 |
School of Physics & Electronics |
2 |
16 |
University Physics: A (Ⅱ) |
3 |
64 |
School of Physics & Electronics |
3 |
17 |
University Physics Experiment: A |
2 |
64 |
School of Physics & Electronics |
2-3 |
18 |
Engineering Chemistry |
2 |
36 |
College of Chemical Engineerng |
1 |
19 |
Mechanical Engineering Graphics |
5 |
84 |
Yang Qinwen |
1-2 |
20 |
Engineering Materials: A |
2 |
36 |
Chen Ding |
2 |
21 |
Engineering Mechanics |
4 |
68 |
Dai Hongliang |
3 |
22 |
Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering |
2 |
34 |
Ren Chengqin |
5 |
23 |
Mechanical Principles: A |
4 |
68 |
Zhou Changjiang |
4 |
24 |
Mathematical Foundation of Intelligent technology |
2 |
32 |
Wei Kai |
3 |
25 |
Artificial Intelligence Technology and Application |
2 |
36 |
Chen Ning |
5 |
26 |
Electrotechnics and Electronics |
3 |
54 |
College of Electrical and Information Engineering |
3 |
27 |
Principle and Application of Microcontroller |
2 |
36 |
Peng Xiaoyan |
6 |
28 |
Fundamentals of Control Engineering |
2 |
34 |
Zhong Xiang |
5 |
29 |
Numerical Method in Engineering |
2 |
34 |
Chen Jiujiu |
5 |
30 |
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering |
1 |
16 |
Yang Xujing |
1 |
31 |
Fundamental of Mechanical Manufacturing |
3 |
52 |
Jin Xiangzhong |
5 |
32 |
Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Equipment |
2 |
34 |
Han Xiaoxiao |
6 |
33 |
System Design for Mechanical and Electric Product |
2 |
34 |
Shao Haidong |
6 |
34 |
Elementary Technology of Exchangeability Measurement |
2 |
36 |
Gong Zhihui |
5 |
35 |
Hydromechanics |
2 |
34 |
Zou Weisheng |
4 |
36 |
Intelligent Micro Sensor |
2 |
34 |
Zhou Jian |
4 |
37 |
Industrial Network Technology and Application |
2 |
36 |
Zhong Xiang |
5 |
38 |
Intelligent Manufacturing Information System |
2 |
34 |
Li Wei |
6 |
39 |
Production Management |
2 |
34 |
Fan Ye |
6 |
40 |
Principle and Technology of Intelligent Design |
3 |
52 |
Liu Jie |
6 |
41 |
Digital Design |
2 |
36 |
Chen Linlin |
6 |
42 |
Introduction to Robots |
2 |
34 |
Chen Fengjun |
4 |
43 |
Engineering Optimization Design |
2 |
36 |
Hu Dean |
7 |
44 |
Mechanical Kinetics |
2 |
36 |
Zhou Jiaxi |
7 |
45 |
Modeling and Simulation of Electromechanical System |
2 |
36 |
Liu Kan |
7 |
46 |
Digital Manufacturing |
3 |
52 |
Li Maojun |
6 |
47 |
Image Recognition and Processing |
2 |
36 |
Wang Gang |
4 |
48 |
Intelligent Measurement Technology |
2 |
36 |
Cheng Junsheng |
4 |
49 |
Machine Learning |
2 |
36 |
Shao Haidong |
7 |
50 |
Intelligent Manufacturing System |
2 |
36 |
Liu Jian |
7 |
51 |
Modern Signal Processing |
2 |
36 |
Chen Minjun |
5 |
52 |
Big Data Analysis Techniques |
2 |
36 |
Song Lijun |
6 |
53 |
Precision and Ultra Precision Machining |
2 |
34 |
Huang Shuai |
6 |
54 |
Intelligent Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance |
2 |
36 |
Shao Haidong |
7 |
55 |
Intelligent Operation and Maintenance and Health Management |
2 |
32 |
Cheng Junsheng |
6 |
56 |
System Engineering |
2 |
34 |
Deng Qianwang |
5 |
57 |
Intelligent Factory Management |
2 |
36 |
Ren Yinghui |
7 |
58 |
Cognitive Practice |
1 |
32 |
Yang Jun |
2 |
59 |
Intelligent Production Comprehensive Experiment |
2 |
64 |
Yan Yunchang |
7 |
60 |
Curriculum Design for Fundamentals of Mechanical Design |
3 |
96 |
Liu Jiangnan |
Summer Semester 2 |
61 |
Curriculum Design for Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing |
2 |
64 |
Jin Xiangzhong |
Summer Semester 3 |
62 |
Practice of Mechatronics Control Engineering |
2 |
64 |
Zhong Xiang |
5 |
63 |
Curriculum Intelligent Sensing and Testing Technology |
2 |
64 |
Cheng Junsheng |
Summer Semester 3 |
64 |
Curriculum Design of Comprehensive Course in Major (Intelligent Manufacturing) |
2 |
64 |
Xie Guizhi |
7 |
65 |
Major internship (Intelligent Manufacturing) |
2 |
64 |
Yang Jun |
6 |
66 |
Graduation Design (Thesis) |
10 |
320 |
Cheng Junsheng |
8 |
VIII. Chief Program Professor
No. |
Name |
Title |
Education |
Research Areas |
Course |
1 |
Zhou Changjiang |
Professor |
Ph.D. |
Mechanical design and theory;Transmission Tribology |
Fundamentals of Mechanical Design |